
Effectivity of Hrm in Order to Raise Institution Productiveness and Net Income


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  • Pages: 22 / Words 5377
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Organization Selected : Unipart Group Private limited


Human resource management is the term that indicates the management of people & work towards expected goals; it is a primary activity in a company in which individuals are employed. Human resources are employees working in an organization, and the term human resource management within an organization refers to the responsibilities of a human resource manager that involve three major aspects, i.e., staffing, employee benefits & compensation, and designing work. Apart from this, the key duties related to HRM are job analysis, measurement & appraisal of employees' performance, implementation of rewards, etc.

This report is based on Unipart Group Private Limited, which is a multinational logistics, supply chain, consultancy, and manufacturing company situated in England. The human resource manager of this organization has appointed an assistant to produce this report, which aims to demonstrate how to improve job advertising with a personal specification. Also, it will explain the purpose & functions of HRM. Further, the report will describe the benefits of HRM practices and the strengths & weaknesses of various approaches to recruitment.

TASK 1: Report.

P1: Explain the Purpose and the Functions of Hrm, Applicable to Workforce Planning and Resourcing in an Organization.

Since people make every organization, HRM is all about acquiring the services of individuals, improving their skills, encouraging them, & ensuring that they constantly work to keep their commitment to the company. Furthermore, HRM is concerned with internal sources of competitive advantage as the manager recruits the best and most skilled employees as a beneficial source in a company. In addition, human resource planning refers to a process of systematically forecasting or predicting both the future demand & supply of employees concerning the strategic goals of a firm (Azeem and Yasmin, 2016).

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Function of Human Resource Management

Operative Function

  • Recruitment: It has been determined that this task of hiring employees is the most difficult task of an HR manager, as a lot of focus & assets are needed to attract, hold, & employ the prospective staff. Under this function, the manager creates a job description, negotiates salary, and makes the job offer. It has to be done strategically with effective measures to hire the best talents in the firm. This needs to select the most appropriate methods of selection that involve both internal and external means of employing the workers and getting productive outcomes from them.
  • Training development: This function of human resource management, applicable to workforce planning, states that during the job, training is the responsibility of the HR section in Unipart Group. It has been observed that during this process of training, workers understand what makes it easier for them to get on their jobs. A regular training and development session is therefore needed to be arranged by the HR personnel of the cited firm to help workers develop in their specialized areas of work. For this, they can refer to hiring external bodies and provisioning training to the employees. Timely training sessions will in turn assist the workers in the continual upgradation of their skills and knowledge with opportunities to develop at both personal and professional levels.
  • Ensuring legal compliance: this function of HRM is considered the most crucial function that is performed by the human resource manager. In addition, the HR manager of Unipart Group should be aware of all imposed laws & policies associated with employment, tax, wages, etc. This is especially on referring to a proper implementation of legal aspects of the business where the quoted enterprise needs to apply the regulations dealing with employment, discrimination, and other work-related aspects to avoid any unfair practices at the workplace.

Managerial functions

  • Planning: It has been determined that this function of HRM is considered very important for every organization to set goals & objectives. Furthermore, when it comes to planning, the first thing that comes to mind of the HR manager is foreseeing vacancies. It is vital in terms of hiring a suitable number of workers at the workplace, considering the turnover rate of employees and other related aspects. Effective planning of the workforce is important to work with abundant resources and avoid scarcity at any cost.
  • Directing: This function of human resource management is concerned with inspiring & directing employees to attain the goals. In addition, this can be achieved when the manager has the proper planning of the careers of employees. Direction is also significant for achieving the undertaken objectives of the firm and correctly getting the work done by the subordinates. Hence, the superiors have a greater contribution in this function with liable accountability for developing workers' skills to appropriately do the tasks and generate effective outcomes.

P2:Explain the Strengths and Weaknesses of Different Approaches to Recruitment and Selection.

