
HR7342 Developing Individual, Teams and Organisation Level 5 University of East London


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  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 20 / Words 5068
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HR manager or officer is the prime responsibility to develop individual and team working in an organisation due to which maximum supports will be received by them in near future. Therefore, it is important to first identify the needs and requirements of employees at workplace and accordingly implement an effective decision in order to develop skills and knowledge. The present assignment report is based on Whirlpool, a USA manufacturing company which deals in providing home appliances across worldwide. It has attained over 70 manufacturing and technology research centres all over the world and employed over 92000 employees which assists company to provide quality products and services to the targeted customers. The project includes the skills and knowledge required by HR professionals in an individual as a employee. Along with this personal skills audit and professional development for HR professionals has been also discussed under this report. The project also summarises the need of continuous learning and professional development in sustainable business performance. In addition with this, different approaches of performance management and contribution of skilled workers in growth of company are also explained under this report (Ainscow  and Sandill,2010).


P1: Appropriate skills, knowledge and behaviour required by HR professionals

There are several functions which need to be performed by HR professionals of Whirlpool in order to manage and control business operations in more effective and efficient manner. For this, it is important for HR officer to have specific skills, knowledge and behaviour with the help of which they can able to analyse the performance of employees and find out the deviations and issues that may restrict them to contribute their maximum efforts. It directs the HR officer to conduct training and development programs with an objective of enhancing skills and knowledge of employees so that performance level will increased. Through this, the company can easily achieve its desired goals and objectives within pre-determined period of time. Thus, HR officer of Whirlpool require to perform different roles and responsibilities which are further described as below:

            Maintain relation with other departments: It is essential for HR officer to maintain healthy relations with other departments so as to get adequate support from them in achieving profitable outcomes. Getting feedbacks and suggestion from the managers of different department help HR manager to recruit skilled and knowledge employees for their departments.

            Maintain work ethics: HR officer of an organisation is held responsible to make an effective policies related with work ethic and implement them in proper manner. This will help company in eliminating cultural differences and promote equality among employees working in an organisation (Barclay  and Osei-Bryson, 2010).

            Health and safety measures: It is the responsibility of HR officers to adopt safety measures at workplace so as to secure and protect employees from any damage while working with machines and equipments. For this, it is essential to comply with health and safety policies so as to maintaining healthy work environment.

            Recruitment of employees: It is the foremost responsibility of HR professional to fulfil requirements of human resources in Whirlpool through adopting recruitment and selection process so as to attain skilled and knowledgeable employees who are more capable to complete allotted project activities within pre-determined period of time.

            Training and development programmes: HR officer required to identify the needs of training at workplace through conducting research within an organisation. It will help in collecting feedbacks and views of employees about the Working environment and issues they faced at workplace. Thereafter HR officer should required to conduct training sessions in order to enhance their potential and capabilities. It will bring motivation among employees and build healthy relation with them.

            Determination of remuneration: It is essentially required for HR officer to identify the capabilities and knowledge of employees and accordingly implement suitable policies regarding fixation of remuneration for each and every employees.

            Implementation of employment legislation laws: There are various laws related with employment thus need to be adopted by HF officer for the betterment of their human resource. It will help in creating good working atmosphere as well as build healthy relation them which increases the commitment of employee with company (Bolman and Deal, 2017).

P2&D1: Personal skills audit and professional development plan for HR

As a HR officer of Whirlpool, there is need to perform various important functions in order to achieve desired goals and objectives. In order to determine whether HR officer are enough capable of doing allotted responsibilities in an effective manner, personal kills audit is must required to be conducted. Thus, if any deviation found during skills audit then it shall required to be improved through organising training sessions. It will help in improving the personality and develop professional career as HR officer. Such personal skills audit and professional development plan enable HR Professional to perform in an optimum way.

