
Need For Constant Learning And Professional Development


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Development of teams and individuals is one of the major responsibility of human resource department. Different roles and functions are performed by HR manager to determine skill needs of their manpower and provide them appropriate training session that assists in fulfilling those needs (Brett and et. al., 2014). In the present assignment, given organisation is Whirlpool which is an American multinational firm that offers home and kitchen appliances to customers. This assignment covers different skills, knowledge and behaviour needed by HR professional and components to be considered when evaluating and implementing inclusive learning. Apart from this, contribution of high performance working to employee engagement and ways in which performance management, effective communication and collaborative working supports HPW commitment and culture within organisation is discussed in this project.


P1 Determination of professional knowledge, skills and behaviours required by HR professionals

Professional Skills refers to those which are required by the individuals to perform their duties well at workplace and achieve career objectives. Knowledge is considered as the information or facts that a person acquire through education and experience. Behaviour refers to the way in which an individual behaves with others or in a specific situation. Professional skills, knowledge and behaviour, all are very essential for a human resource managers in performing their duties.  They have the responsibility to perform several functions in order to effectively deal with various situations and controlling operations efficiently. In  Whirlpool, for managing and running functions smoothly, manager requires combination of skills and knowledge. This assists in resolving issues that are faced by manpower at the time of production process (Darcy and et. al., 2014). Some skills, knowledge and behaviour required by human resource professional of Whirlpool are defined below:

Professional skills:

Employee relation: Successful business organisations thrive on secure relationship between employer and employee as well as the professionals or managers who support those relations. So, it is very essential for human resource administrator of Whirlpool to be able to determine and resolve concerns of manpower as it helps them in developing satisfying work environment. This skill helps manager in maintaining good employer employee relation which in turn results in higher productivity of company.

Organising people: It refers to the skill that assists human resource professional in managing employees within organisation. Contribution of manpower is very high in growth and success of every business enterprise. So, HR professional of Whirlpool requires to have good organising skills as it helps them in managing skilled and knowledgable manpower within firm. It helps them in assessing capabilities of workforce and improving their performance by administering them proper training programme (Thorpe, 2016).


Government laws and regulations: As a human resource professional, it is very essential to have proper knowledge regarding legislations and regulations made by government. It helps them in framing appropriate human resource policies for firm that assists in motivating and satisfying employees. Sound knowledge of different legislations helps manager of Whirlpool in eliminating legal issues and maintaining strong image of firm in market.

Communication and media: Knowledge regarding communication and media helps human resource manager in providing appropriate information to prospective candidates regarding vacant job positions within firm. So, Whirlpool's HR professional requires to have proper knowledge related to media and communication as it helps them in conveying information regarding job vacancy to interested people in an effective way.


Decisive thinker: It shows the ability to examine and understand data or information quickly. Being decisive in process of thinking is the key to be a good business partner. In Whirlpool, this behaviour of human resource professional assists them in using knowledge, insights and information in structured way to determine options and make defendable decisions (Robbins and O'Gorman, 2015).

Collaborative: It means work inclusively and effectively with people inside and outside the firm. Development, change, learning and diversity are all important drivers in human resource. These are best achieve by collaborative behaviour of human resource professional of Whirlpool. This can only be attain when collaboration is at base of policy making and practice.

Above discussed are the knowledge, skills and behaviour that HR professional of Whirlpool should possess to attain better results and excellent performance.

P2 Analysis of completed personal skills audit and professional development plan

Personal skill audit is the best way for a person to determine his/ her strengths. It is very useful for individuals to keep themselves on career track primarily entrepreneurs and ambitious managers. The process of skill audit assists in measuring and recording individual's or team abilities. It includes complete assessment of strong and weak points of a person that further assists in improving his/ her performance (Rienties and Kinchin,   2014). Some capabilities that must be require in human resource professional of Whirlpool includes decision making, time management ability, communication and conflict resolving skills etc. According to the needed skills in performing job responsibility, a personal audit plan is developed that assists in identifying strengths and weaknesses. My personal skill audit plan is defined below:

Personal Skill Audit Plan

Sr. No.

