
Basic Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviour to Perform and Manage the Activities in Business

University: UK college of business and computing

  • Unit No: 35
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 22 / Words 5399
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: A/508/0594
  • Downloads: 1484
Organization Selected : Tesco


In every organisation, team and organization are developed by the individual's performance. An organization should concentrate on their procedure of development of team, individual, and organization regarding improving the overall performance of the company. This report is based on Tesco plc, which is a British multinational grocery as well as general merchandise retailer having its headquarters in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, England, UK. In this report, the analysis of employee knowledge, skills, and behaviors required by HR professionals is discussed. Factors to be considered when implementing and evaluating inclusive learning and development to drive sustainable business performance are also mentioned. Also, the report will study how high-performance working will contribute to worker engagement and a competitive edge within Tesco Plc, along with different performance management approaches.

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1. Analyzes Employee Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviors Required by HR Professionals.

HR professionals are individuals who are accountable for developing, advising, controlling, and directing the employees working within the organization. In Tesco, HR professionals are hired by the top management to manage all the individuals working in the organization and assign all the responsibilities. Different types of skills, knowledge, and behaviors that are required of HR professionals are as follows:

Knowledge by HR Professionals:

Knowledge is an understanding, skill, and awareness about something that is gained by study or experience. As an HR professional at Tesco plc, one should know the processes of recruitment, selection, hiring, induction and layoff, management law and legislation, the Companies Act, employee compensation, and benefits. Muenjohn et. al., 2013).Also, knowledge about HR professionals has the responsibility to see that the company complies with rules and regulations and works accordingly. Tesco plc hired the HR professionals by having the levels of qualifications: an undergraduate degree in business with HRM specialization, also having an HND or postgraduate degree in HRM, and having a qualification from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

Skills Required for HR Professionals:

Skills is an activity that requires training and knowledge to perform well. The skills required for the Tesco plc HR professionals are as follows:

  • Excellent communication skills: Communication is a very crucial skill that is necessary for HR professionals as they have to communicate with the management, managers, and also all levels of employees. In Tesco plc, the HR professionals are hired by the top management with these skills to ensure that they will be able to communicate with all levels of employees by listening and solving their problems and issues related to the organizations.
  • Decision-making: Decision-making is an essential skill that helps to make multiple decisions related to the organization. HR professionals need to make decisions that are effective for the company. Tesco plc hires HR professionals as critical thinkers who can observe the positive and negative aspects and make effective decisions for the development of the company (Singh, Singh, and Sharma, 2014).

More skills required for HR professionals are leadership, organizational, and problem-solving skills.

Behaviors Required for HR Professionals:

Behavior is a way by which an individual acts, especially in front of others. The behaviors required for Tesco plc are discussed below:

  • Transparency and trustworthiness: HR professionals of Tesco plc should be transparent and trustworthy, as the employees feel free and honest to speak something to them without any fear of judgment. And also to manage the tension and ensure that all the employees should have information about the business.
  • Adaptability: Adaptability is the behavior that enables an individual to respond positively in a new environment. This helps the HR professionals to bring relevant changes in the organization to assist in improving the productivity of Tesco plc.

Along with this are the behaviors required for HR professionals, such as versatility, purpose-orientedness, and solution-orientedness.


P2. Analyze a Completed Personal Skills Audit for an Employee:

The aim of the HR professionals at Tesco is to promote equality and diversity, recruit the staff, develop and implement the policies, prepare the handbooks of staff, and interpret and advise on employment law. A personal skills audit is the process of measuring and recording the skills of employees by the HR professionals. These skills help individuals to perform well and solve problems within the organization. An analysis of a personal skill audit has been conducted on Jane Cambridge, an employee of Tesco plc, in the three stages:

First Stage: The Skills Which Are Required for the Employees

  • Problem-solving skills: These types of skills are required in Tesco to help the employees handle problems that may happen in the future. A good problem solver analyzes the problem and evaluates the impact of alternative solutions in the company.
  • IT Skills: IT skills are required by Tesco to audit the personal skills of Jane Cambridge so that some work which is related to the technical part can be handled by the employees without having any issues.
  • Communication skills: Communication skills are essential for the employee of Tesco as it helps them to easily communicate with their superiors and subordinates.

HR professionals should also have decision-making skills, empathetic skills, organizational skills, and critical thinking skills so that the problems can be solved and also help to do personal skills audits.

Second stage: The skills required to be achieved by the employees (Rickard, Rickard, and Dang, 2012).In this stage, the skills achieved the Jane Cambridge at the time personal skills audit. The audits are conducted in the following format:

Problem-solving skills


Very good



Little or no experience

Make good use of verbal reasoning skills





able to handle complex data and make selective use of information





Explore more than one solution to solve a problem.





Consider the ideas of others to help solve problems.






IT skills


Very good



Little or no experience

Use Microsoft Office Word





Use Excel spreadsheet





Use a Database





Use specialist HR software.





Use the internet





Use e-mail





Use PowerPoint






Communication skills


Very good



Little or no experience

Drafting contracts of employment





Taking notes of disciplinary hearings





Write reports





Produce material to support presentations.





