
MG 614 : Airline Management Level 4 Bucks New University


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  • Pages: 13 / Words 3229
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In the present scenario, when people are not having much time to travel through train and buses, they prefer to travel from flights. Thus, it is necessary that airline companies will understand the airline management which is a branch of study that tells about the systematic management of airport and airlines. Through this, a broad overview of the airline industry will be gained that would increase the awareness of operational, marketing, financial and other factors that highly impacts the airline management of firms. In the present report, there will be a business model of a brand new airline along with the main base of airline. Also, the route network and destinations as well as the airline's feet and use of ancillary revenues will be highlighted. Apart from that, a realistic schedule for the fleet will be included in the report.

Business Model

Flamingo as the new domestic flight has been introduced in London. The business model which has been adopted by this flight is the low cost model. The fair of the airline is less and the comfort which it is providing to its customer is also less.The main aim of this airline is to earn profit but in the slower time as the major strategy of the flamingo airline is to increase its air traffic and establish its name in the competitive market. There are no differentiated seats provided to the passengers. In this type of airlines only the normal seats are provided. To increase the air traffic the flamingo airline has been focusing on increasing the destinations. It is the low cost airlines it flies to many destinations and it has more than one base. According to the business model which is low cost model it does not provide many types of facility to its customer. The flamingo flight is the direct flight as it does not hope from one destination to another. No two way ticket is provided to the passengers and even the tickets are not booked before 3 months. If one passenger has the connecting flight it even does not transfer its luggage to other flights. So in most of the cases the direct flight is used by the passengers. Besides this, to earn profit flamingo is also adopting different practices like they are developing the cost terminals which will provide convenience to the airlines which are low cost and do not have finance to pay to the airport. Further, the overhead cost which is incurred is passed on to the customer and it is added in the ticket this becomes suitable for the flamingo. Further, in the business model plan the expected human resource to be recruited in less as they are not providing any facility so there is no need for additional workforce. If any of the passengers needs additional services like food, or other services it will be chargeable.

The operations which are carried by this flight is one to one as they only provide the benefit for travelling in air but regarding the airline no other facility is given. Further, this model majorly focuses on the price of the competitors. The flamingo airline can change its price according to the change in competitor's price. The main focus is on the customer traffic so it will not allow their passengers to switch to other flights. Besides this, in the low cost airline the flamingo will prefer to use those airports that have become abandon and they do not charge high price for the landing. Further the pricing policy of the flamingo is also different as it is the lion cost flight it mainly emphasizes on the promotion and schemes. It will provide different schemes at time of festival or when there is low season as it will attract the passengers. At that time also it will gain benefit from the passengers.This model is appropriate because in the recent time all the flights has become expensive and they are more focusing on the extra services which is provided to them. So the new plane flamingo will only focus on those individual who frequently travel and they do not need any type of extra services.

Airlines Main Base

The flamingo is the domestic flight so their bases are many. In the initial stage the base of this airline is Heathrow but it is planning to change its base. There are many airlines which are flying from this destination so it takes time for the flamingo to make place for this flight. Now it is planning to take another base which is Manchester as it is considered the main junction and it is convenient for the flamingo to fly from this base. This base has been chosen because it provides appropriate parking facility as well as gate facility. This is helpful as it assist in reducing the time because of this flights are reaching the destinations at appropriate time. Flaming is a kind of airbus which takes the passengers and drop to different destination. It flies regularly in London. Further, to visit the farthest destination it takes maximum 2 hours. So this is the non- stop flight which and it is very helpful for the passengers. Even the crew members who are working in the airlines are also less so they require other human resource to help them to provide basic facility to their passengers.According to this scenario, Heathrow is selected as there are many flights which land so they can take help from the other flights crew members. The flamingo flight is getting the support from the airport authority on the operations which are doing. This is supporting the airlines as well as the passengers. Even the weather conditions is also the main reason for keeping the base as Heathrow because the flights are generally cancelled because of the weather as it is even considered that in London there is cloudy weather. This area is safe and the weather effect is also less. Even this flamingo airline has also other different airlines which are used for carrying cargo as for this also this airport is best. Further all the taxation and different regulations have supported the operations of flamingo airline. Even the interline transshipment can also be done easily so for the new airlines these all facilities are very useful and help in smooth functioning. As it is the low cost airline so it is essential to have link with the passenger travel and the cargo as it will help in saving the money.Besides this, flamingo is planning to change its base destination. For all the flights they are planning to have different destinations. This will help in reducing the problem in delay of the flight. If it changes the destinations then flamingo can easily manage their schedules which will bring convenience to the customers.

