The most important asset of any organization is human resources. The individuals who work in an entity play an essential role in ensuring that the business grows, succeeds, sustains, and accomplishes the targets predetermined by the association. Human resource management is the term used for planning, organizing, evaluating, controlling, and monitoring the people of an entity in a manner such that their behavioral pattern is aligned towards the realization of goals. In the fast-changing and evolving world, businesses must focus on the “people” aspect of operations. Maintaining the quality of employees in the workforce is a key element for the success of any organization. HRM is a branch of management that deals with the recruitment, selection, training, and development of personnel for an entity. This phenomenon ensures that any employee who is part of the organization works effectively and efficiently directed towards the organizational goal and makes sure that the task assigned is completed promptly. General Motors is an automotive company that is involved in manufacturing, designing, and distributing cars and trucks all across the globe. Employees play a major role in this company, as this organization highly employs automation, technology, and innovation to meet the latest needs and requirements of people in the present world. The HR department of the company is responsible for effectively handling the employees of the organization.
The HR department of General Motors manages several tasks ranging from employee training and development to rewards and recognition. A human resource manager needs to possess a variety of skills to effectively and efficiently run an organization. It is required by the HR department to possess knowledge about various aspects of employee handling like employment laws, retention, employee development, performance reviews, and succession planning. Considering the first component, employment laws reflect the practices of workplace conduct as well as reward systems. It lays down the rules and regulations about issues faced in employment like discrimination, stereotyping, unfair rewards or behavior, etc. Retention is concerned with holding onto the skilled, knowledgeable, and competent employees in an organization by providing them with monetary or non-monetary benefits and recognition. Employee development is equipping personnel with the required education and training so that they can effectively carry out the tasks. It can also be referred to as the induction provided to new employees. Performance review is concerned with a written evaluation of the performance of employees regularly to gain information about the extent to which the employee has succeeded in accomplishing the task. Lastly, succession planning is another means adopted by HR managers to ascertain the strengths and weaknesses of employees. The HR department is responsible for taking care of all these aspects to ensure that the performance of employees is closely linked to the long-term goal of the company.
General Motors, being an automotive company, is highly dependable upon the employees to carry out the tasks related to manufacturing and designing of vehicles and its parts. The HR department of the organization realizes that it is essential to invest a huge amount in conducting training and development of employees so that engineers and developers are equipped with the required skills. Also, training and development programs are carried out so that employees learn the manner to behave in an organizational context. This is done to communicate to personnel the way of performing effectively and efficiently to ensure that goals are achieved in due course of time. But it can also be said that investing a huge amount in the induction and development of personnel can, at times, not yield the desired results. This happens in case the employee is not satisfied with the working conditions, co-workers, rewards, and recognition offered by management. Also, this can take place if the employee does not have a cordial relationship with the manager. The most important asset of the company to run a business is cash. If funds of an entity are invested in something that does not yield the desired and timely result, it can hamper the financial planning of the entity.
Any entity that wishes to attain a strategic edge in the market needs to carry out in-depth research on the behavioral patterns of employees. This is done by gaining insight into the behavioral characteristics, skills, competence, and knowledge of personnel. Also, the HR manager of General Motors is required to ascertain their personal and organizational needs as well as the ways to fulfill tthem By determining the individual needs and requirements of the workforce, HR managers can develop ways of influencing employees with the help of monetary and non-monetary rewards. In General Motors, the HR department uses the Total Reward Model as a strategy to direct the behavior of employees towards long-term business goals. This model consists of six elements to attract, engage, motivate, and retain the talented and competent workforce of General Motors. These six components are, namely, compensation, benefit, work-life effectiveness, recognition, performance management, and talent development. About compensation, the HR manager ensures that employees get fair pay for the services rendered to an entity in terms of time, skills, competence, and efforts. This includes both variable and fixed pay, which is closely linked with the performance level of employees. Benefits are concerned with the programs arranged by the employer in addition to the salary received by employees. These include savings and retirement programs, health insurance, and income protection, which renders safety and security to employees and their families.