Delivering a training session





Resolving disputes/complaints










Advising on HR issues







Third Stage: Analysis of the Result

The personal audit has been analysed by Jane Cambridge, which shows his weakness in communication skills and IT skills. Apart from this, Jane needs to develop a lot of skills like organisational skills, decision-making skills and empathetic skills. For this purpose, a performance development plan has been conducted.

P3 Difference Between Organisational and Individual Learning and Development

Learning is the change in knowledge which is the result of experiences. It is a continuous process and includes gaining new facts and information, acquiring new procedures, new skills, etc. The need for learning is result of dynamic environment to sustain in the competitive environment, as learning new skills is compulsory. As it is process, there are two parties: learners and mentors. In the Tesco, learners are the employees and superiors are mentors. The two types of learning are as follows:

Organisational Learning:

This process is an organizationally regulated learning process which includes individual and group-based learning to enhance the overall organization's performance. This learning will help Tesco improve the knowledge and performance of employees of the organization.

Individual Learning:

Individual learning is a process for employees to adapt new skills and knowledge . It is opposite concept of organisational learning. But there is an interrelation between organisational and individual learning, as organisations are comprised of individuals only. The main focus of individual learning is to enhance the knowledge of an individual (PRATT, 2012).

Difference Between Individual and Organizational Learning

Individual Learning

Organisational Learning

The aim of individual learning is to enhance the competency and awareness of individual employees working at Tesco.

Organizational learning is focused on the improvement of skills and knowledge of the organization as a whole. The employees trained collectively, not separately.

Individual learning will help the employees of Tesco to make a bright career.

The enhanced skills and knowledge of employees will help Tesco achieve pre-set goals for the company.


The Instructional System Design Model is the process of appraisal and development for creating the instructional experience so that the learner acquires the skills and knowledge more effectively and efficiently. This model is helpful to organizations and individual learning at the time of training and development.


Training is a function of the human resources department of an organization. It is a continuous learning process that aids in the improvement of employees existing skills. The training will help employees of Tesco perform their job more effectively.


Employee development is a process in which employees, with the support of employers, undergo various training programs to enhance their competencies. Employee development is very important for sustaining in the dynamic work environment. The development process will help Tesco and its employees to improve productivity and achieve the goals.

Difference Between Training and Development





It is the process by which company enhance the skills of new and existing employees in order to perform their job effectively.

It is a broader subtle of training. Development is concerned with overall growth and development of employees.


Its main objective is to improve the overall performance of individual so company can achieve the objectives.

Its main objective is to prepare the employees for any contingency situation


Its main role is to focus on the present needs of the organization.

Its role is to emphasize on future roles.


It is considered a reactive process.

Development is proactive process.


Job orientation

Career Orientation

Training and development are tools for organizations to improve the overall productivity of employees in order to achieve organizational objectives.

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P4: Need for Continuous Learning and Professional Developments

Continuous Learning:

The continuous learning refers to enhancing the capacity of an individual. It is important to learn continuously so one can adapt the changing work life and demands. There are certain ways to or resources for learning new things frequently like online articles, magazines and newspapers, and evaluation of case studies (McKenzievan, Winkelen and Itken, 2012).

Professional Development:

It is a continuous process that goes continuously throughout the complete career of an individual. This helps the employees to be updated with latest knowledge. It is important because this allows employees to be competitive in profession.

The above concept can be used by Tesco in order to drive sustainable business performance. The significance of these concept are as follows:

To Encourage Personal Growth:

Continuous learning and professional development are very helpful for the growth of an individual. In this process, an individual learns new knowledge and skills through training and development. These learnings help an individual to apply in their work and grow their personal career as well as personal. The Tesco employees can benefit from this continuous learning.

Improve Performance in Current Job

The learning helps employees to improve their knowledge and skills. And by applying these skills and knowledge while working, they can enhance their overall productivity. Continuous learning enables employees to minimize error and maximize productivity. The improved productivity will help employees of Tesco perform efficiently in their current jobs to achieve the goals of the company (Malik, 2018).

Prepare Employees for Advancement:

It is very important for employees to be prepared for any kind of contingencies in company. With the help of continuous learning and professional development, employees of Tesco can use their skills to avoid contingencies in company and one can get career advancement like job promotion for their efforts and hard work.

Sustain Performance in Current Job:

It is very important for employees to maintain their performance throughout the work. Nowadays, this is necessary for employees to keep their performance sustainable in the long term. As for better growth of employees, employer of Tesco must maintain continuous learning so they can sustain their performance in long term (Khumalo, 2015).

Job Enrichment:

This process improves employee satisfaction by altering their work, either by adding challenging tasks or adding new tasks for employees. As with continuous learning and development, employees can enhance their skills and can perform their tasks efficiently. It can be beneficial for both employee and Tesco. As it can reduce employee turnover for Tesco and provide job satisfaction for employees.