Route Network and Destination

As the flamingo is the domestic flight so the route network of the flight is expanding in whole UK. There many destinations which are covered by flamingo but there are majorly 4 airports in the London. The route network is decided according the distance as the airport are in the mid of the city. Further, it is very helpful for the cargo as because of 4 airports it is help for the passengers. With the help of flamingo the passengers will feel comfortable as they will get cheap airline to fly within the city. Further the flamingo also has charter plane so they serve different destinations outside UK. But it is special plane so the ticket of this plane is expensive and it caters the passengers who have special purpose to visit the destination. There are several destinations which are covered by flamingo airlines. As the major the destinations are located in the mid of the London.So the main destinations which are scheduled are the popular cities of England. As there are many aircrafts but the destinations in which the airline travel are different. The main cities which are included are Peterbourgh, Southend, Marham, Honigton, etc. The route which has been planned for this charter is only the short routes as they visits only those cities which are nearby to UK or that country in which the flight can reach in maximum 3 hours. Other than this, after some years the flamingo airlines have planned to introduce its services outside the UK in which they will majorly focus on Europe. The flamingo airline can get maximum passengers from there. The routes which are planned by flamingo are appropriate and it is serving many of the passengers as well as visiting cities. It has been estimated that it will earn huge profit if it fly regularly 24 hours in the UK city.

The Airline's Fleet

There is the primary issue regarding sourcing that is the type and source of aircraft which is to be employed in the new airline's fleet. The total number of selected airline's fleet is 50. There are many types of aircrafts present that airlines are using, however, Flamingo Airline is using four kinds of aircrafts which are:

  • Airbus
  • Boeing
  • Charter
  • Premium

This airline has a number of key factors that have mitigated it towards the rising top list of airlines. This airline will become the first choices for customers as it is having number of reasons like it has relatively low per seat acquisition cost as well as low per passenger mile cost. It has also given their added capacity over smaller regional jets. Along with that, airline will be having high reliability factors in its newer versions. Flamingo Airline will have complete pilot and maintenance intercompatibility along with providing flexibility in flight. Apart from that, airline is having the advantage of reduced training and simulator costs. Also, this airline has four engine configurations which offer it an added safety factors that proves to be highly beneficial for the Flamingo Airline to become the most preferred airline of the nation.

The aircrafts of this airline are made available through both the sources that are from lease as well as on purchase basis. Some of the aircrafts have been purchased from EasyJet and rest is taken on lease for a specific duration. These aircrafts are providing spacious and comfortable cabin interiors that offer the only seat, aisle and overhead bin. Reason behind choosing these four types of aircrafts is that Flamingo Airline has chosen Airbus and Boeing because it is a domestic airline and providing maximum services to the middle class people of nation. These are the economical flights that offer its services as reasonable rates and earning maximum profits and revenues through this class. These aircrafts carry large number of passengers and does not offer any complementary service.

Apart from that, Charter aircraft is just for some special customers which is for a single person only and comes under the luxury class that is highly expensive. Along with that, lots of luxury services are provided in this aircraft. In addition to this, in the premium aircraft of Flamingo Airline, only a few numbers of people can travel as well as it provides extra services like food and beverages as well along with the entertainment services but at a high cost.

Use of Ancilliary Revenues

As Flamingo Airline is a low cost carrier that is operating in Europe, it is gaining revenue from the non ticket sources. A very high amount is earned by the firm through baggage fees and from on-board food and services. However, airline has to bear high cost as well because providing these facilities demands investment. Company earns this revenue from the sale of tickets as well that is generated by the direct sale to passengers and sometimes, from indirect part of the travel experience. This is revenue proves to be very helpful in making the airline a profitable one as this is necessary to run its operations in an effectual way. Apart from that, other locally established retail travel agencies also serve as a base for Flamingo Airline and offer it the growth potential. Apart from that, the major profit of the airline is gained through the services which are provided by to the customers. As almost all the important cities are covered in the schedule. Besides this, the services is rendered to so many cities so the ancillary cost is also high as there are many indirect ways through which Flamingo can get the income. 