Work-life effectiveness is concerned with the set of policies and practices adopted by the HR manager of General Motors that emphasize providing support to employees so that they can achieve the targets timely. Recognition can be the formal or informal arrangements made by a company to give special rewards or acclaim the outstanding performers of the entity in front of the whole organization, which acts as a motivation tool for them to continue the same performance in the future. Directing the individual, team, or organizational behavior and efforts towards the realization of the long-term goal of the company by setting performance standards, taking regular feedback, demonstrating skills, and assessing the performance of the workforce is termed as performance management. Often, HR managers also engage in talent development by providing opportunities for employees to enhance their skills as well as knowledge for their short-term growth and long-term career enhancement.
As General Motors selects and hires only skilled and competent candidates to be a part of the engineering and development team of the entity, it is required that the HR manager develop strategies to handle, train, and develop these employees. This is done in such a manner that they possess knowledge about their job role along with the skills and competence required for the same.
Human resource management refers to a process that involves recruitment, hiring, and selection management of employees of a business concern. Every organization uses a varied or different process to employ and manage human resources. Flexibility, work-life balance maintenance, and creation and diversity in working culture are important factors that affect the working practices of HRM in General Motors. Flexibility refers to the practice of making new changes in the working conditions of an employee as well as an employee so that they can achieve better results, whether it is in an individual context or a firm's context. It helps both employee and employer to benefit from changes or variations in time, working location, and type of conditions in which an employee works. This can be brought into practice only when it is mutually accepted and beneficial to both employee and employer. There are two types of flexibility policies: formal and informal. Formal flexibility refers to policies that are “officially approved human resources policies as well as any official practices that provide discretion and regulations to supervisors for effective functioning. Managers of General Motors provide freedom of choosing working hours to its employees as per their convenience; the only limitation set is that they have to complete a total of at least 8 hours on weekdays, while for weekends they have a choice to choose between work from home or office premises. It reduces absenteeism and also promotes work culture and timely completion of work. Employees receive enough time to complete their tasks, due to which while working their focus does not get diverted and they can concentrate on given tasks.
Another important aspect of HRM is work-life balance, which is difficult to maintain in today's fast-growing environment where, due to technology, everybody is easily accessible 24*7. It refers to an idea or concept where a person can devise time and effort in both personal life as well as professional life. There is a very common saying that goes well in this context: '' All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy''. Work-life can be balanced by assessing the nature and scale of any task so that a proper evaluation is done on how much time to invest in a given task, and after this, the employee also finds time for his own life. For maintaining healthy relationships, the balance between personal life and professional life must be maintained. It helps to reduce stress and other health issues, increases productivity, and gives people more chances to engage in work life and personal life. Diversity refers to a mix of gender, race, age, culture, lifestyle, etc. These are the basic building blocks of an organization. It helps in promoting acceptance, respect, and team participation. It helps in increasing creativity and innovation by appointing new staff members who are more aware of recent trends and technology. It also helps in increasing productivity, growth rate, and performance of any business concern as it has a varied amount of skills and new ideas and enough experienced staff who can work on implementing new techniques and strategies for development. It helps to build a better brand image and helps in the growth of a company's reputation in the competitive market. It also reduces language barriers and cultural differences prevailing in an organization that wishes to expand its work on a multi-national level as it has people who are ready to adapt to new environments and new technology. Employees are more motivated and comfortable working in an environment where every employee is treated on an equal basis.
Importance of HR department in the corporation Sample
There are various advantages of developing diversity in the workplace, such as the increased amount of skills and talents available to General Motors as people from different backgrounds join an organization and they have varied amounts of skills and talent from which others can learn. It also helps in bringing new ideas and innovation to a business concern. Fresh talent employees may be good at providing ideas and experienced people have the skills to put them into action. Language barriers and cultural differences are eliminated by bringing about diversity in the workforce by employing employees who can communicate in different languages so that business can be expanded globally. It helps in increasing the growth of an organization because, due to the inclusiveness of diversity, candidates get attracted to the working culture of an organization. It helps employees to be retained for a longer period in an organization and helps in further promoting equality. It aids GM in promoting employees' performance and improves their quality of work as they are happy and content working in an organization that promotes the idea of equality in working conditions and employee status. Get dissertation writing services By experts at affordable prices.
