
Compare and Contrast Essay: Structure, Topics & Example

Read this guide to compare and contrast essay and make your writing effortless and efficient.

How to Write Compare and Contrast Essay? | Assignment Desk
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    Do you also compare and contrast to come up with everyday decisions? We all do it to conclude, right? But, when it comes to writing an actual compare and contrast essay, we do get stuck. As, for drafting this write-up, you must pick out the subject accordingly. Not only this but many students also face issues while writing it, as you must present relevant arguments for proving your point. However, worry not, as in this blog you will learn all about comparing and contrasting essays with topics and examples. So, let us begin this voyage of knowledge and understand its meaning in the following section.

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    What Is a Compare and Contrast Essay?

    Compare and contrast essay focuses on the differences and similarities between two or more things. The purpose of this write-up is to provide the reader with a proper guide about two subjects. The name compare and contrast denotes the similarities and differences, respectively.

    This write-up is a crucial type of essay given to you as an academic task, here, you must compare the distinct things and then come to an analysis. It can be challenging for some students so, they might choose to use essay typer for writing it. Anyways, compare and contrast essay has three significant purposes that are as follows:

    • Provide a comparison between two distinct or similar objects.
    • Analyse the subject by providing evidence and examples.
    • Draws contrast between the objects.

    You must have understood the meaning of a compare and contrast essay and also the purpose that it serves. Now, let us move forward to the following section and learn about its structure and write a good compare and contrast essay.

    Structure of Compare and Contrast Essay

    Structuring a compare and contrast essay and dividing the information precisely, is crucial. You must keep the format of the write-up in mind while drafting it. Usually, a typical essay includes an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion. Go through the following pointers to learn about compare and contrast essay structure.


    The first part is the introduction, where you learn how to start a compare and contrast essay. It is one of the most critical parts of the essay where you can hook the attention of your spectator. Here, you set the tone for the entire content, so write it accordingly.

    Body Paragraph

    After the introduction part, next is the body paragraph, where you begin to structure your essay. You can divide your content into two to three paragraphs to make it look structured. Here, you can also create a compare and contrast essay outline for dividing the information precisely.


    The final part is the compare and contrast essay conclusion part. Here, you conclude your write-up and provide the final result of the analysis. While writing this part, you must not include any new ideas as it will create confusion for the reader.

    This is how you can structure your essay and make it look professional. Follow the above format and write a document worthy of an A+ grade. Still, has no idea about writing it. We got you, seek law essay writing service for an effortless experience from us. Moreover, let us move to the following section to help you write a compare and contrast essay by providing some tips.

    How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay?

    how to write a compare and contrast essay

    For writing a compare and contrast essay, several things must be kept in mind. In this essay, you must provide proper information to the reader by comparing two things. Therefore, learn about the tips that you can follow for writing from the following pointers.

    Select Your Theme

    The first thing is to select your theme and subject for conducting compare and contrast. It is the first crucial part of writing your essay. While selecting a theme, try to choose a topic of your interest. If you find a title interesting, you will be able to write it efficiently.

    Pick Relevant Subject

    The next step is to pick out a relevant subject to make comparisons. Select two contrasting things that can be compared and differentiated. You will be able to write an efficient write-up that may impress your professor and can get you high scores.

    Dig Fun Facts

    Another crucial tip is to dig for some fun facts about your topic. Research a lot and gather information about it you can find it on the web. As writing fun facts will make it more engaging for the readers. In addition, it will also improve the overall quality of your document.

    Find Evidences

    As you are writing a compare and contrast essay, you must prioritise evidence. Gather as much information as you can to prove your point. You can take the help of online sources or any relevant book for that purpose. Moreover, you can get MBA essay help from professionals for further assistance.

    Revise & Recheck

    Last but not least is to recheck and revise the essay before finalising. It is the most crucial step before submitting the final document, which can save you from having it rejected. In addition, it also saves your essay from any errors or spelling mistakes.

    The above pointers precisely explain how you can write a compare and contrast essay perfectly. Follow the above tips and make your writing experience easy for you. Now, let us move ahead towards the list of 70+ topics for compare and contrast in the following section.

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    70+ Topics of Compare and Contrast Essay

    Explore the following remarkable list of 70+ compare and contrast essays and select the best one.

