
HR Professionals And Management Responsibilities


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Activity 1

HR professionals

HR professional has skill of managing any kind of conflict. They work as a bridge between employer and employee, and it can be considered as the main reason that they are trusted by both sides. Their role is crucial in employee relation. They also possess an underrated skill i.e. scheduling. Arranging interview, prioritising task is important for increasing productivity of individuals as well as organisation. HR professionals has knowledge related to various laws like health and safety act, workmen compensation act etc. Beside this, they also have better understanding of organisational policies compare to other people of the enterprise. HR professionals represent both sides i.e. employee & employer and it proves that being solution oriented is part of their behaviour. They are transparent and trustworthy.

  • CIPD code of Ethical conduct

CIPD ethical conducts concentrate on four areas. First is professional competence and Behaviour. It state that HR professional should take responsibility of their decisions & actions provide appropriate support to the organisation, where they are working, even if it is related to entering in new activity. Ethical standards and integrity is second code. It says that professionals should develop business relation by concentrating on trust, integrity, honesty and respect. Third code is related to representation of profession. It states that member should act in way which never harm value of profession and it uphold other professional’s reputation. Fourth code stewardship, it is related to supervision and promotion of appropriate practice. Professional should find and stop those members who are involved in unethical conducts.

  • Purpose of map

CIPD focuses on setting out standards for HR professionals who are present across the globe. It tries to improve knowledge, behaviour and skills of human resources personals and push them to become a ‘’Thinking performer’’ i.e. a person with high effectiveness and efficiency. There are some key areas where CIPD map concentrate. First is contribution of HR in the enterprise. Provide strength to compliance and communicate with customer on regular basis. Last one is to find the new way of getting things done by improving present one.

  • Performance and reward – Band one

As an HR professional, one of my main task is to evaluate knowledge, performance and skills of the employees and give them reward for their good work. Ensuring the reward system is not biased is important for motivating employees. I am in band one because I like to collaborate with others as it helps in understanding their behaviour and I have desire to deliver when organisation need it most.

  • Resourcing and talent planning – Band two

Recruiting and selection is considered as the key function of Human resource professionals. I am involved in finding how many employees are required in present and future along with the talent which they should possess. The work which I am doing lies in band two because I have HR expertise along with the fine business acumen.

(Source: The 2013 Profession Map.2019)

  • Employee relation – Band three

HR professionals have to manage teams as well as individuals who are present in it. Employee relation lies in band three and HR professional should have courage to perform well in professional areas which are related to it. Sometime I get opportunity to resolve conflicts between workers and management. Employer is not always right and I try to provide it to them by showing professional courage. I understand that scope of improvement in this professional area for me is high but logics, data and believing in self is helping me in becoming a influencer. I am getting confident with time and I am able to influence various stakeholder. It proves then I have entered in band three. I am passionate about learning and innovating, this behaviour is helped me managing various conflicts which ultimately results in better employee relation.

(Source: The new Profession Map. 2019)

  • Conclusion

From above points, it can be concluded that my behaviour ‘Passion for learning’ is most important out of all the skills, knowledge and other behaviours. Every person faces range of difficulties and failure in different part of their career.

(Source: The new Profession Map. 2019)

My passion for learning helped me in overcoming various hurdles like initially my confidence level was below par but when I worked with my seniors and accept their offer for getting involve in professional practices like Employees’ relations, I started getting more opportunities. No one is perfect and have ability to excel in all professional areas but ‘Passion for learning’ can pay an important role in earning desired progress.        

Activity 2

2.0. What is a Team?

A team refers to a group of individuals who work together and channelize their efforts to achieve a single goal or objective. These individuals integrate their knowledge and skills required to successfully accomplish a given task (Yang and Väänänen, 2017).

2.1. Team Dynamics:

Team Dynamics or group dynamics are various psychological forces that influence functioning and behaviour of the team. These forces have a wide impact on the performance of a team and could be quite considered as a crucial aspect for a group (Eubanks and et. al., 2016).