Realistic schedule for the fleet with given considerations


Ascertained figures for Boeing

Ascertained figures for Charter

Ascertained figures for Airbus

Ascertained figures for Premium

The number of aircraft in the fleet





Number of crew members to operate each aircraft

Pilot: 3

Cabin crew: 20 

Pilot: 3

Cabin crew: 18

Pilot: 3

Cabin crew: 9

Pilot: 4

Cabin crew: 30

Destinations of the planes

It flies to Peterbourgh, Southend, Bromley, Liverpool, Denton, Dunsfold

It covers Bembridge, Crawley, Estone, Lacing, Woolsington,

It files to more than 20 places like Luton, Marham, Honigton, Cambridge etc.

This plane covers only 3-4 places Brackley,

Derby, Worksop. It covers the areas of east London.

Schedules of the plane

It flies from Peterbourgh to Bromley at 8.00 hrs.

Liverpool to Bromley at 12.35 hrs.

Southend to Peterbourgh at 14.35 hrs. 

Bembridge to Crawley at 9.45 hrs.

 Crawley to Woolsington at 17.25.

Lacing to Estone at 19.00 hrs.

Estone to Woolsington at 22.05 hrs. 

It is flying continuously to more than 20 destinations.

Luton to Cambridge at 7.00 hrs

Marham to Luton at 18.30 hrs

Brackley to Derby at 9.24 hrs.

Worksop to Brackley at 14.25 hrs

Derby to Worksop at 10.22 hrs.

Maintenance Schedules

Internal and external cleaning:

After every visit.

After every visit.

After every visit.

After every visit.

Oil changing:

Every day.

Every 5 days.

Once in 2 days

Every 10 days.

Checking of fleet parts:

After every 10 days. 

After every 5 days

Once in fortnight

After every 5 days

Safety monitoring:

Twice in one month

Once in one month

Twice in one month

Once in one month

Seasonal changes

During Summer

7 out of 12 will fly and will depend on number of passengers booking only.

Only 10 out of 20 will fly as because of its high fares, less possibility; especially business class passengers will be there.

5 out of 8 which may modify to full on full as well depending upon the number of passengers again.

5 out of 10 will fly only because of high class passengers and fare rates applicable for this category.

During Winters

8 out of 12 due to number of passengers' bookings. As this is same as mentioned above for summer.

This will be increase to 15 out of 20 as compared to summer as possibility of more number of booking has been determined.

5 out of 8 but may vary according to the number of passengers.

Same as above.

During Heavy rains

Due to unfavorable whether condition; bookings may vary and hence tends to fly only 5 out of 12.

Due to impact of rain, this may also need to fall to the number up to 8 out of 20.

Heavy rain may affect the fleets and hence need to balance. Only 5 out 8 will be flown.

This will be reduced to 3 out of 10 fleets by considering risk factor into consideration.

During holidays

Due to heavy passengers and discounts on holiday package, 12 on 12 will fly.

Due to heavy passengers and discounts on holiday package, 20 on 20 will fly.

Due to heavy passengers and discounts on holiday package, 8 on 8 will fly.

Due to heavy passengers and discounts on holiday package, 10 on 10 will fly.


From this business plan it can be concluded that flamingo airline will be very helpful for the passengers as it will majorly assist the passengers who are travelling regularly for the business meetings. Further, it has many plans to introduce new services and to cater destinations. Even it has adopted diverse practices which are fruitful in earning profit. This can also be inferred that many fleets have been purchased as well as there are many airbuses which have been leased by other airlines company. Lastly, it can also be concluded that in this competitive environment it is best decision to introduce low cost airways.

Few more sample on Airline Management-


  • Airline management. 2016. [Online]. Available through: [Accessed on 14th April 2016].
  • Ancillary revenue. 2016. [Online]. Available through: [Accessed on 14th April 2016].
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