Skills and Competencies

Self-assessed Score

Score from others



Team Building Ability





Conflict Solving





Coordinating skill





Decision making Power





Communication skills





Information Technology Skills





Time Management Ability





(Negative variance in above mentioned table depicts my strengths and positive one shows weaknesses)

As per the personal skills audit plan, the identified strengths and weaknesses are defined below:



· I have good skills of forming team which assists me in developing effective teams.

· My conflict resolving skills are very good that allows me in providing effective solutions to resolving conflicts.

· I have strong and effective communication skills which enables me in interacting with others and communicating informations effectively.

· My time management ability is quite good that helps me in managing work on time.

· My coordinating skills are not good due to which sometimes, I am not able to coordinate team properly.

· My Decision making skills are not so good which restricts me in taking effective decisions regarding particular activity or issue.

· I have poor Information Technology skills due to which I am unable to handle system and work with technologies effectively.


Professional development plan:

It is a plan that documents the goals, needed competencies and skill development and objectives that an employee needs to achieve to support career development and continuous improvement (Oliver, Foot and Humphries, 2014). My professional development plan as a human resource professional is defined below:

Professional Development Plan

Sr. No

Learning Objective

Current Proficiency

Target Proficiency

Development Opportunities

Criteria for judging success

Time Scale



Coordinating skills

Ineffective coordination skills which creates difficulty for me in coordinating work and teams.

To improve my coordination skills by staying conscious  at the time of working and by participating in coordinating activities.

Enhancement in coordination skills helps in making coordination with work and team members. It also helps in timely completion of work.  

Management and team members.

3 months.

Feedbacks of management and co-workers.


Decision making skills

Average decision making skills that restricts in taking effective decisions regarding any issue or situation.

To improve my decision making ability so that effective decisions can be taken in difficult or challenging situations.  

From the proper guidance of professionals and superiors, it becomes easy to get knowledge of different areas that assists in taking effective decisions.   

Performance assessment by top level management.

4-6 months

Upper level management.


Information technology skills

Poor information technology skills due to which difficulties arise in handling systems and using technology in effective way.

To enhance my IT skills by getting proper understanding about various tools and technologies and attending trainings related to information technology.

Enhancement in knowledge regarding information technology tools and get proper understanding about use of technology. It enables in communicating information effectively.

Team members

4 months

Judgement from information technology managers.


P3 Difference between organisational and individual learning, training and development

Learning is a continuous process of getting new knowledge regarding different areas. It is an activity of acquiring knowledge or skill by practising, studying or experiencing something (North and Kumta, 2018). This is a long term process which is very essential for every individual to acquire as it assists in improving their understanding or knowledge related to distinct areas and also helps in their performance. Learning is categorised into 2 parts: Individual or Organisational learning.

Individual learning: It refers to the capability to develop knowledge by individual reflection regarding external sources and stimuli, and by personal re-elaboration of person's experience and knowledge in light of synergy with others and environment. In this learning, human resource manager of Whirlpool requires to identify weaknesses and strengths of their manpower in order to organise learning events accordingly.

Organisational learning: It is the process of developing, retaining and passing knowledge to other individuals or within an organisation. As the firm gains experience, it improves over time. This is the most effective way that can be utilized by Whirlpool in effectively communicating its policies and procedures and attain desired results. This process is used by manager to execute innovative and unique way of learning that contributes towards success of firm (Moxen and Strachan,   2017).

Differences between individual and organisational learning:

Individual learning

Organisational learning

· It is an individual oriented learning that mainly emphasize on improving performance  and productivity of single individual only.

· It is a career oriented process that focuses on development of interpersonal skills within employees of Whirlpool. This a learning is provided by assigning tasks  to individuals or providing them a particular job role.

· Organisational learning emphasize on development of groups by improving their skills and competencies that assists in enhancing performance of Whirlpool.

· It emphasize on developing capabilities and competencies of manpower  (Manuti, and et. al., 2015). In  whirlpool, organisational learning is provided to employees through training and development.


