
Employability and Professional Development


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  • Level: Diploma
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Introduction to Personal Development

Employability skills and personality development is a prerequisite in a current scenario for getting and performing the job. These non technical skills are highly required these days to perform the technical work in an effective manner. The reason for crucial requirement is that companies have become global and competitive and to survive in this competitive world, requirement of these skills are must. This report is focused on the employability and professional development of an IT manager at Golden Fleece Recruitment Company. This organization is a recruitment agency. This report has been generated with an aim of providing an opportunity to assess and develop the understanding of own responsibilities and performance at the workplace.

Further, it is also being discussed about the requirement of interpersonal and transferable skills and dynamics of working with others in a team which require leadership and communication skills. Furthermore, the discussion has been made on the ability of identifying and developing problem solving strategy.

Task 1

1.1 Own Current Skills and Competencies Against Organizational Objectives

Organizational objective of Golden Fleece Recruitment Company is to replace the Small Business Server 2003 with cutting-edge computer system so that it can fit well with their rapid expansion. For this purpose, company has recruited me as an IT manager to manage the changes which is to be made in the organization. This has to be done within a given time and budget. To manage such changes, I should firstly assess my own current skills and competencies in accordance with company's objectives. Some of the skills of mine being an IT manager are as follows...

Good Change Agent: Company is planning to bring new technology in organization. So, for this purpose, changes have to be made. I have a quality of a change agent so that I can easily provide counseling session to employees of a firm and would develop them to adopt the change. I am a qualified post graduate in IT management and thus, I possess the quality of change management because practical aspect had been taught during the lecture hours which developed this competencies in me.

Conflict Management: While implementing change in an organization, many conflicts may arise. For that purpose, effective management should be done in order to minimize the level of conflict. I have been qualified from a government institute and there many conflict used to get arise for the fulfillment of demand of student unions. Moreover, I was in a conflict management team of my college due to which this quality of conflict management got evolved in me. Therefore, this will aid in identifying and preventing the conflict.

Team Player: While implementing change in an organization, teams will be made and being a manager, I possess the quality of good team player. I can effectively work along with the others in a team. The quality have been developed in me because during an MBA course, I used to work in team for the completion of projects.

1.2 Evaluation of Own Development Needs

According to the organizational objectives and standards, there is a need of more skills inside me in order to cope up with the objectives and goals of an organization. There are some of the development needs which are required by me:

Time-management Skills: For implementing change in Golden Fleece Recruitment Company, time management skills should be perfect in an IT manager. I lack in such skills and need to develop this skill so that change can be implemented in an efficient manner.

Delegating Skill: To bring out the change effectually or within a given time limit then manager should delegate the responsibilities and authorities to their subordinates. But I do not possess this quality and prefer to do multi-tasking. But these create chaos and work does not get completed on time. Thus, I should develop this quality.

Self-Motivation Skill: To meet the organizational objective in an effective and efficient manner, it will take a long process. For this purpose, self motivation should be required. I have to develop this skill so that while implementing change, I can motivate myself and other employees also.

1.3 Personal and Professional Development Plan

After preparing this plan it can be concluded that great amount of help will be provided to me. It is because, by following this plan I could easily develop the time-management skills, delegating skills and self-motivation skills. Therefore, in 8 weeks these skills can be developed within me. Further, this plan is highly effective because time duration and actions are also included in it which will motivate me to achieve the success criteria defined. However, it can be concluded that time duration is little so it seems that it cannot be achieved in a given time period.

1.4 Reflection on Own Development

After preparing personal and professional development plan to meet the standards of company, I can reflect on my own competencies and development needs against the objectives set in the former plan. Currently, I have an ability of change management, conflict management and good team player. But as per the company's standard, I require skill of self-motivation, time-management and delegation in order to accomplish the goal of cutting edge computer system. There are various opportunities prevailing in the environment to adopt such needs and to develop myself. I can acquire training session to develop the needs or can perform actions practically at the workplace so that such development needs can be acquired. But threats are like there is lack of time and interest to acquire such needs. But this has to be achieved in order to enhance the career. Development needs have been assigned with a specific time line so that it can be reviewed on an estimated time frame. Action plan can be formulated and implemented to accomplish the needs of development which will not only help in achieving the current goals but will also enhance the career opportunities.

