
Professional Knowledge Required by HR Professionals


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Organization Selected : Whirlpool


In a competitive environment, a firm operates its business so it is essential to enlarge the operations of the company in order to retain at market plan for a long period of time. In contemporary firms, development is a core concept that assures improvement in performance. Development of a person based in staff members but the development of team is based on managers of an organization. This report is based on the Whirlpool organization. It is a multinational marketer as well as producer of home appliances (Chaskalson, 2011). Under this mention report discussion about personal skills audit to determine appropriate behaviors, knowledge, skills and also develop a professional development plan. How High-Performance Work contribute towards competitive advantage and employee engagement with the particular organizational condition will be identified. At last, various approaches to performance management is going to identify.


P1 Appropriate and professional knowledge, skills, and behaviors required by HR professionals

Human Resource Professionals work for hiring, interviewing, placing and screening employees in business firm. HR professionals are essential to carry out various capabilities as well as skills which assess to achieve given tasks and activities. It is necessary for human resource professionals to fulfil assigned tasks by giving their better performance.

Continuous Professional Development refers to professional learning sources which signifies the continuous growth and learning for the purpose of enhancing skills and knowledge for performing tasks in an effective manner (Darling-Hammond and McLaughlin, 2011). CPD refers to process of documenting along with tracking experience, skills and knowledge.

Skills refer to the capabilities of a person in order to perform tasks. There are some required skills by Human Resource Professionals given below:

  • Conflict management- In Whirlpool organisation, there are large number of employees working together so there can be situation of when conflict arise. It is necessary for human resource professionals to possess the abilities to resolve the conflict in proper manner. It needs to expertise in negotiation and mediation grounds. Through this, positive working environment will be developed at workplace of Whirlpool.
  • Communication skills-It is required skills in each and every person. But in HR professional this skill is necessary. They need to have an ability to deal with people in better manner. HR should communicate all strategies and policies to employees which are developed through top management, in addition to this, communication undertakes skills and abilities of learning with better listening (Day and et. al., 2014).
  • Team building-It is an effective ability which must be there in Human Resource Professionals. It is essential that HR should motivate its staff members to work in a team by sharing their feelings and new ideas with each other. With the help of this they can achieve decided aims and objectives within given period of time.
  • Knowledgerefers to collecting necessary information related to given tasks. Knowledge needed by HR professionals given below:
  • Management-Primary tasks that is given to HR execution to develop and also sustain workforce of company in better manner. In addition to this, it is essential that HR should be possess proper knowledge regarding management theories as well as practices to use same at the time of conducting various functions in company.
  • Technology-Under this, HR professional should know regarding technical things so that firm cannot face any kind of issues. Company should use advance technology in its business so there is a need to have proper knowledge about it.
  • Legislation- IN this, knowledge of legal system is necessary to HR professionals. They are responsible advise management on matters which are related with different policies as well as legislations developed through government. HR professional should know about laws which are necessary to apply at workplace.
  • Behaviour refers to manner under which an individual conduct itself (Eliot and Turns, 2011). It explains a way under which HR professional reacts to different conditions in company. Required behaviour of HR professionals given below:
  • Consumer focused-Emphasis of company is to provide better quality of services and products to consumers on the basis of their demands and needs. Firm should know about the behaviour as well as expectations of consumers. In context to Whirlpool, it provides home care appliances to individuals in all over the world. The consumers of this firm are very loyal towards it.
  • Accountable- An accountability of an individual defined as taking its own behaviour as well as actions. Tasks and activities are given to HR professional should achieve them with in specific time period by using cost effective approach (Flint, Zisook and Fisher, 2011). In an organization, it is important that the authority which is provided by manager to employee should be use in fair way.

P2 Completed personal skills audit to identify knowledge, skills and behaviours and develop professional development plan

Audit refers to inspection or examination of different accounts through an auditor to follow physical checking to assure that all functions are following the proper documented systems. Main objective behind this is to match the skills level with required power needs to work in company. In context to Whirlpool, it should conduct audit of skills of staff members on continuous basis for match abilities of employees. If skills of employees will be good, then they can focus on achieving aims of firm with in given time period (Fuggetta, and Di Nitto, 2014).

S. No

Learning Objectives

Actual skills

Desired Skills

Area of development



Communication skill



It is important skill acquired through a person that is working for the department of human resource. I have communication skills and I can deal with other people but as comparison standards of company, it is not enough. So, there is a requirement that I work on improve my communication skills by interact with my seniors and also understand that what other individual trying to say.

2 Months


Team leading skills



Its main focus is on bringing together all employees in a team so that they all can work on achieving set targets. I need to motivate my staff members to share their ideas or opinions with each other and find easiest way to achieve set objectives

1 Months


Conflict management



Under this, there is requirement to improve situation of conflict at workplace. But I do not have ability to resolve situation of dispute at workplace. So, I need to work on developing this skills and focus on deal with any kind of situation. It will helps in develop positive impact on firm as well as employees.