Recruitment refers to the process of finding well-trained & skilled employees that an organization needs to achieve its goals & objectives. Further, the selection process involves choosing from applicants the most suitable candidate to fill that post. In human resource management recruitment, assessment and selection are three major steps for hiring employees (Bratton and Gold, 2017).

External Recruitment Methods: This recruitment method under HR management works by assessing an existing pool of job applicants out of the company to see whether there are enough qualified or skilled candidates available or not to fill the current job vacancy. Further, methods of outside recruitment are job boards, online-based, newspaper recruitment, job fairs, events, etc. This approach to recruitment has some strengths as well as weaknesses, which are explained below.


  • Can bring fresh skills & input:- when Unipart Group hires employees from the outside, there are major chances to have better & skilled employees. In other words, it will enable them to identify candidates who are capable enough of delivering new skills & inputs for growth.
  • Promotes better competition:  it has been observed that hiring workers from outside will provide the company with better competition in the market. Also, through this approach, they will be able to meet certain specified characteristics in applicants through interviews (Brewster et al., 2017).


  • Time-consuming: This external recruitment process is a very time-consuming approach. This is because from writing the job description to identifying the best place to advertise, it takes a very long period to make everything ready for the selection process.

Internal recruitment method: this approach to recruitment refers to hiring employees from inside the company, & it is considered a good approach as the workers are already aware of the culture & policies well. However, it has both advantages & disadvantages for Unipart Group.


  • Reduce Time to Hire:: this method of recruitment takes less time to recruit anyone from within the business, which means the company spends less time on job description, advertising, interviewing, etc.
  • It is less risky: hiring internally is considered good for any organization as the company already knows that person, and in turn, this will be a less risky method.


  • Can cause internal conflict: It has also been observed that, if a company hires employees internally, it can have a negative influence on morale. This states that workers who are already interested in applying could end up feeling disappointed (Schmitt, 2014).

M1: Assess How the Functions of HRM Can Provide Talent and Skills.

It has been determined that effective human resource management provides organizations with structure & capability to fulfill the needs of the company through controlling staff working in the firm. Moreover, tactical leadership is served by talented HR managers who enable an organization in this world of increasing competition. Further, this states that this function of HRM gives new views of human resource processes to create more strategic ways to acquire success in the market. Overall functions of HRM within the company aim at attraction, selection, training, rewarding, & assessment of employees. Apart from this, human resource management is concerned with designing a system of management to make sure that human talent is utilized effectively to accomplish the company's goals. These activities are all linked with employee's well-being, so make sure that the company treats them in a way that gives mutual advantages for both the firm & employees (Iwu, 2016).

M2: Evaluate the Strengths and Weaknesses of Different Approaches to Recruitment

If Unipart Group hires employees through an internal process, then it will be beneficial for the company in many ways. This is because recruiting internally is considered an easier process as workers are already aware of their responsibilities & policies within an organization. Also, employees who have been a part of the company for a significant period will have good knowledge of the company's goals. Whereas, if Unipart recruits employees using external recruitment methods, then it will be considered good for the firm to acquire ideas from other businesses. However, both the methods have same disadvantages or weaknesses as well. As in the external approach, the company hires employees with a limited understanding of the organization's policies, rules, and culture. Also, Internal recruitment has some weaknesses, such as if Unipart hires internally, then those candidates may not be respected by others who are currently working there. It has been discovered that in the firm, internal recruitment can offer the chance to alter or change the job position. The company gives notice to their employees about their present vacancy. The current employees are notified to buy these strategies for quick decision-making and to decrease their expenses budget.

D1: Critically Evaluate the Strengths and Weaknesses of Different Approaches to Recruitment

Unipart Group hires employees through either an internal process or an external process; both have some pros & cons. Hiring by internal approach will then be beneficial for the company in many ways, as research has proven that external hiring costs more than internal recruiting (Kidron, Tzafrir, and Meshoulam, 2016). This is because recruiting internally is considered an easier process as workers are already aware of their responsibilities & policies within an organization. Also, promoting employees from within the company states that organizations value employees & want to invest in them. Whereas, if Unipart recruits employees using external recruitment methods, then it will be considered good for the firm to acquire ideas from other businesses. As in the external approach, Unipart hires employees with limited understanding of the organization's policies, rules, and culture, as they are new and it will take time for them to know everything about the company., and the external recruitment process is a very time-consuming approach. Also, Internal recruitment has some weaknesses, such as if Unipart hires internally, then those candidates may not be respected by others who are currently working there.