Elements of Group dynamics

In HR practices group dynamics indicates the interaction forces between the members of the group who belong to different social conditions. There are various theories that govern the elements of a team dynamics. One such theory is Stage-Theory model proposed by Tuckman and Jensen (1977) (Raes and et. al.., 2015). According to this theory, there are five stages for developing group dynamics, namely-

  • Forming-For instance, if a team is formed to introduce a new customer service system within the firm, this would be the very first stage for formation of the team. This stage is full old uncertainty and confusion as new team is formed with different individuals who are not necessarily from similar background (Bratton and Gold, 2017). In order to build create a good team it is important that a team leader should trust its team members and provide proper guidance to its team.
  • Storming- In this stage, the group has faced the highest amount of conflicts as the members of the groups often fight with each other for grabbing individual power.It is essential that team members resolve possible conflicts by themselves. Moreover, an individual personalities of team members emerge each other's ideas and perspective.
  • Norming- This stage is differentiated by the identification of individual feelingsand shared their personal experiences. It helps team member in establishing rules, values and standards as well as methods to increase efficiency of team.
  • Performing- It occurs when the group become mature and meet the feelings of continuity.It helps team in function excellently and capable of making decision independently and autonomously without having conformation of team leader.
  • Adjourning – All groups do not experience this developmental stage as it is characterised by the dispersion of the groups. This stage aids team leaders to pay more attention in dissolution of team by rewarding its team members in an effective manner.

It is very necessary for an organisation to determine aspects that make a good team. There are various skills that are required in team members to enhance a team’s effectiveness. These skills are mentioned below:

  • Active Listening, as it is the most crucial aspect required to understand the given instructions accurately:
  • Leadership, to manage a team and ensure healthy and contributing working environment through induction of motivation.
  • Communication, which helps individuals to share views about different aspects effectively and ensure trust within each other’s capabilities.

However, each team during accomplishment of the task face several conflicts. It means clashes of interests or disagreement on a particular aspect. This could arise out of lack of communication or resources or performance, etc. Conflicts resolution is a necessary action to resolve the conflicts among the groups within the organisation in order to enhance unity. It will help to increase the productivity of the organisation.  In this study, two strategies have been discussed related to conflict resolution-

2.2. Conflict Resolution Method 1:

For instance, if there is a conflict between to colleagues over a certain position in the company, this conflict could be effectively solved by applying Thomas Kilmann’s Model for Conflict. As per this conflict, there are 5 management styles that could be adopted by the managers to resolve conflicts (Prause and Mujtaba, 2015). These are:

  • Accommodating:This approach requires maximum cooperation from either party even if it’ s on their own expense. As per the given conflict, this must be the case if the other party is more expert and deserves the position under question.
  • Avoiding:This simply means avoiding the whole situation as there is no collective growth or achievement of goals of either of the parties.
  • Collaborating:This stage has the potential to create a ‘win-win’ situation. It is when both the party could agree to come up with a novel situation where it ensures some benefit to both the parties.
  • Competing:It is best suited in cases of spontaneous decision-making. It is when one party works in assertive manner to achieve its goals, the position as per the mentioned conflict, even if it is on the expense of the other person.
  • Compromising:A moderate level of cooperation and assertiveness is required in this approach and is applied when neither of the party is achieving a contributing solution. 

Illustration 4: Thomas Kilmann conflict mode Instrument

(Source: Understanding conflict resolution styles, 2019)

2.3. Conflict Resolution Method 2:

There are various conflicts while being in a situation where different alternatives are produced to effectively accomplish the task. These conflicts sometimes become even more intense as both the alternatives seems to have equal effectiveness criteria. In such case, the manager could use Fisher and Ury’s principles of negotiation (Northouse, 2017). These principles are discussed below:

  • Separation of individuals from the issue:

This requires the individuals to restrict themselves from being personally involved and must effectively analyse the problem as per the other party’s point of view, or maybe propose the solution in ways which seems convincing to the other party.