P5 Hpw Contributes to Employee Engagement and Competitive Advantage Within a Specific Organizational Situation

High performance working refers to the environment and overall surroundings of the organizational workplace under which all the employees working in the organisation feel free to communicate with their subordinates, colleagues, and management in an open manner. This freedom of communication among the employees helps them to overcome the conflicts; therefore, it is crucial to practice and understand the importance of a high-performance working system. Human resource managers provide a transparent culture at the workplace; this helps in developing and maintaining mutual trust among employees. It encourages the employees to identify their roles and responsibilities at the workplace along with performing their duties in a proper manner so that business goals can be achieved in a short period of time to achieve a competitive advantage.

Along with this, the working culture of every company should be liberal so that all associated and interlinked workers can have full freedom and liberty to share their opinions, ideas, thoughts, and problems with each other while working in a team to achieve a common objective. By practicing high-performance working, organizations can become more capable of improving and enhancing the productivity level of employees and the organization as a whole (Krishnan, 2013). HR managers should implement the practices of HPW for measuring performance of individual employee and workers. It is based on some major dimensions that are constructive conflicts, transparency in communication, solidarity, and contribution to achievement of business success. These practices help in developing employee engagement at the workplace, through which high competitive advantage can be gained in the following manner:

Transparent Communication

If there is transparency in communication system, it will give employees the liberty to share ideas and issues with management and subordinates easily. It would help in generating feeling of equality and mutual relationships among employees and management through which their resistance to working on new system can be reduced. Thus, this practice of transparent communication system in the organisation enables the implementation of new technologies at workplace, which can give tough competition to rivals who are dealing in same sector (Hunter and Saunders, 2012).

Sharing Duties

This kind of practice helps HR managers in allocating different roles and responsibilities to workers by engaging them in teamwork. As if staff members work in collaboration, they can share duties with each other, which reduces their stress level or heavy workload pressure also. Equal distribution of work among the employees helps a lot in getting high retention of employees and giving tough competition to competitors also. Sharing the equal amount of workload among the employees also helps in reducing the burnout of the employees. Conflicts among the employees also reduce, and they are able to perform best at their specific assigned roles and responsibilities.

After achieving high performance working, the outcomes of HPW will be increased Sales growth, organisational goal will be achieved and productivity will also increase.


6. Different Approaches to Performance Management

Performance management is an important practice that every HR manager of the organisation should implement, as through this, employees capabilities are rectified and are praised for their outstanding performance. The employees feel motivated when they are appreciated or rewarded for their good performance, It is necessary to practice this, as employees are the major assets for any organisation and also effects the profitability of the organisation. performance management system is considered a management style under which an organisation creates a working environment for empowering its employees to perform at their level best (Gominah, 2014). It involves various processes like setting of goals, reward and evaluation. If a company provide rewards and compensation to workers, then it will help them in analysing the contribution of each employee. For any organisation, performance management system assist this firm in cultivating competencies related to the organization and job-specific for driving high performance and success.

Thus, in order to measure performance of workers for evaluation, HR managers should use various strategies and approaches that are described below:-

Collaborative Working Approach:

This approach helps the organisation in assisting workers to work in collaboration for achievement of a common goal. Instead of giving appraisals on annual basis, human resource managers of the firm should provide grade to employees on the basis of their regular performance. It would help in building an engaged workforce in which members can share roles and responsibilities with each other (Cuff and Barkhuizen, 2013).

Comparative Approach

Using this approach, managers of an organisation can monitor the performance of workers by giving them ranks on the basis of their contribution to the achievement of business success. For example, human resource managers can use this technique for providing rewards to the best performers at the workplace. It will encourage other workers to work in hard manner. This approach creates a benchmark for every employee, and they work hard accordingly to achieve their targets in order to improve their skills, knowledge, and attitude to perform best.

Qualitative Approach

It is beneficial in increasing productivity of employees by encouraging them to deliver best services to customers. For example, under this kind of approach, human resource managers should try to evaluate the sales performance of businesses in context with the future. For this process, they monitor the performance of employees in order to determine strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, they provide training to workers so that they can provide high-quality service to customers.

Attributive Approach:

Through this kind of approach, management of a firm track record of employees on the basis of specific skills they have possessed. It includes problem-solving skills, decision-making activities, innovative ideas, learning power, and more. Further, managers can rate workers' performance from 1 to 5 in a graphical manner. This approach helps human resource managers identify the skills and abilities of employees while distributing different roles and responsibilities to them (Aswathappa, 2013).

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Result Approach:

This type of approach is used mostly by all organisations in order to evaluate the performance of workers on the basis of outcomes. Human resource managers use this approach in converting business strategies into actions so that demand from customers can be completed in a short period of time.

The collaborative approaches talk about how to work together for the purpose of achieving the goals. The comparative approaches compare the performance of the employees and rank accordingly for the purpose of improving the knowledge and skills and achieving the targets. The qualitative approaches help to increase the employees productivity for the purpose of providing the best services to clients.

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In conclusion, it can be said that an HR professional requires some basic knowledge, skills, and behaviour to perform and manage the activities in business. Apart from this, an HR required a self-audit to know one's strengths and weaknesses and to enhance the strengths and overcome weaknesses. Training and development is an important function for human resource management, which needs to be followed by HR so employees performance can be improved. Continuous professional development is very important for employees as well as the company because it makes employees sustainable for the long term. High-performance work models assist organizations to support a high-performance work culture.

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