
Unit 2 Training And Development Level 5 HND Diploma Business


  • Unit No:
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 44 / Words 10944
  • Paper Type: Dissertation
  • Course Code:
  • Downloads: 6430

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Title

The title of dissertation is “Examining the impact of training and development on employee's retention: A case study on TESCO”.

1.2 Introduction

To sustain in competitive environment and to improve the performance of employees, training and development plays a crucial as well as important role. In today's era, employee's retention is one of the biggest issues that organisations are dealing with. Now a days, many organisations have realised that they must concentrate on employee's retention. It further becomes one of the most crucial business objectives in order to keep company competitive and profitable (McCracken, Currie and Harrison, 2016). Thus, management of business corporations devise ample of strategies to keep their employees satisfied and motivated. In this context, present study will focus on the impact of training and development on retention of employees working at Tesco, Pinner. Tesco is one of the leading supermarkets and retail stores incorporating in United Kingdom. It specialises in delivering high quality and range of products as well as services to consumers. As per the recent statistics, it was identified that there was an aggregate of 327601 employees working at different stores of Tesco across UK and 133041 employees are working at overseas stores of Tesco.

This implies that management has to deal with humongous  manpower in order to sustain in the competitive environment. Training and development are two important aspects that help the employees to enhance his or her capabilities, skills and competencies. Training helps in enriching existing level of knowledge of the employees and development helps in promoting employee's growth (Aruna and Anitha, 2015). In order to reduce absenteeism, conflicts and grievances between employees, it is important for management to provide precise training and development of employees time to time. The dissertation will be prepared in a systematic manner by analysing each and every aspect of training and development. Researcher will analyse relevant and academic literature in order to create robust arguments in the study. Precise research methodology and method of data collection will be utilised in order to enhance the effectiveness of dissertation.

1.3 Background of Research

While doing business, management face numerous issues and difficulties which affects its growth and development. It is important for firm to understand the requirements of customers and deliver their services and products accordingly (Yadav and Saxena, 2015). It is important for the business to have skilled and capable workers so that they will be able to perform their set of roles in an effective manner. Among many of  issues faced by the firm, it can be stated that companies are facing issues in relation with high turnover rate. Due to this, firm has to hire new workers and they are not able to maintain the quality of services delivered. In this context, training and development can be determined to be one of effective ways to retain employees. In this research, Tesco is taken into consideration and they focus on delivering their customers with high quality services. Researchers in their previous study argued that training and development is essential and crucial factors to boost up the morale and motivation of employees. To comprehend the statement, researcher focuses on training and development strategy implemented by Tesco, Pinner in order to increase employee retention and for reducing absenteeism as well as employee's turnover.

1.4 Rationale of Study

Training and development are important components that help in improving the skills, competencies and knowledge level of employees working in an organisation. These components aid in reducing employee's turnover, attrition and employee's dissatisfaction with increasing their morale, satisfaction and motivation. The rationale of research study is to examine the training and development policies implemented by organisation. As training and development directly related with growth of employees, it is considered as an essential component which influences their retention. This study will help in enhancing the level of knowledge and understanding of researcher regarding subject matter. Furthermore, researcher will be able to gain information about training and development strategies of Tesco, Pinner.

1.5 Problem Statement

According to Neil Armstrong “research is creating new knowledge”. Tesco, Pinner, UK is a medium sized branch of TESCO, United Kingdom located at North West London. From recent survey and media articles, it was identified that organisation has been facing issues regarding employee's retention. To sustain and survive in  competitive environment, it is essential for the management of business organisation to focus on their employees. Employees are the most crucial assets that an organisation possess. If they are highly satisfied and motivated, then organisation could attain its desired goals and objectives efficiently and if they are dissatisfied, demotivated and frustrated from the management then there are higher possibilities that they will leave the organisation (Mathew, 2015). To shed light on these issues, researcher will focus on this core issue i.e. lack of training and development of employees at Tesco, Pinner and conduct research study appropriately.

1.6 Aim and Objectives


The aim of research study is “to evaluate the impact of training on employee's retention - a case study on TESCO, Pinner”.