2 Months

Above given skill audit identifies present skills level of person as well as development scope. It is helpful in develop the better professional development plan. Under this, before ascertain knowledge as well as skills, it is important to determine weaknesses and strengths of person so that the proper development plan can be developed (Goetsc and Davis, 2014). The SWOT analysis of person given below as above:


  • Knowledge related to management
  • Ability of team budding
  • Technological knowledge


  • Not able to deal with conflict situation in better way
  • Communication skills
  • Minimum practical knowledge applicability


  • Practical knowledge
  • Skills to manage time


  • Limited exposure
  • Ethics

Professional development plan is formal means through which a person sets out strategies, outcomes and goals of training and learning (Hitt and et. al., 201). It documents objectives, needed competency and skills development of employee will require to achieve in context to support the career development along with continuous improvement.

Professional Development Plan

S. No


Strategies Adopted





Communication skills

Different strategies are need to be adopted for improve the communication skills in better way. Under this, communication was practised through me and also emphasized over main communication points.

In this, feedback was to be used as means to examine performance level.

2 Months



Team building

Strategies adopt to improve this kill is to execute the recognition programmes and also encourage the quality of team work through rewarding groups in context to their better performance.

Takes decisions regarding examine performance of teams.

2 Months



Conflict management

Strategies are adopted carefully by listening both sides before taking any decisions.

It can be examined by condition such as productivity and harmony of company.

4 Months

Not Accomplished


P3 Differences among organizational and individual learning, training, and development

  • Individuals learning: This is a process of learning in which an individual learn various things which improve his personal capability and help in perform his job role in an effective manner. One of the main benefit of this is that it makes an individual able to take better decision in complex situations which improve profits of company. Manager during recruitment process identify and examine the skills of individual before hire him for a specific job at workplace. Manager of Whirlpool also select the applicant have more knowledge and skills. It is very essential for manager to conduct training sessions for employees so they can improve their skills and can achieve their job objective (Huang, 2014). Training encourage individual to be more creative at workplace so company can provide featured products and services to its customers.
  • Organisational learning: This concept is related with develop, transfer and retain knowledge within an enterprise. It is implemented to achieve some predetermine objective. This type of learning is very essential for both employees and enterprise. Manager is the one who remain responsible to make the workers aware about the goal of company or what enterprise wants to achieve. When staff members remain aware about mission of company and they have knowledge about what company wants to achieve then it helps them to perform their job roles accordingly.

The concept of individual learning is totally different from organisation learning and this can be understood by the table given below:


Organisational learning

Individual learning


Through doing own learning, it is essential for using different sources those help in better improvement.

This type of learning is very important for an individual as this help in career development.

Share Vision

It is duty of manager to share the vision with staff members so that can focus on achieving it.

An individual will share the vision of career with manager.


It aids in sharing knowledge with in an organisation.

Its main purpose is to give better knowledge related to services and products of company.

Training and development is necessary functions which HR manager uses to increase knowledge, skills and abilities of staff members (Légaré and et. al., 2011). Training is related to increase specific skills but development is concerned with over all grooming. HR manager control and manage functions related to training programs for development of employees. It helps in maximizing the development and productivity of employees and they will focus on attaining specific tasks or activities.

P4 Requirement for continuous learning and professional development

Continuous learning refers to an ability of continually create as well as improve knowledge and skills of individuals in context to perform properly and also adopt modification at workplace. At individual level, continuous learning is related to expand abilities to learn through continuous upgrade skills and also enhance knowledge (Macdonald and Poniatowska, 2011). It is necessary in an organisation as it helps in deal with the various conditions of business. On the other hand, professional development is a learning to maintain or earn the professional credentials like attending conferences, informal opportunities for learning etc. Professional development and continuous learning both plays a necessary role at workplace.

Continuous learning is necessary to adopt the change in work as well as demands of life. It includes viewing experiences as values, re- examining assumptions and potential learning, practices and policies. An adoption of the continuous learning is necessary as it influence Whirlpool company to deal with the changing market. It is helpful in promote adaptive and achieve environment so that this firm can attain set aims with in given time period. It assures that capabilities and also knowledge of staff members should be up- to- date so they can easily adopt the changes. Whirlpool company is inadequate behind its rivals as well as enforce alterations in organisational structure (Marquardt and et. al., 2011). These type of circumstances can counters with an execution of continuous learning at workplace. On individual level, continuous learning is explained through practices in which a person carried out to continue enhance knowledge. Continuous learning is helpful for an individual to expand knowledge as well as skills in company. Continuous Professional Development application assures that the workforce is to be developed that is able to cope up with modifying environment of firm to getting positive results on profit level and growth of firm.