    Best Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

    1. American Economy vs Chinese Economy: Which one is better?

    2. Compare and contrast I phones vs Android Phones

    3. The conflict between North Korea vs the United States: Find out the reasons

    4. Advantages and disadvantages of tea vs coffee

    5. Moms vs Dads: Who is more strict?

    6. Compare and contrast between oranges and apples

    7. Explain how abuse affects the mental health of a young child vs an old one

    8. Anorexia vs Bulimia: Which among is more severe?

    9. Strict Parenting vs Flexible Parenting: Which is better?

    10. Vegetables vs fruits: What contains more vitamins?

    Cultural Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

    1. Compare and contrast the greeting tradition of Japan vs the USA

    2. Japanese vs Chinese: Way of drinking the tea

    3. Food traditions of Sri Lanka vs Israel

    4. Costumes of North Korea vs South Korea

    5. Compare the two giants of beverages: Espresso vs Americano

    6. Chopsticks of Japan vs South Korea

    7. Difference between male figures in the Eastern vs Western world

    8. Carry out a comparison between China, Russia, and Thailand

    9. The cultures of hipsters vs hippies

    10. Explain the make-up habits of Eastern Europe vs Western Europe

    Interesting Topics for Compare and Contrast Essay

    1. Manicure at home vs salon: which is better?

    2. Mozzarella vs tofu for pizza topping

    3. Dogs vs cats: Who are more loyal?

    4. Tall person vs short person: Challenges faced by both

    5. Musical vs non-musical analysing: Which is more effective?

    6. Mosquitoes vs cockroaches: Who are more annoying?

    7. Peanut butter vs jelly on bread

    8. Fork vs chopsticks for eating noodles

    9. Bananas vs chocolates: Better snacking options

    10. Precious metal vs currency: What is the most valuable?

    Compare and Contrast Essay for Students

    1. Compare the sleeping habits of women, men, and older people

    2. Children raised in a traditional family vs single-parenting

    3. Male vs female: Who cooks better?

    4. Compare and contrast between toys for boys and girls

    5. What are the physical training standards for different genders?

    6. Medical system of rural vs urban setting

    7. Starvation diet vs small portions

    8. Honey vs ginger: What is better for health?

    9. Health benefits of soy milk vs cow milk

    10. Canned food vs fresh food for the diet of children

    Good Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

    1. Compare and contrast bachelor's and master's degree

    2. Home vs Library: A Better Place for Studying

    3. Distance learning vs attending regular college

    4. Guitar vs piano: What to learn as a student?

    5. Strict Parents or open parents: The Better parenting

    6. Compare and contrast between pebble beaches and sandy beaches

    7. MacDonald vs Domino's: Which is more popular?

    8. Bacteria that are harmful vs good for the human body

    9. Exercise vs yoga: What is more beneficial for health?

    10. Self-massage vs professional massage

    Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for Environment

    1. Differentiate between mind boosters and soft drugs

    2. Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates: A Better Businessman

    3. Are online courses a waste of time?

    4. International monetary fund: Debt pit or economic investment

    5. Pros and cons of drinking tea

    6. Psychological drawbacks of having spicy food

    7. Health benefits of ginger vs honey

    8. Face Gymnastic vs Botox: Better remedy for wrinkle reduction

    9. Cold room vs warm room: Which is more comfortable?

    10. Compare the traditional vs conventional methods of treating cold

    Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for Psychology

    1. Suicide vs homicide

    2. Medication or therapy for curing mental health?

    3. Ego vs superego: Which is worse?

    4. Vaping vs smoking: More dangerous for health

    5. Differences between depression in adults vs children

    6. Psychology vs sociology

    7. Theories of B. Skinner vs J. Watson

    8. What is the difference between elusive and fantasy dreams?

    9. Stress vs depression: Which is worse?

    10. Why mythologies should not be read for better mental health?

    11. Compare and contrast: psychiatry vs psychology

    So, the list of compare and contrast topics ends here, you must have chosen the best one. However, do you know that many scholars find difficulty in writing it? Yes, the real challenging task is to write it, but worry not, as you will get some idea about it through the following example. So, let us move forward and see how the experts write a compare and contrast essay.

    Example of Compare and Contrast Essay

    Getting theoretical knowledge is not enough, you need to also look at practical examples to learn about it. Therefore, we have brought this compare and contrast essay example so that you can get a proper understanding of it.

    Topic: State School vs Private School


    Deciding whether to choose a state or private school for children can be challenging. But you can make this decision by reading this compare and contrast between the two...

    Body Paragraph 1

    A recent study shows that parents are more attracted towards state schools as they are pocket-friendly. The cost of private schooling can be daunting, so they prefer to send their children to state schools...

    Body Paragraph 2

    There is no doubt that private schools can be expensive, but when compared to the quality of education, state schools are still behind. That can also be the reason for choosing private schools for education...


    Private or government, parents should choose according to their convenience. In addition, they must select what is best for the child's development. So, refer to this comparison above to make a decision...

    The above is an example of a compare and contrast essay, so go through it and see how you can write like a pro. Moreover, we can also provide you essay helper who can provide you with the best write-up at your fingertips. Refer to the following section to know more about it.

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    Get Our Help with Compare and Contrast Essay

    Our discussion about compare and contrast essay ends here. You must have understood all about it from head to toe. Keep the pointers in your discussion here while you write this document. Moreover, if you still have any confusion, you must get assistance for an effortless experience. We at the Assignment Desk have a staff of expert writers who are highly qualified and possess master's and PhD degrees. They have been in business for quite a long time and understand the needs of students. So, do not delay and get assignment help now and start your journey towards a better future.

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