Personal skills audit of HR Professional is described below:



Very Good




Little or no experience

Information Technology




Use Microsoft office word





Use Excel Spreadsheet





Use specialist HR







Use a database





Use the internet





Use Email





Use PowerPoint








Very Good



Little or no experience

Communication skills




Drafting contracts of employment





Taking notes of disciplinary hearing





Write reports





Produce materials to support presentations





Delivering a training session





Resolving disputes










Advising on HR issues








Very Good



Little or no Experience

Problem solving skills




Make good use of verbal reasoning skills, able to handle complex data and make selective use of information





Explore more than one solution in order to solve a problem





Consider the ideas of others to help solve problems







Supervisory Management


How much experience


have you had in your




< 1 month


1-3 months

> 3 months

How many people have

 you managed at any

 one time?




Above 5


It has been clearly identified from the above skills audit that there is need for improvement in relation with communication and problems solving skills. For this further actions to be taken in order to make strength their weaknesses through engaged in training programs. It will help company in achieving desired target within predetermined time period (Leggat and Balding, 2013).

Personal development for HR Professionals of Whirlpool

As per the above audit, there is requirement to prepare personal development plan for the HR officer of Whirlpool. It is generally made by management to enhance the communication skills, problem solving skills as well as leadership skills. Such plans is made to achieve growth and success in its professional career as HR professionals. Such plans are prepared in the following manner:

Development need

Development type


Time required

Communication skills

Own development

As identified from audit report that HR manager has facing lack of communication skills thus it is essential to develop as quickly as possible so that proper direction and guidance will be provided to their employees. Communicate roles and responsibilities and collecting feedbacks from employees bring motivation and self-confidence among them due to which their performance level will also be improved.

1.5 Months

Problem solving skills

Own development

There are lots of issues and problems that may faced by employees at workplace which may harm the interest and working behaviour of employees therefore it is essential as HR manager to have problems solving skills so to bring out optimum solution in order to resolve as quickly as possible. Thus, need to be improved by HR manager.

2 months

Leadership skills

Own development

It also has been observed from audit report that HR Manager do not have sufficient leadership skills which is essential to be present in HR manager in order to provide motivation and get work done from others in more effective and efficient manner. Having such skills encourages employees to work in  a team so that combined efforts to be made in achieving desired goals and objectives.

3 months


M1: Detailing about professional skill audit

Professional skills audit is define below:


Very good



Leadership skill




Team building skills






P3: Evaluation of different between individual and organisational learning & training and development

Training and development are two important aspect which plays a valuable role in enhancing the skills and knowledge of employees thus need to be conducted by HR officer on regular basis. Training includes the development of specific skills of an individual whereas development programs includes development of overall personality. It has been identified that development programs has wide scope as compared to training programs. But both techniques gives an opportunity to improve the skills and abilities of employees which further help them in achieving growth in their professional career (North and Kumta, 2018).

Comparison between training and development





It is an effective program which is conducted to enhance the specific skills and knowledge of employees so as to make them capable of doing their allotted task in a profitable manner

Such programs is conducted to enhance the overall personality of employees which further help in achieving growth in professional career. Thus, has wide scope.


Short period of time

Long period of time

Concentrate on




To develop lacked skills and knowledge of employees.

To enable employees to deal with challenges that may comes in the way of their professional career.


Job oriented

Career oriented


Job related

Development of personality


Similar wise, individual and organisational learning are also two different concepts which also improves the knowledge of an individual as well as an organisation. Individual learning focuses on learning of individual whereas other concept to focused on organisational learning. Both are briefly defined as below:

            Individual learning: Under this concept, the main emphasis is given on learning of an individual working in an organisation. Under this, the strengths and weaknesses of an individual has been identified and accordingly organise learning programs so to enhance their weak areas. This makes their employees more capable of facing problems and challenges that may comes in the way of achieving growth in their professional career.

            Organisational learning:  It is the process of formulation of plans and policies related with learning programs and styles which need to be adopted within an organisation due to which the desired goals and objectives can be achieved within pre-determined period of time. Thus need to be adopted by Whirlpool in order to recover from downfall and increase their performance level (Prugsamatz, 2010).