In order to support the aim of study, researcher has formulated research objectives which are as follows:

  • To determine the relationship between employee's retention and training and development
  • To analyse the impact of training and development on employees retention at TESCO, Pinner, UK.
  • To recommend ways to increase employee's retention through training and development at TESCO, UK

1.7 Research Questions

Research questions are the fundamental core of dissertation. In this context, researcher has formulated research questions in order to carry out the rese study.

  1. What is the relationship between employee's retention as well as training and development?
  2. How Tesco Pinner can benefit from training and development on employee's retention in order to retain employees?

1.8 Framework of Study

In this section, research will briefly describe the research methodology that he or she will going to apply in dissertation in order to accomplish its aim and objectives. The framework of study is described as below:

Research Philosophy: Research philosophy is the way or belief of researcher through which he or she gathers relevant data, analyse it and provides interpretation appropriately (Kalra, Phadnis and Joshi, 2017). In the present research study, researcher will use positivism research philosophy.

Research Approach: Discussion of research approach is essential in dissertation study. Research approach is a plan and procedure that consists of steps of broad assumptions to detailed method of carrying out research study. In the present dissertation, research will use inductive research approach. It embarks with research questions, aim and objective that need to be achieved during research process.

Research Design: Research design is the general plan formulated by the researcher that demonstrates the way he or she attempts the research questions. In the present research study, researcher will be applying descriptive research design.

Research Strategy: Research strategies are the plans through which researcher will going attain the aim and objectives of the study (Muriana and Vizzini, 2017). In the present dissertation, researcher will be using quantitative research method. It helps in collecting data from questionnaire and further assist research in the process of data analysis.

Data Collection: Data collection is crucial process in the dissertation study. It is the process through which researcher collects relevant data and information (Peter, Werner and Alavi, 2017). In the present study researcher will be using both primary and secondary sources in order to collect data. Questionnaire will be used to collect primary data and journals, books, web articles and organisational website will be used for collecting secondary data.

Sampling: Sampling is the process of taking out small proportion of data from large pool of information (Mebius, Kennedy and Howick, 2016). It is important as analysing large data is pragmatically not possible for researcher. In the present study, researcher will take a sample of 15 employees in order to analyse their views regarding training and development policies of Tesco, Pinner.

1.9 Structure of dissertation

To accomplish the aim and objectives of the research study, it is important for researcher to adhere to precise dissertation structure. Non adherence will negatively impact on research study. In this context, the structure of present study is described below:

  1. Chapter 1: Introduction- Introduction will be the first chapter of dissertation. Here researcher will briefly describe the purpose, background and rationale of study. The aim and objectives along with precise framework of dissertation will be described.
  2. Chapter 2: Literature Review- Literature review will be the second chapter of present study. The purpose of literature review is to establish theoretical framework of the research study. Here, researcher will compare and contrast upon the articles and reviews of different authors
  3. Chapter 3: Research Methodology- Research methodology will be the third chapter of the research study. Here, researcher will elaborate the research methods he or she will be applying in the research study in order to attain the aim and objectives of study.
  4. Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Findings- It is fourth and most important chapter of the dissertation. In this chapter, researcher will interpret the data collected by him or her in most effective and systematic manner.
  5. Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations- It is the fifth and last chapter of the dissertation. Here, researcher will wind of the dissertation by elucidating synopsis and finding of the study appropriately.

1.10 Significance of study

Training is very important in a organisation it helps employees to get the skills and  knowledge they need to perform the job most efficiently and effective. The benefits  of training will help not only the employees it will be a benefit for the all  organisation. The research study will assists the end users to understand the importance of training and development in order to increase retention of the employee. The research will further assist the academicals and scholars to enhancing their understanding about the benefits of training and development for the organisation. Eventually, the research study will helps management of Tesco Pinner by suggesting them some efficient ways through which training and development can be provided to employees.

Chapter 2: Litereature Review

2.1 Introduction

Literature review is second chapter in the dissertation. Here researcher will analyse and critique on impact of training and development on retention of employees through reviewing academic articles and journals jotted by senior researchers and scholars. The motive of literature review is to provide theoretical framework to the study. In this chapter researcher will contrast and compare the reviews of other authors on the subject matter. Use of relevant theories and approaches will be identified and what senior researchers recommend to enhance the retention of employees through training and development will be determined in the study.