P3: Explaining the Benefits of Different Hrm Practices Within an Organization for Both Employer and Employee

Human resource managers are responsible for many answerabilities within an organization as they preserve the interests of both leader & worker. Employers control employee relations and find ways to reduce labor costs (Kidron, Tzafrir, and Meshoulam, 2016). Employees protect their rights, ensuring that employers operate within the scope of employment and labor law.

Human resource practices in any organization play a crucial role as they help to create a competitive environment within the organization. There are several ways in which human resources become the most crucial part of the company. First, individuals provide numerous abilities and behaviors to the firm, which helps to execute the firm's strategy effectively. Overall, HR is the people who help to contribute to long-term goals and also fulfill employee satisfaction needs (Iwu, 2016). Overall, it brings new management and social causes to deal with new, longer-term essential practices. HR practices are designed and practiced for employees. Formalized HRM practices include attracting and retaining talented employees and people within the company. Unipart Group Private Limited's HR Manager should retain good employees within the company organization through which they can easily make effective team process goals.

HRM Practices

HRM is responsible for so many different kinds of business that affect the business growth and best effective resourceful acts. HRM practices would help employees earn so many different kinds of services and benefits Some of the HRM practices have been given below:

  • Employment security
  • Selective hiring
  • Self-managed and effective team-building
  • Contingent compensation
  • Information Sharing

Benefits of HRM Practices

Benefits to employer

  • Promoting positive behavior: A successful organization creates a positive working environment and favorable environment within the company. HRM practices such as training and development encourage employees'' morale and confidence levels.
  • Developing employees: HRM practices such as promoting employees by providing incentives and promotions. This practice will develop the morale of employees at each level of performance. Apart from that, it helps to provide the best approachable design and full channel of growth for employees (Iwu, 2016).

Benefits to Employees

  • Building a flexible workplace: HRM activity indicates shifting demographics in the workplace. Individuals of the new century anticipate different conditions than those of the second half of the twentieth century.
  • Motivating workers: it is another benefit of HR practices that motivates employers in a large number of ways. It gives the maximum employee information, which has long-lasting effects. Successful managers apply HRM practices and assist people, which increases feelings of being competent in their position level within the organization.

HR used different methods or processes to identify the long-term goals and the most productive, resourceful ideas to meet the result goals. Overall, it helps to bring new opportunities for the company. Different methods of HRM practices are used by HR to meet employee goals. HRM practices use different types of tools, such as performance solutions, recruiting software, payroll services, benefits management platforms, and employee engagement tools and techniques. Overall, it also helps to bring new opportunity tasks, which gives long-term channel and performance areas. Choosing a solution is another technique that a company adopts. These are the methods that help Unipart Group Private Limited develop a most productive and effective team for the betterment of employees.

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P4 Evaluate the Effectiveness of Different Hrm Practices in Terms of Raising Organizational Profit and Productivity.

This is considering a well-known fact of several HRM practices that raise a high level of productivity as well as profitability in organizations like Unipart. These practices together represent an important source of contending benefits for being such means through which the company locates, retains, and develops rare, non-substitutable, and non-imitable human capital. Some such practices involve:

  • Performance pay: This refers to the tactic of incentive pay using both direct and indirect methods in Unipart that largely incites the workers to enhance their productivity as well as execution (Zhou, Fey, and Yildiz, 2018). Herein, the HRM is required to create a plan based on both monetary and non-monetary benefits to the employees as a means of rewarding and encouraging them for their hard work. This is not only expected to create a sense of motivation in the workers to perform well but is also anticipated to increase their level of productivity. Besides this, it will together lead to an increased sense of loyalty in the employees where they will make genuine contributions to their work, leading to a reduced rate of turnover. Lastly, collaborative efforts are likely to be achieved by the employees who are working in groups.