Task 2

2.1 Communicating in Variety of Styles

To have effective communication skills among all the employees, IT manager should communicate the importance of communication and types of communication at all levels so that employees can learn effective communication skills. Manager should communicate that employees should use both verbal and non verbal form of communication in order to make the communication process effective. Verbal form includes oral and written form and non verbal includes the use of hand gestures, body language and facial expressions. If both the forms of communication are used together then communication can be effectively done. After doing communication with others, employees should wait for the response from other side and listen to it properly. This will help in having an effective communication between two individuals or group of people. As per the position of employees, formal or informal types of communication should be done. Manager at each level should give and take feedback to and from colleagues so that effectiveness of communication can be checked.

Manager of IT department should communicate at levels of management about the importance of communication, various types of communication and guidelines about making communication process effective. These can be done by using medium of IT such as emails, chats, video conferencing, etc. and accordingly, information can be passed on various levels. At senior management, this information can be communicated by using email and video conferencing in an assertive style. At middle management, the information can be communicated through email and formal meetings by using assertive communication style in which the information about effective communication can be transmitted by using power point presentation. At lower level, information about effective communication can be provided by calling team meetings and through games and quiz, this information can be effectively communicated. IT manager can use assertive or any kind of communication style to communicate with them.

2.2 Time-Management Strategies

Golden Fleece Recruitment Company is planning to replace their Small Business Sever 2003 with a cutting-edge computer system. To bring the change in an effective manner, IT manager should have the skill of time-management. For this purpose, sometimes, management strategies have been discussed below...

1. Prioritization: IT manager should prioritize the work and tasks according to the importance of all tasks. To prioritize, manager should firstly divide the workload in several parts and then need to decide the part which is of more importance. This will help the manager in prioritizing the work and tasks. If prioritization is done then the most important task will be focused first and least important task will not hinder the work performance.

2. Planning: IT manager should do planning about the objectives to be set so that proper objectives can be determined and set according to the priorities of task to be performed. Manager should also take out separate time to do planning about the objectives. This will help in setting accurate goals and thus, tasks can be performed in accordance with the set objective. For this purpose, planning is highly required and it is the most important element of time-management.

3. Setting Work Objectives: After prioritizing the work or task, objectives should be set to each task so that manager would be able to work according to the set objective. This will aid the management in reaching to the goal effectually if objectives are attached to each task.

4. Organization: Each and every task should be organized in order to manage and save the time. The organized task will help the manager to do most important task firstly and then the other task.

5. Keeping Appointments: IT manager should make and keep appointments so that unnecessary work would not hinder in between while doing the most important task of implementation. If appointments are given for those works then it will be done according to their allotted time only.

6. Estimation of Deadline: IT manager should estimate the reliable deadline for each and every task so that it would get complete within given time line. This will help the manager to complete the task as per the scheduled time. This will help in doing effective time management of work load.

7. Delegation: To develop the time-management skills, manager should learn the skill of delegating authorities, responsibilities and work. If proper delegation will be done then manager can effectively focus on the major task which will help in completing the assigned work within a given time limit.

8. Avoid Multi-Tasking: To implement effective time-management strategies, manager should avoid doing multi-tasking work. This will create chaos and manager will not be able to concentrate on any single task. This will hinder the success of an organization in meeting their set goals and objectives. These are some of the time-management strategies which can be adopted by IT manager in order to successfully implement the new technology and to bring changes effectively.

Task 3

3.1 Team roles

In Golden Fleece Recruitment Company, management has set an objective of changing the system with an advanced technology in order to meet with their rapid expansion. For that purpose, IT manager has to make a team of IT department so that goals of company can be achieved in an effective and efficient manner. To make the team, roles of team members have to be identified and according to their roles or characteristics, team of diverse roles has to be made. According to Belbin's team roles theory, nine roles of team members can be identified and accordingly, team can be made. Nine roles of Belbin's theory are as follows:

1. Shaper: They provide necessary drive so as to ensure that team keeps moving. These people challenge the team to improve because they are dynamic and stimulate the people. They find the approaches to overcome problems. But these people may offend other team members and get aggressive to get things done.