Training and development:

It is one of the crucial function of human resource management that assists in improving performance of manpower as well as firm. Training and development programmes provides an opportunity to manpower of Whirlpool in terms of improving their knowledge and  developing skills that assists in their personal and professional career growth. It plays vital role in improving performance and productivity of individual and organisation as well (Macdonald, Burke and Stewart, 2017).

Difference between training and development:



· It refers to the learning process where workforce of Whirlpool gets an opportunity of developing their competencies, knowledge and skills as per the requirements of job.

· Training is a job oriented process that focuses on present.

· It refers to the educational process that is concerned with employee's overall growth.

· Development is a career oriented process that emphasize on future.



P4 Need for constant learning and professional development to drive sustainable business performance

Continuous learning:

It is an ability of constantly enhancing knowledge, skills and competencies so that work can be performed in more effective manner. It enables an individual to adapt with changing environment. Continuous learning ability assists Whirlpool's manpower in updating about technologies that may use in operations of firm  (Hawkins,  2017).

Professional development:

This process helps in increasing abilities of manpower by proving them training and learning programme. It assists in improving morale of employees by giving them opportunity to develop their skills related to job.

Continuous learning and professional development, both are essential for workforce of Whirlpool in order to attain business objectives. Its significance in driving sustainable business performance is defined below:

Enhance performance: The concept of professional development and continuous learning is essential in improving performance of organisation as well as its employees. It helps manager of Whirlpool in developing skills and knowledge of manpower which in turn results in improving productivity of company. By conducting appropriate learning programme, additional skills can  be provided to  employees so that they enables to attain goals of company in more effective manner.

Encourage problem solving: By providing opportunity to employees of enhancing their  skills and knowledge, manager can enables their manpower to effectively deal with challenging situations. Continuous learning allows individuals to improve their skills  and increase abilities so that any issues that may arise in business operations can be resolved effectively and drives sustainable performance of company (Flin and O'Connor, 2017).

Higher employee retention: Professional development and continuous learning sessions helps individuals in improving their skills and abilities. This will helps in improving motivation of manpower and increase their satisfaction level as it provides them an opportunity of their career growth. It assists manager of Whirlpool in retaining their employees within organisation for long term that drives sustainable business performance.


P5 Contribution of HPW to employee engagement and gaining competitive advantage within a particular organisational situation

High Performance Working refers to an approach of managing enterprises that intent to encourage effective commitment and engagement of manpower towards accomplishing high performance level. This is defined as the practice that have been delineated to enhance organisational capacity to attract, select, develop and retain the workers with high performance. In competitive business surrounding, high performance working have become extremely essential as a main source of gaining market advantage. Abilities of human resource management are significant for attracting, selecting, retaining, developing, coordinating and motivating work force within organisation (Ellinger and Ellinger, 2014).

 High Performance Work Systems

(Source: High Performance Work System, 2018)

 HPW is defined as an organisation's culture where free flow of communication exist  and there is transparency and trust for all. It primarily focuses on alteration of traditional hierarchical structure of business concern to flatter structure that enables staff members to share thoughts, opinions, ideas and issues or problem, as they are treated as valuable asset of company. The factors like innovation and productivity are used by Whirlpool in its business practices and operations so that high competitive advantage can be gain in market. The team of Whirlpool is measured on five core dimensions which are critical for exceeding team performance. These includes transparent communication, mutual respect and solidarity, shared accountability for results, constructive conflict and commitment to firm's extraordinary goals and vision. Along with this, some HPW practices are there which needs to be follow by Whirlpool's manager. These practices are defined below:

Selective hiring of staff:  A prolonged procedure of hiring is followed by manager of  Whirlpool. For selecting and hiring skilled candidate among large talent pool, various efforts are  are made by managers (Eaton, Roberts  and Turner, 2015). Their recruitment is done on the basis of knowledge, academic qualifications, competencies and their interpersonal skills. It is crucial for human resource professional of Whirlpool to select those prospective candidate who are adequately skilled to perform his/ her duties effectively as well  as contribute in sustainability and  growth of company.

Conflict resolution team: For managing issues effectively which may arise at workplace, a conflict resolution team is formed  by human resource professional of Whirlpool. This team is responsible for listening issues that are confronted by staff members at the time of performing their duties. They also gives suitable solutions to problems in order to resolve it effectively. This will help manager declining possibilities of conflict between team members.