For example, if Unipart pays proper wages to the employees of the company, then it will help them to achieve all defined goals and objectives, and as a result, monetary forms of practice help increase the productivity of their employees.

  • Training and development: Training and development itself contributes to enhancing the skills and abilities of the workers in Unipart. By this, they are expected to work with a more contributory outlook of performing well and attaining the organizational objectives. Also, investing in the development of employees in turn enhances the profitability of the enterprise with a simultaneous reduction in worker retention rates and an increase in the satisfaction level of the customers with the idea of bringing creative products for them. Apart from this, increased efficiency in the undertaken procedures together leads to financial gain (Paauwe and Boon, 2018).

For example, if proper training and development sessions are provided to the employees, then it will also help them to raise their production level and also increase their working performance. Moreover, investing in the development of employees in turn enhances the profitability of the enterprise with a simultaneous reduction in worker retention rates.

  • Flexible working: This is yet another important tactic to be adopted by the HRM of Unipart to improve the productivity of the workers. It will in turn lead to enhance the profitability aspect of the firm as well. It is mainly on considering an acceptable idea of flexible working that allows the worker to operate at one's comfort level. Flexibility could be in terms of their work hours or the work location from which they are willing to submit the tasks allotted to them.

For example, if the work is done flexibly, then it will also help them to improve the productivity of the workers at Unipart. Flexibility of work also helps to achieve the defined goals of the company through effective working hours.

  • Transparency: It is another method that helps a business of Unipart to raise the company's overall performance and to improve the production level. If the HR of the company works well or in a transparent way, then they help to raise the production level of the firm, and at last, it directly affects the company's overall performance and helps to raise the profit too.

M3 Explore the Different Methods Used in HRM Practices,

This is to explore distinct measures of HRM practices that lead to an increased level of productivity as well as profitability at the workplace. A foremost consideration here is in terms of setting high-performance standards by together relating productivity with proper planning of resources. Delegation of accountability is yet another concern for keeping the employees satisfied as a way of reducing the rate of turnover (Chiang, Lemań Ski, and Birtch, 2017). Referring to the aforementioned practices of HRM to raise organizational profits as well as productivity, it can be said that flexible working is the most effective method to equally improvise both. However, training and development of workers with the allocation of performance-related pay will require some sort of investment from Unipart for their successful execution at the workplace.

TASK 2: Job Advert

P5: Presenting the Importance of Employee Dealings Concerning Causing Hrm Decision-Making.

Employee relations is the term that describes the efforts that are put into managing the relationship between employers and employees. Worker relations in Unipart Group Pvt Ltd share a particular relationship with their workers. A company needs to share a comfortable bond to achieve the common goals of the company. The importance of employee relationships is as follows:

  • Work becomes easy: Working for a company maintains healthy relationships with the workers and also helps to increase the chances of productivity. The people can do the work and assign the work among all the team members to accomplish the work within the assigned time (Ferguson, 2018). Therefore, if the individual has a great relationship with their unit associate, they will also have the quality to aid them in making the activity more casual. If the HR of the company makes better decision-making, then it will also help to make the work easy for the workers who are working in the firm.
  • Discouraging conflict among workers: It is the most important such that maintaining good relations with their team members will help to create fewer conflicts in the workplace. The trust between each other in aiding the show will help to achieve the end of a company. As a result, it will help to raise the productivity of a company, further helping HRM to make finer determinations for the welfare of an institution (Jennings, McCarthy, and Undy, 2017). In addition, HR decision-making also affects the employee relationship, and hence it also helps to decrease the conflicts among them.
  • Loyalty: Unipart has a pleasant and interactive working environment that helps to make a loyal worker. They also feel actuated to execute the task which is allotted to them and also make extra efforts that lead to raising more productivity and return for a company. Hence, the charge of worker ratio is quite few in an institution, and that helps to decrease the chances of starting new employees (Gkorezis and Kastritsi, 2017).
  • Ensure parity by communication in effect: An effective act of a company will further help to make sure that there is no favoritism in Unipart. As a result, they also acted awarely to execute their task to achieve the company's craved objectives (Gu and Nolan, 2017).