2. Implementer: These members of a team get the work done as well as they convert the ideas and concept of team members into practical actions. They are reliable, practical and efficient. But these people may be inflexible and respond slowly.

3. Completer: They see that the tasks are completed thoroughly. They also place attention on the smallest thing and ensure that errors or omission does not happen. But these people do not delegate the work to others and desire to complete every task by their own.

4. Coordinator: Such people acts as a team leader and coordinate the work and team for accomplishing the team's shared goals. They can be seen as manipulative and sometimes, off load their share of work also.

5. Team Worker: Provides support to the team members and ensure that team members are working effectively. They are highly cooperative and listen to each and every member of a team. But they might hesitate in making unpopular decisions.

6. Resource Investigator: These people are innovator, enthusiastic and curious. They often explore opportunities and negotiate with others by contacting people and make available the resources for the team. These people might forget to follow up the lead.

7. Plant: They are the creative innovators who often come with new ideas and approaches. These people solve the problems through creative manner. But they prefer to work apart from the team and are poor communicators.

8. Monitor-Evaluator: They analyze the ideas and concept of other team members by weighing pros and cons before making any decision. But they are very good critiques and do slow decision making.

9. Specialist: Special knowledge has been possessed by these people who are needed to complete the job. They are self starter and dedicated towards the work. But they contribute on a narrow front.

After analyzing these roles among employees, a team of diverse people with different roles can be made. This will make the team dynamic that can survive in competitive and changing environment and this will help the IT manager to achieve goals in the most effective manner.

3.2 Alternative Ways to Complete the Task to Achieve the Team Goals

IT manager can achieve organizational goals by accomplishing the team goals. There are many ways through which team goals can be achieved. Some of the ways are discussed as follows...

Selection of Team Members: IT manager should identify the specialist's roles among people, their skills and approach towards performing job. Then manager should identify the roles of team or group and allocate the tasks to the team members as per their roles. This is the way in which team members can be selected and team can be built.

Team Development: After making a team of IT employees, manager should focus towards team building and need to make the employees loyal towards the team. Manager should make the employees committed towards shared belief. Accordingly, manager should monitor and evaluate their performance. If any gaps are found then training needs to be imparted in order to make the team members capable.

Setting Objectives: By setting objectives of a team, manager can motivate the team members towards achievement of team goals or objectives. Manager can delegate the responsibility on team members and allow them to become innovative. If objectives will be set then consistency can be maintained in team working and this will help the manager to achieve the team goals.

Leadership: By making team leader among the team members or if manager itself become the team leader then monitoring on the team performance can be done. Through monitoring, evaluation can be done and if any gaps are found then proper training should be provided for performing work and accomplishing tasks effectually.

Through these alternative ways, tasks can be completed and team goals can be achieved. IT manager has to take the initiative and need to motivate the team towards achievement of goals.
It can be concluded that for achieving the team goals member should be deliberately selected after analysis of each employee. Further, the development of team should be done by providing proper motivation so that team goals can be achieved. Along with that, objectives should be set so that team members get a clear direction for the fulfillment of team goals. Apart from this, leadership should be supportive so that team goals will get achieve in a more easier manner.

Task 4

4.1 Tools and Methods for Reconciliation

There are various tools and methods used for solving the work based problems. IT manager can choose either of them in order to resolve the problem that they encounter at the time of implementing the change. Some of the methods are listed as below...

Brain Storming: One of the tools used to resolve any issue is having brainstorming session. This tool is used for analyzing and evaluating the problem which arises during implementation of changes in an organization. At this session, IT manager, experts and other management team may sit together and discuss in-depth. After that, they evaluate each and every element which can aid to resolve the problem.

Flow Charting: In this method, any problem from starting till end is listed down. After that, origin of issue can be evaluated from where such problem has aroused. The benefit of this method is that the root cause of problem can be assessed. This has been proved to be one of the best tools for evaluating and solving the problems. IT manager can list down the existing problems and then analysis can be done so that root cause of the issue can be identified and it can be prevented from the root itself.