2.2 Determining the relationship between employees retention and training and development

According to McCracken, Currie and Harrison, (2016) in today modem world, Human resources is the most crucial element of every company regarding competitive advantages. All the resources can be arrange effortlessly but arranging effective and retain talented human capital is not a easy task. Organisation uses different human resources techniques for retention of an employee's. The work attitude of employee's towards the organisation goal show relationship between retention of employee's and training and development and intention of an employee's to stay. Job satisfaction, ignoring problems shows employee's intention to stay. In today's era of development, changing in technology make training important in the organisation, and employee's do not only work for salary, they work for their development as a whole (Aruna and Anitha, 2015). Organisation will not sustain if they are not organising training programmes. Organisation must have to develop their skills and knowledge to compete in the market. By investing more on training and development programmes, the employee's feels they are more valuable to the organisation which increases the employee's retention. Training and development, organisational environment and compensation is the main points of retention of employee's. Yadav and Saxena, (2015) argued that they have direct relation with the employee's retention. Organisation should focus on the key factors of training which directly affect the employee's retention : training, types of training and duration of training. Career development and training have direct effect on employee's retention. If organisation have to balance in between the career development and individual needs and the organisational work force requirement, organisation has to plan a well designed and organized system of career development (Mathew, 2015). If organisation develop s a career building activities in the organisation, it has direct impact on employee's retention as they feel valued and they will be motivated do work hard and more efficiently which will help in achieving organisational goals effectively. Cascio, (2014) said that Indian companies are not investing more on training programmes, but US Companies are spending billion of dollars on training to produce better, productive and efficient work force. Every employee's need professional training to develop their skills and knowledge which will help organisation to achieve their goals.

2.3 Impact of training and development on employees retention

According to Naim and Lenka, (2018) through training employees feel empowered. Over the years organisations is facing stiff competition has made management of organisation to strategically alien their human resources to achieve organisational goals. The growing complexity of working environment, the rapid change in the organisation, and advance technology among other things has given by the importance of training and development. The knowledge and skills of the member of the organisation is done by the efficient training  & development programmes in the organisation (Pollock, Jefferson and Wick, 2015). Every year organisations, invest millions of dollars on training because they know the benefit will be gain from trained employees. According to the Coetzee and Stoltz, (2015), one third of the newly hired staff quite their jobs after six months, Lack of skill is the first major reasons they leave. An effective training programmes can increase productivity and commitment among the employees. The investment of organisation in training programmes shows that employees are valued. The resulting effect of training is that employees feel appreciated and valued. The positive attitude towards the job work is increased by the effective training programmes.

Cloutier, Felusiak and Pemberton-Jones, (2015) argued that motivated employee always looks forward to the next at work. The chance of willing to stay in the firm is also increased by the training programmes. Many companies offer education through in-house training which is the best way ensure the employees stay. Training & Development is the bridge to know the rate of satisfaction and employees retention. The training objective should be clear, organise team building activities, enhance learning & development is the team and constantly watch the younger employees (Thompson and Walton-Roberts, 2018). Globally there are many multinational companies retaining their employees while ensuring their high performance, like, SAS General Mills has turnover rate 2%, SC Johnson and sons, Intel, Meridian health and national instrument has turnover rate 3%, means that they are retaining their employees. The study of the factors of retention of the employees in the organisation and the effect of training and development on retention, helps the organisations which have high turnover rates. Employees retention is very important in the organisation, high labour rates is not good for the organisation, it directly affect the performance of an organisation. For controlling labour turnover in the organisation, employees should be provide superior environment by which performance of an employees rises. Fletcher and Robinson, (2015) elucidated that labour is the major input of an organisation. The performance of employees is only  be increases by the efficient labour in the organisation. By providing efficient training programmes the rate of unemployment is also decreases which prove best result of economy of our country. Most of the companies are judge according to their labour turnover rates, because high labour rates damages the organisation by spending more on recruitment and selection and employees morale is also decreases (Deery and Jago, 2015). Training reinforces the value of employees which can increase the employees retention. In addition the well designed training play a vital role in nurturing the associates  and psyches.  According  to the report of Oxford Economics, replacing of member' of staff cost £30.614 on average per employee (Bangemann, 2017). This is only due to the lost output and  increase in the replacement and expenses incurred in selection and recruitment process of new workers. According to the research, it takes 28 weeks for  hirer new worker to reach its optimum level of productivity. Lockwood and Euler, 2016 said that by increasing salary with increasing benefits, flexible budget schedule or providing fairy effective tactics. Training is key retention  tool.  Job satisfaction of work and motivation to work is only be increase by training. The study of university of Warwick says, Happiness makes around 12% more effective. Due to the increasing competition in the market, organisations are facing challenges of employee's retention. For gaining competitive advantages in the market, it is very critical problem face by organisation to hire a competent employee's. The organisation should develop the environment in the campus that employee's doesn't leave the organisation and motivate the employee's to stay in the organisation.