From above, it has been analyzed that HRM practices also create an impact upon HRM decision-making, such that if the production level of the company is high, then it helps to raise profitability, and the HR of the firm chooses the best option for the or future success. These HRM practices are helpful for this organization, which is in proper dealing with their employees. Therefore, these HRM practices are helpful to maintain or sustain better employee relationships, and as a result, they also provide the best result for the company's growth. Therefore, employee legislation such as equality in the workplace will also create a direct impact on HRM decision-making. Providing proper compensation and ensuring equality in the working area will also influence the employees positively.

P6: Identify the key elements of employment legislation and the impact it has on HRM decision-making.

With the help of different legislation of HRM practices, it can be stated that the following perspective must be included in Unipart Group Private Limited company:

  • Disability Discrimination Act 2010: As per this act, the HR manager of the chosen business needs to eliminate discrimination based on disability of employees. They need to provide the same chance to all employees to promote their activities and focus on long-term development programs. It increases appropriate HRM decisions, which increases effectiveness in encouraging several staff members to ascertain appropriate decisions (Shields, Brown, and Plimmer, 2015).
  • Minimum Wage Pay Act 1998: According to this act, HR managers consider several rules and regulations that are related to the payment of employees in the UK. With this consideration, all essential norms must be regulated to protect staff members in fulfilling their needs according to payment (Peccei and Van De Voorde, 2016). Along with this, in the UK, wages are also determined as per the age of employees so that workers can get the appropriate amount as per their efficiency in Unipart Group Private Limited company.
  • Equality Act 2010: According to this act, a law has been created that protects employees from discrimination against all members of the business. With this regard, the HR manager of Unipart Group Private Limited company provides appropriate and basic wages to diminish unfair treatment based on personal characteristics which include gender, color, age, etc. It helps to ensure that consistency also develops successfully, which will help regulate different operations and functions. Hence, they can make appropriate decisions for all staff members (Albrecht, Bakker, and Saks, 2015).

M4: Evaluate the Key Aspects of Employee Relations Management and Employment Legislation That Affect Hrm Decision-Making.

Employ abstraction direction and employ civil law, which directly affects HRM decision-making and they will also help to take a business to the next level of success. Unipart has a good employee relationship that helps to do the work in a defined time. On the other side, employee legislation such as equality in the workplace will also create a direct impact on HRM decision-making (Preenen et al., 2017). Providing proper compensation and ensuring equality in the working area will also influence the employees positively.

In this consideration, employee relations in Unipart Group Private Limited company developed to maintain efforts. This is because effective relationship assists in fulfilling employee and employer performance. Therefore, loyalty can be maintained to satisfy customers' demands and fulfill objectives. The chosen business mainly maintains a resilient workforce, which would be beneficial to increase the coping capabilities of staff members. It assists employees and employers to lead with innovative results and outcomes. Following are certain practices undertaken in the business to consider effective policies and procedures:

  • Manpower planning: It necessitates HR's performances that create a systematic plan for selectively hiring individuals. It is required to place with consideration of effective action and programs to overcome gaps in the supply and demand of workers. In this consideration, succession and competencies gaps must be filled in Unipart Group Private Limited company. It creates a large impact on decision-making strategy, which requires the adoption of procedures that employ certain standards (Albrecht, Bakker, and Saks, 2015).
  • Managing performances: It is one of the other significant practices undertaken by Unipart Group Private Limited company to maintain effective relationships with workers. They consider attaining and supporting the commitment of senior management by assigning requisite resources. It involves tasks for setting objectives. All evaluators are efficiently trained so that appraisal procedures are successfully developed (Peccei and Van De Voorde, 2016). For instance, the chosen organization considers the management of several people's performance who work in the business. As per business goals and objectives, all tasks and activities must be completed within a particular period.
  • Training and development: Furthermore, the HR manager of Unipart Group Private Limited company must provide appropriate training and development programs to their staff members. With special consideration, effective and appropriate sessions are undertaken for new staff members. Hence, HR needs to review all policies in training and development programs with collective evidence of enhancement in theality of work. In addition to this, together, remarking also increases with a high level of efficiency. For instance, the chosen business manager needs to provide training and development to all members of the organization to accomplish goals and objectives appropriately.
  • Increase service quality: It refers to building a customer-focused culture, which increases productivity and profitability. In addition to this, staff members are also required to take first-hand initiative to serve each user. With the help of operational mode, the image of Unipart Group Private Limited company can be successfully improved, which assists in focusing on the overall improvement of the business (Shields, Brown, and Plimmer, 2015). For example, managers of the business need to increase the quality of their services because it helps to focus on the business performance as per customer needs and demand. It also helps to attain more creative advantages to compete with different businesses.
  • Conflict management: It is related to the most important perspective that assists in maintaining effective relationships among several people. In this regard, different practices considered by HRM in Unipart Group Private Limited Company assist in regulating different activities at the workplace. It will be done with the foremost objectives of improving group results and learning in the organizational context. As a result, harmony among different employees also manages to increase significant advantages in the workplace. With the help of proper management of work, it can also be stated that overall performances will be developed (Albrecht, Bakker, and Saks, 2015). Moreover, in the chosen business, conflict must be managed through a focus on building a positive relationship between several members of the organization. Therefore, it will assist in accomplishing positive results in the workplace.

Job Design


Unipart is a private company looking for salesmen and women for stores. Experienced and inexperienced people are welcome. Fluent English is required with a well-conversed and attractive personality. A detailed resume can be mailed or come directly in-store.


158-Right street

Unipart Company Limited

Email: unipartco@gmal.com

M5: Provide a Rationale for the Application of Specific Hrm Practices

To improve significant advantages, it can be stated that different types of HRM practices must be performed. HR managers in Unipart Group Private Limited company determine the innovative and high performance of their employees, which would be beneficial to focus on increasing organizational performance and productivity. In addition to this, leaders of the chosen business direct their staff members so that they can work accordingly. It will assist in attaining more growth in business operations and increase more significant advantages (Shields, Brown, and Plimmer, 2015). As a result, creativity is also maintained to ascertain more effective work performances.

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D3 Critically Evaluate Employee Relations and the Application of Hrm Practices That Inform and Influence Decision-Making.

Employee relationships are considered an important role in which the whole business works together to accomplish their desired level of results. In this way, different HRM practices also develop successfully, which would be beneficial to maintain important functioning in the whole business. This is because different activities in the organization are also beneficial to developing more creative performance and outcomes (Peccei and Van De Voorde, 2016). Positive decisions are also ascertained, which would be beneficial to implement different courses of action. It ascertained maintenance of the business functions with manpower planning, overall development, etc. Critical evaluation, training, and development programs must be implemented in Unipart Group Private Limited company so that staff members can easily promote their goals and objectives at the workplace. It would be led with the overall goal of increasing employee efficiency and effectiveness. As a result, it can influence the decision-making strategy of the chosen business (Clark, Van Noordwijk, and McNie, 2016).

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By summing up the above report, it has been concluded that many aspects of HRM have also shown the effectiveness of HRM in raising institution productivity and net income. The report also concluded that through internal as well as external methods of recruitment and selection, the HR of Unipart Group can select the best employees for the company. It also shows different HRM benefits and also describes the employee relation within the working area. The report further describes various key elements of employment legislation and also creates a positive impact on HRM decisions. Moreover, it concluded different applications of HRM practices in Unipart.

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