Shared commitment of employees in firm's vision: Employee's involvement in process of decision making assists the company in intensifying its productivity and ensuring accomplishment of goals and objectives on specified time frame. By considering this reality, administrator of Whirlpool engage its employees in process of taking decision and in deciding its vision, mission as well. This assist enterprise in determining every single aspect that contributes in its betterment. It helps manager in creating an environment of team working and developing trust between staff members  (Darcy and et. al., 2014). Employee engagement is necessary as it assists in motivating employees and encourage them to work towards accomplishment of set vision and objective of Whirlpool.

Flexible job statements: Whirlpool's manager needs to emphasize on developing such a  culture that promotes transparency within firm so that effective communication can takes place in organisation. This facilitates them in getting a clear idea regarding what they require to done for attaining desired outcomes. If duties are assigned according to the employee's capabilities, then it becomes easy for manager to accomplish needed results effectively and efficiently. Hence, company requires to maintain flexible work surroundings so that it allows manpower to work effectively and  accomplish set objectives within specified time.


P6 Evaluation of different approaches to performance management

Performance Management is defined as the activity by which administrators and manpower works collectively to plan, oversee and review manpower's work objectives and  their total contribution to firm (Performance Management, 2018). It helps administrators of Whirlpool in setting aims and objectives, evaluating progress and gives continuous feedback to staff members to ensure their career goals mitigation. For measuring manpower's performance, different approaches are there that can be apply by manager of Whirlpool for measuring employee performance. These approaches are defined below:

Result Approach: Outcomes are considered as the principal basis on which Whirlpool measures performance of its employees. Their results are fall in 2 categories, one is Balanced Scorecard and other is Productivity measures. Outcomes of performance can be treated by enterprise either based on performance quality or quantity of production.

Attribute Approach: Performance of manpower is measured by Whirlpool on the basis of a definite criteria in this approach. It includes team work, innovative and decisive thinking,  communication and critical thinking. Graphic Rating Scale is utilized to measure employee's performance against set criteria. Each individual is given with the rating of 1 to 5 on scale (Baxter  and et. al., 2016).

Quality approach: This approach mainly focuses on increasing satisfaction level of clients by enhancing services and destructing errors on constant basis. In this, Whirlpool can take feedbacks on regular basis regarding personal as well as professional trait of manpower from customers, administrators and peers to resolve performance errors.


As per the above mentioned report, it has been concluded that individual and team development is essential aspect that contributes in growth and sustainability of company. So, human resource manager requires to focus on employee's development. Professional skills and knowledge is highly required in performing operations effectively. Training and development plays vital part in enhancing performance of manpower as well as organisation. 

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Baxter, R., and et. al., 2016. What methods are used to apply positive deviance within healthcare organisations? A systematic review. BMJ Qual Saf. 25(3). pp.190-201.

Brett, J., and et. al., 2014. A systematic review of the impact of patient and public involvement on service users, researchers and communities. The Patient-Patient-Centered Outcomes Research. 7(4). pp.387-395.

Darcy, S., and et. al., 2014. More than a sport and volunteer organisation: Investigating social capital development in a sporting organisation. Sport Management Review. 17(4). pp.395-406.

Eaton, S., Roberts, S. and Turner, B., 2015. Delivering person centred care in long term conditions. Bmj. 350. p.h381.

Ellinger, A. E. and Ellinger, A. D., 2014. Leveraging human resource development expertise to improve supply chain managers' skills and competencies. European Journal of Training and Development. 38(1/2). pp.118-135.

Flin, R. and O'Connor, P., 2017. Safety at the sharp end: a guide to non-technical skills. CRC Press.

Hawkins, P., 2017. Leadership team coaching: Developing collective transformational leadership. Kogan Page Publishers.

Macdonald, I., Burke, C. and Stewart, K., 2017. Systems leadership: Creating positive organisations. Routledge.

Manuti, A., and et. al., 2015. Formal and informal learning in the workplace: a research review. International journal of training and development. 19(1). pp.1-17.

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