Professional development aims to develop abilities of staff members for performing as well as managing tasks. It helps in retain employees at workplace. In addition to this, there are many measures which employed in developing staff members are workshops, supervision, mentoring etc. In case Whirlpool firm takes some measures in context to develop staff members then in this case it helps in developing the positive affect on brand image of company. It is learning to maintain or earn professional credentials for an instance better opportunities of learning, seminars and attending the conferences.


P5 HPW contributes to employee engagement and competitive advantage

High performance work practices refers to practices which have been signifies to make improvement in capacity of organisation to effectively select, develop, sustain and hire the high performance employees (Pakdil and Leonard, 2014). These are management tactics of employees that enhance profit and growth of firm. It is an effective methodology in order to prove effectiveness of workplace. Its main aims is to engage as well as empower employees to get the positive outcomes. Firm faces the crisis and also executing some changes in practices of firm which can not attained without the staff members in change management. It is contemporary model of business that is adopted through company is more beneficial. The main role of High Performance Work is to design job, recognise needs of employees and attract them to satisfy job satisfaction, give sessions of training and development etc. In context to this, high performance working is concerned to enhancing commitment of employees through involving them to give participate in the process of learning. If Whirlpool company will understand requirements of employees then they will be loyal towards firm for long period of time (Serrat, 2017). In company employees are only methods by which high performance work can be executed in firm. An execution related to High Performance Work can incorporated by three practices which are given below as above:

  • Human resource practices: IT is other mode by which High Performance Work practices can executed at workplace of Whirlpool. Their main work is to develop better skills of persons which are working for company. Major functions of human resource is to hiring, selecting, training and development, performance appraisal and payroll. Under this, there is role of HR professional redefined.
  • Commitment and rewards- Under this, High performance work practices can executed at workplace by adopting effective rewarding practices of staff members. The reward can be in the form of finance and non- finance. Rewards help in enhancing motivation of employees and they start focus on achieving target of company.

Whirlpool company started High Performance approaches for assure to develop the high performance environment to encounter crises situation (Van Driel and Berry, 2012.). Creativity and communication are two important tools employed to get over under this current condition. High performance work practices assures that ideal employees participation in business affairs that is supported by development, shared vision, communication and accountability of firm with staff members.


P6 Different approaches to performance management

Performance management refers to ongoing procedure of communication among top management and staff members which occur through out year, in support to achieving strategic aims and goals of firm. Performance management help in promote as well as improve effectiveness of employees. It is continuous procedure where employee and employer together work to plan, control, monitor and review work objectives of employees to contribute towards firm. There are various approached related to performance management given below:

  • Collaborative working-IT refers to partnership and joint working that covers many ways that two or more than tow companies are together working (Woodcock, 2017). It includes different methods those are useful in context to make companies work together for attaining set aims and goals. In context to this, these working are implemented according to factors those are operate at the internal level in Whirlpool company. Collaboration able people to work in a team to attain defined and common purpose of business. It is an ideal way to develop better environment of the high performance work at workplace. People work together in companion provides many advantages to business as enhancing productivity, achieve high growth rate, better goodwill etc. It needs groups to be work together in order to share their ideas as well as knowledge on specific improvement areas. In this, it can be work across organisations and authorities or among various teams at workplace.

Eg-If employer adopting the plans in context to implement collaborative working then it helps in attaining objectives of business in desired period of time. So, it is necessary for Whirlpool company to create common goals with set time period.

  • Quality aspect- It is necessary factor related to assuring the high performance in company. Its main focus on develop the better quality and also add some value goods to consumers so that they can sustain towards firm for long period of time (Flint, Zisook and Fisher, 2011). Whirlpool company provides better quality of home care appliances to people. It will helps on enhancing sales and profit level of business operations.

For an example- Whirlpool company focus on quality aspects to make consumers loyal by providing them better quality services and products.

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It has been concluded from the above-given report that developing knowledge and abilities of staff members are necessary for the growth of the firm. Development and learning activities are inculcated in the business environment to gain a better competitive advantage. In this given report studied the difference between individual and organizational learning, training and development in better way. The HPW contributes towards the employees engagement as well as competitive advantage with in condition of firm has been also studies under this. HPW is the ideal practice by which the firm can gain a top position a competitive market in UK.

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  • Pakdil, F. and Leonard, K. M., 2014. Criteria for a lean organization: development of a lean assessment tool. International Journal of Production Research. 52(15). pp.4587-4607.
  • Serrat, O., 2017. Building a learning organization. In Knowledge solutions (pp. 57-67). Springer Singapore.
  • Van Driel, J. H. and Berry, A., 2012. Teacher professional development focusing on pedagogical content knowledge. Educational Researcher. 41(1). pp.26-28.
  • Woodcock, M., 2017. Team development manual. Routledge.
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