Means-End Analysis: This is also one of the methods which are used for solving the problem. In this method, current and future state of a problem is given and then action plan is chosen in order to reduce the difference between two. Action plan will be chosen in order to reduce the difference between two states. Designed action will be formulated on the current state to produce a new state and then this process is recursively applied to this new and future state.

Through these methods or tools, any kind of work based problem can be solved by the IT manager of Golden Fleece Recruitment Company so that without any hindrance, goals of the organization can be attained.

4.2 Strategy for Resolving the Problem

IT department was facing the problem of time-management. The work and tasks were not getting completed within given time. Thus, this was the biggest problem for IT department and for company as well. To resolve such problems, various strategies have been suggested so that goals can be achieved within given time limit. Some of the strategies are as follows:

Proper Communication: IT manager has to communicate properly about the problem to each and every employee so that they would get knowledge about the problem occurrence. If the issue is arising due to the mistake of any employee then by getting information, employee can resolve at his end only.

Training and Development: Company is facing the problem of time management. Thus, to develop the skill of effective time management among employees of IT department, manager can provide training session to the people so that they can adopt such skill and problem can be resolved. Manager may provide on-the-job training so that time can be saved and employees may get the learning while performing their jobs effectually.

Hiring Experts: Management may hire experts of time management skills and can provide counseling session for the employees so that they may learn the skill of time-management. Through this, employees will get the learning and they can implement this learning at the time of performance. These strategies can be employed in an organization by the employees so that problem of time-management can be solved.

4.3 Evaluation of the Potential Impact of Strategies

Strategies for problem solving have been designed but before implementing these strategies, evaluation of potential impact should be done so that negative impacts can be prevented before occurring. These strategies can be evaluated by testing that whether these strategies will solve the problem of time-management or not. Objectives or desired standard should be set against each strategy so that actual output after implementation can be measured with the desired standard. This will enable the manager to find out variations between actual and desired output. This will also help the manager to assess the potential impact on a company after implementation of strategies. There are both positive and negative impacts on the firm which have been discussed as follows...

Positive Impact

If these strategies will be implemented then time-management problem can be solved. Because communicating the problem at all levels may solve half of the existing problems. Along with that, if communication is done in a proper manner than root cause of problem can be identified. By providing on-the-job training to all the employees will save time and cost also and employees may learn while performing job. If experts would be hired then they can develop excellent skills among employees.

Negative Impact

These strategies will also have a negative impact on company because hiring experts for providing counseling will cost heavy expenditure to it and this will also consume a lot of time of employees. It may lead to delay in work. On-the-job training might create chaos and employees will get confused. In addition, due to this, other problems may get arise while resolving one issue. If problem is not properly communicated then this will create a negative impression in the minds of employees and this may turn into increase in employee turnover and employee absenteeism.


After preparing this project report on employability and professional development, it has been concluded that soft skills are essentially required being a manager in order to bring efficiency among employee's work. To survive in this globalized and competitive world, an individual must possess such skills so that existing opportunities can be grabbed. If a person already possesses such skills then it becomes easier for company to hire self-motivated candidates. In this report, IT manager of Golden Fleece Recruitment Company possesses some of the soft skills and as per the organizational objectives, manager has found the development needs and has made the plans for developing personal as well as professional standards. To implement the changes in an organization in an effective manner, IT manager has communicated well to all the levels of management and employees. For efficient working and for achieving the shared team goals, time management skills have been adopted by the manager so that task would get completed on time and also, in an efficient manner. The problem of time-management skills have been resolved by adopting various strategies and the evaluation of those strategies have been done in order to forecast the impacts of those strategies.


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  • Bailly, F. and Léné, A., 2013. The personification of the service labour process and the rise of soft skills: a French case study. Employee Relations.
  • Cassidy-Rice, J., 2014. NLP promotes personal development and professional success: Process gives the edge to both companies and individuals. Human Resource Management International Digest.
  • Jackling, B. and Natoli, R., 2015. Employability skills of international accounting graduates: Internship providers' perspectives. Education + Training.

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