  • Emphasis on Interests and not in Positions:

It is imperative for individuals to focus on a solution which satisfies interests of both the parities and must deal with situations undergoing creative discussions to the business issue.

  • Invention of Options for Mutual Gain:

This step requires them to create various options which provides effective and mutual gain to both the parties.

  • Insisting on using criteria upon which agreement would be based:

Lastly, it is imperative for both the parties to define criteria to judge both the alternatives and must evaluate both the options likewise to determine best suited option for the situation and effective resolution of the conflict.

Activity 3

3.0. Project Management

Project Management refers to an approach which is undertaken by companies to effectively accomplish a project (Petrick, 2017). For instance, I received a project to effectively implement a Human Resource Information System within 3 months. My role in the same was to manage the overall implementation and execution of HRIS within the workplace and monitor its effectiveness. Seeing the complexity of the project, it was imperative that appropriate techniques were used throughout each stage of project management to enhance the effectiveness of the same. The stages as well as techniques are described below:

  • Initiation:During the initiation stage, it was required from us to effectively plan each and every aspect required by us throughout the process. To effectively determine the required resources, time-scale, budget, etc., Traditional Project Management was used which is a crucial approach to provide results on time and within standards (Kerzner and Kerzner, 2017). The budget that was set out for implementation of HRIS is mentioned as under:


Amount (in £)

Initial investment


Variable expenses:


Billable staff wages




hosting usage


Fixed expenses:


Research and development


Software acquisition




Salaries to staff


Database management


  • Planning and Design:The next stage required us to effectively plan and design the layout for the HRIS. There were new policies and standards set up which is sets up base for tracking of performances. A new training program was also laid out for the employees to enhance their familiarity with the new system. To achieve it all, Waterfall Project Management Technique was used which provided with physical and logical design sub-phases (Verzuh, 2015). This technique is associated with the traditional project management process. The Gantt Chart for the implementation of HRIS is mentioned below:
  • Execution:This stage relates to the overall execution of the project. The new systems were installed, training was provided to the staff, new software were being implemented, etc. In this stage, Rational Unified Process Technique was used which interconnects the iterative style of software development projects.RUP technique was helpful for merging feedbacks from the employees regarding the new system (Nicoletti, 2016).
  • Monitor and Controlling:In this stage, the implementation of HRIS was monitored and controlled. The project was successfully implemented within the set timeframe and as per the feedbacks, various meetings were held for required changes. Since the project was large, for this stage, PERT Project Management Techniquewas utilised which abled me and the managers to differentiate between events and activities.
  • Completion:This is the final stage of project management which allowed me to gain an insight on each aspect of implementation of HRIS. There were various issues that worked in the favour like training, acquisitions of software. However, there were minor issues regarding the implementation where employee welfare measures were concerned. Nonetheless, it accomplished as planned and as per standards.

However, there were various problems which arose throughout the project which are discussed below:

3.1 Problem Solving Skill 1:

There was a problem during the initiation where the management was not convinced about the system as it was felt that it would reduce the employee welfare measures taken by the company. To resolve this dilemma, I used SWOT Analysiswhich is an evaluation of internal capabilities and external forces that influence the decision-making process of a strategy (Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek, 2016). My biggest strength is communication and critical evaluation, which helped me to convince the board as to how this new system would be completely employee-centric and ensures long term benefits for the employees. This helped me gain opportunity to effectively convince the board and carry out the project within due time limits.

3.2. Problem Solving Skill 2:

During one stage, it was hard for the system development team to analyse areas which require attention and possible uncertainties regarding the system which could have caused delay in its implementation. To prioritise the same, I used Risk Analysiswhich is a method effectively used to predict future mishaps and develop a strategy (Aven, 2015). Using this, it was determined that there is a potential risk to confidential data of employees, security breaches and fabrication. The risks were then prioritised and security systems were developed as strategies to protect employee data.