Comparison between Individual learning and organisation learning

Individual learning

Organisational learning

It may be defined as the process of identifying the learning of single individual so that suitable learning programs will be organised.

It includes the polices and strategies related with adoption of learning styles in an organisation so as to manage and transfer knowledge of all departments within an organisation.

It has main focuses on identifying strengths and weaknesses of an individual with the purpose of removing them as quickly as possible.

Its main focus is to develop learning of organisation through implementing new process and techniques.

It helps in development of skills and capabilities of an individual so that allotted task should be performed by them in profitable manner.

It helps in the development of team groups in an organisation which directly makes positive impact on the entire performance of an organisation.


P4: Need to continuous learning and professional development in sustainable business performance

Learning and professional development makes huge impact on the overall performance of Whirlpool in positive manner. Learning is the process of acquiring new skills and knowledge through studying and getting practical experiences. Training and development programmes also plays valuable role in learning process. Therefore, HR officer is held liable to identify the strengths and weaknesses of individuals and accordingly implement sufficient learning methods and programs with an objective of enhancing their weak areas. Accordingly development programs also required to be conducted in order to make employees more capable to achieve growth in their professional career (Schalock and Verdugo, 2012). Maximum contribution of employees directly improving the performance level of organisation which increases its sustainability in competitive market. There are different need for continuous learning and professional development which are given as below:

            Development of skills: There are various learning styles and methods such as Kolb's learning theory etc. which need to be applied by HR officer of Whirlpool with the purpose of developing skills and knowledge of existing employees. It will help company in getting maximum contribution for their workers in achieving desired goals and objectives due to which the chances of sustaining in market for longer period of time will be more.

            Improvement of communication and coordination: Continuous learning among the workers of Whirlpool removes the communication gap between HR manager and employees which brings motivation among them. Therefore, proper communication and coordination among between HR manager and employees brings motivation to work in a team and give combined efforts in achieving desired target (Waddock  and Bodwell, 2017).

            Employee relation: The chances of getting profitable outcomes will be high if the relationship between the HR manager and employees are good and strong. Therefore continuous learning and professional development plan helps in identifying the weak areas of an individual which are ton be developed by HR officer through adopting an effective learning programs.

            Accomplishment of different objectives: Such learning and professional development plans improves the strengths and weaknesses of an individual due to which they contribute maximum efforts in achieving desired goals and objectives within pre-determined period of time.

M2:Application of learning cycle theories to analyse the benefits of continuous professional development

There are four learning cycle theories which supports in professional development which are defined as below:

            Concrete experience: It helps in enhancing the problems solving skills and overall development of employees.

            Reflective observation: It helps in identifying the problems and challenges that may comes in the process of executing business activities due to which optimum solution will be find out to resolve them as quickly as possible.

            Abstract conceptualisation: It helps in understanding the roles and responsibilities the employees need to be performed in an organisation (Wegge and et. al., 2010).

            Active experimentation: It helps in bringing out innovations and creativity among employees so as to complete allotted project activity in more effective way.


P5&D2 Contribution of High performance worker in employee engagement and competitive advantage

An organisation having high skilled and high performance employees bring motivation among other employees due to which they work hard to achieve growth in their professional goals. Through this, an organisation can easily achieve its desired goals and objectives. Observing the high performer will enhance the interest and working behaviour of other employees due to which the chances of occurring mistakes will be less. Some other contribution is defined as below:

  • Good employees and their supportive behaviour helps in creating healthy atmosphere at workplace which makes easy for employees to compete their working hours and engaged in each business activity.
  • High performer if supportive in nature help other employees in maximising their performance through telling them innovative ways of completing allotted task in an effective and efficient manner.
  • High performed of Whirlpool helps in bring motivation among low performer due to which the chances of creating new and innovative ideas by them will be more. It will bring profitable result in near future (Williams, 2010).