By making this essay on the contribution of HRM practices and challenges faced by human resource managers in getting retention of employees and managing workplaces. It explores various aspects of business, such as the importance of diversity and its impact on policies and decision-making processes. Furthermore, here factors like the role of flexibility and work-life balance in increasing efficiencies of business are also elaborated deeply. Before developing this essay, I made a proper plan to discover key concepts and terminology in human resource management. Furthermore, I also want to identify the role of HR managers in managing the workplace and dealing with the changing nature of the workplace. Another purpose of making this report is to analyze the cause of discrimination in employment as well as the nature of developing policies and practices related to equal opportunities. The development of this essay has given me a chance to understand the process of the organization behind managing the workforce. I have evaluated various concepts about the recruitment process. This would help me to become an effective HR manager in an organization by using effective recruiting methods to recruit employees and retain them.
In my limited experience, I have elaborated a range of HRM professionals in organizations where they play an important role in managing and developing a workforce. Through this essay, it has been discovered that human resource management includes a function of four variables: ability, role perceptions, motivation, and situational contingencies. In this regard, strategic management of the workplace refers to a primary goal of any HRM practice. It helps in increasing efficiencies of various HRM practices of the organization to provide a proper output. EU Law is considered to be an integral part of any organization, and I have understood the importance of it in the organization. EU laws provide security and safety to the employees and employers of every organization. It helps in maintaining a proper environment in the organization by abiding by the laws and legislation. HR practices are essential for any organization, as they help the organization develop an employee base of good potential and skilled labor. This helps the organization in developing a productive base that improves the performance of the company. Human resource practices are important for the development of organizations in every aspect. Diversity Management is another area that requires immense focus and a strategic approach towards the expansion of business in different departments. However, I have realized that initiating a diversity approach to management is not possible for small or medium-sized organizations since it requires a stronger base of employees and a good performance level. Talent Management reviews the performance of every employee monthly to ensure that they are maintaining the criteria of their goal. It helps the organization maintain its standards and quality. In addition to this, if an employee's performance is below the average criteria, the employee gets training to improve the performance. A recruitment strategy is essential for the organization to develop a proper employee base. I have identified that through discussion, recruitment follows internal and external processes of recruiting candidates based on their educational qualifications, skills, and experience. It provides ample opportunity for the organization to identify appropriate candidates for the post that they are hiring based on their profile.
Based on the discussion, I believe that implementing certain strategies can help human resource management to ease business operations. Integrating appropriate European Union law has already helped the organization develop a niche working environment for the employees by providing them with proper benefits and remuneration. However, there are employees in the organization who are not able to meet the deadline, and hence it affects the overall performance of the organization. Under such circumstances, the organization has to bear the cost of providing training to the employee, which is a performance improvement plan. Thoroughly, this organization can enhance the credentials of the employees and provide them with proper objectives and agendas. On the other hand, talent management is there to review the performance of the employees and report them by discussing their flaws. This concept sometimes demotivates the employees and slowly affects the performance level of the respective organization as well. Based on the conditions, I believe bringing certain changes to the organization's human resource management can help the organization to maintain a smooth process to review their candidates and improve their efficiency to enter a diversity management approach to improve the functions in the organization. I believe in implementing a performance improvement plan for a set of employees who have performed below average. This can help the organization to reduce the cost of initiating the training for a single candidate, focus on a group of candidates, and improve their efficiency in the organization. In addition to this, I believe that external sources of recruitment are considered to be the best because even if it costs too much for the organization, they can recruit many employees at a minimal cost.