3.3. Influencing, Persuading, Negotiating:

There were various instances throughout this project where it was required to influence others through persuasion and negotiation. For instance, during the project, some members of the board suggested alternative methods to implement the system which could have added to the cost and time taken for its implementation. I had to persuade them regarding my methods and had to explain to them efficiency of their methods compared to mine. However, I had to negotiate with them regarding the policies which could have set the base for employee performances. Thus, I was successful to influence them to follow my methods through effective persuasion and negotiation.

Activity 4

4.0. Continuous Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) determines through which different members from the professional associations improve, broaden and maintain their skills and knowledge and developed their qualities in their professional lives. It also helps an HR Professional in maintaining the competencies in their workplace.

4.1. CPD Plan

It is crucial for an HR professional to maintain CPD logs in order to effectively maintain a record of professional development. However, it is also very crucial to be competent in the workplace and carry out the HR professional duties well.

Continuous Professional Development Plan:

In order to understand about my progress of the past one year, I conducted a personal SWOT analysis to determine areas which are my strengths and weakness and how these could be utilised in manner which could contribute to grab the opportunities. The area of practice for this analysis would be employee relations. My personal SWOT analysis as per my CPD plan is mentioned below:



· On the basis of personal skill audit I identified that I have gained good knowledge in Leadership practices.

· Apart from these, I also enhance my skills and the knowledge in problem solving practices.

· Moreover, I also refined my intellect and the skills. All these aspects can be known as my strength.

· For me it is required to improve technological and legislative knowledge.

· I am not able to do time bound activities properly.

· I am not able to resolve conflicts in different situations which is affecting my decision making skills.



· By improving technological skill and legislative knowledge, I can easily use advance technology in my personal and professional working practices as well as comply with legislation while performing.  

· With the help of time bound activities, I can easily accomplish my tasks.

· By resolving issues and conflicts of my team members, I can create positive environment in the workplace.

· For me it is required to manage and enhance my skill properly otherwise I can influence directly in working practices.

· Poor decision making and problem solving approaches can reduce working practices of individual's.


In order to improve further weaknesses of mine, it is required for me to getting appropriate training for my effective development. In my opinion, one of the biggest advantages of having CPD training is that apart from helping a professional learn about the latest areas of development and improvement that are available for HR professionals. It allows them to understand about the methods and theories that they can use in order to perform better. Further, it also trains them to learn about the different aspects of the field and the numerous challenges that they are likely to face in future (Snell, Morris and Bohlander, 2015).

4.2. Professional Development Plan

According to me, I need to develop my skills and knowledge in order to increase m professional knowledge and time management skills and enhance self-confidence. To achieve this, a Professional Development Plan is being developed which would serve the improvement needs to eradicate the weaknesses and threats and maximise the opportunities.

Professional Development Plan:

To effectively manage and enhance the performance, it is necessary to effectively have a guidance session with the manager and immediate supervisor regarding the development plan. According to the plan I realised that I will be able to improve my skills and knowledge which will be helpful for my future. On the other hand, time management skills and self-confidence is the essential factor which will be helpful for professional life. 

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Nicoletti, B., 2016. Lean and digitize: an integrated approach to process improvement. Routledge.

Northouse, P.G., 2017. Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice. Sage Publications.

Petrick, J., 2017. Total quality in managing human resources. Routledge.

Prause, D. and Mujtaba, B.G., 2015. Conflict management practices for diverse workplaces. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly. 6(3). p.13.

Raes, E., and et. al.., 2015. An exploratory study of group development and team learning. Human Resource Development Quarterly. 26(1). pp.5-30.

Snell, S., Morris, S. and Bohlander, G.W., 2015. Managing human resources. Nelson Education.

Verzuh, E., 2015. The fast forward MBA in project management. John Wiley & Sons.

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The 2013 Profession Map. 2019 [Online]. Available through: <>.

The new Profession Map. 2019 [Online]. Available through: <>.

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