M3: Analysing the benefits of applying HPW within an organisation

Benefits of High performance employees:

  • It helps in establishing healthy relation with the employees and build an effective team.
  • Enhancing the communication and coordination among various departments.
  • Creating healthy environment at workplace which brings motivations among employees.
  • Helps in achieving competitive advantage and accomplishment of desired goals within pre-determined period of time.


P6&M4: Different approaches of performance management and their contribution in high performance culture and commitment

There are many effective approaches which need to be considered by HR officer of Whirlpool in order to appraise the performance of employees. It can be done through identification of needs of training, challenges, weaknesses of employee etc. which direct HR officer to formulate an effective polices and strategies in order to fulfil the requirements at workplace. Adoption of different approaches helps in creating healthy atmosphere at workplace which brings motivation among employees to build high performance culture. Such approaches are described as below:

            Comparative approach: Such approach is mainly focuses on comparing the performance of employees with the standards so to find out the deviations if any, which restrict workers to give their maximum efforts which causes low performance. This will help HR Manager to make an effective decisions and planning so as to eliminate such deviations as quickly as possible. In order to enhance the performance level of employees, the management ranked their performance and accordingly provides benefits to them (Approaches for measuring performance of employees, 2017).

            Attribute approach: In this approach, various aspects are used by an organisation in order to enhance the performance level of employees. Such aspects includes innovation, creativity, team work etc. which ensures in completing allotted task in desired manner. This can be done after recognising the attributes of an individual working in an organisation and accordingly assign them roles and responsibilities.

            Result approach: In this approach, the appraisal of performance of employees are based on their result received from their allotted business activities. This will help in identifying the high and low skills workers due to which training requirements are easily identified. The management provides SMART goals according to which employees should be performed their allotted task. The balance scorecard may also required to be adopted by management which consist of four perspectives includes financial, internal, customers and operations.

            Behavioural approach: Under this approach, the management appraise the performance of employees on the basis of their behaviour in an organisation. It includes supportive nature, communication, coordination with co-workers etc. which help in creating healthy working atmosphere.


It has been concluded from the above project report that HR officer of an organisation bear main roles and responsibilities on the basis of which the growth and success of employees as well as company depends. To achieve sustainability, HR officer shall required to perform several functions such as appraisal of performance, recruitment and selection of human resource, conducting training and development programs etc. It is also important to identify the strengths and weakness of employees through conducting professional skills audit which help HR officer to organisation personal and professional development plan to enhance weak areas of an individuals.


  • Ainscow, M. and Sandill, A., 2010. Developing inclusive education systems: the role of organisational cultures and leadership. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 14(4). pp.401-416.
  • Barclay, C. and Osei-Bryson, K.M., 2010. Project performance development framework: An approach for developing performance criteria & measures for information systems (IS) projects. International Journal of Production Economics. 124(1). pp.272-292.
  • Bolman, L.G. and Deal, T.E., 2017. Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Leggat, S.G. and Balding, C., 2013. Achieving organisational competence for clinical leadership: the role of high performance work systems. Journal of health organization and management. 27(3). pp.312-329.
  • North, K. and Kumta, G., 2018. Knowledge management: Value creation through organizational learning. Springer.
  • Prugsamatz, R., 2010. Factors that influence organization learning sustainability in non-profit organizations. The Learning Organization. 17(3). pp.243-267.
  • Schalock, R.L. and Verdugo, M.A., 2012. A Leadership Guide for Today's Disabilities Organizations: Overcoming Challenges and Making Change Happen. Brookes Publishing Company. PO Box 10624, Baltimore, MD 21285.
  • Waddock, S. and Bodwell, C., 2017. Total responsibility management: The manual. Routledge.
  • Wegge, J., and et. al., 2010. Promoting work motivation in organizations: Should employee involvement in organizational leadership become a new tool in the organizational psychologist's kit?. Journal of Personnel Psychology. 9(4). p.154.
  • Williams, C., 2010. Understanding the essential elements of workbased learning and its relevance to everyday clinical practice. Journal of nursing management. 18(6). pp.624-632.

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