2.4 Recommending ways to increase employees retention through training and development

According to Tangthong, Trimetsoontorn and Rojniruntikul, (2014) employees landscape has totally changed, people are prepared to move job more frequently, mainly among youngsters. Employees come and go constantly in the organisation, which is frustrating when cost of turnover is consider. Staffing can feel a bit like revolving doors. Turnover is very expensive and it is not good for the organisation, it cannot be avoided by the organisation but it can be avoided by giving training to the employees and doing rights things for employees, the things which is beneficial for both.

For many, increasing salaries is the viable employees to entice employees to stay in the organisation, employees needs a healthy social behaviour, extracurricular activities in the organisation and smart behaviour from the subordinates in the organisation (McCracken, Currie and Harrison, 2016). Organisation should treat training beneficial rather than treating necessary evil.  The great sense of self-work can be  develop only by investing in training programmes by which employees feels they are valuable to the organisation. By organising training programmes only employees morale is not increase but organisational goal is develop in great extent.     Aruna and Anitha, (2015) said that organisation should conduct initial training for an employee's daily task. Organisation should build in the mind of  new hires that the job they do is the success of an enterprise and organisation is spending time and money on them to earn the organisation goal. The successful organisation are focusing on well-being initiatives that support the employees to help outside the organisation also. Mental and financial support is proved by the employee's to the employer which is the best approach to go beyond only just supporting physical health.

Yadav and Saxena, (2015) argued that organisation should develop an established programmes for continued learning. The training part is not completed only by giving initial training to new hires, the training programmes are on continued basis. But surprisingly there is very low percentage of companies are providing ongoing trainings. Majority of companies feel that it is just waste of time and money, but the companies conducted continued training programmes are gaining more. So every organisation should provide training programmes for better quality of man-force in the organisation.

Organisation should transform the notion of continued learning into employees development. Efforts does not take much of time to spin to ring true. The training should be to learn new job skills, knowledge and techniques to increase further in the organisation (Mathew, 2015). Today's many organisation are giving incentives to their employee's on board with training. Continued training programmes helps organisation to control the labour turnover also and up-skill the quality of employee's. Cascio, 2014 elaborated that training and development is an expensive task but by enhancing the qualities of employee's the organisation goal is achieved as fast as possible and the cost incurred in organizing training programmes will not fall in the eyes of management of organisation.

Naim and Lenka, (2018) said that the organisation plan should be solid and the training given to the employee's should be according to the organisational goal that how the goal is achieved in proper time. The up-gradation in skill of employee's will prove the organisation to grow more efficiently and effectively.

Their are five factors which contribute to job satisfaction by organising training programmes in the organisation:

  • Opportunity to use skills and abilities
  • Relationship with supervisor
  • Job security
  • Compensation/pay
  • communication with employee's and seniors

Pollock, Jefferson and Wick, (2015) elucidated that the organisation should develop developmental strategies in the organisation. If organisation is developed or on developing stage, the talented employee's of a company will not leave the organisation only because of small things, like miscast of job, management style or corporate culture. Organisations should not think that employee's turnover is increasing only because employee's are not good with job, no one can leave a organisation has development opportunity.

The training development programmes should be as effective as possible that shows willingness to develop the greatest assert -people. Employee's leave manager not company, it the organisation turnover is increasing, look at your manager (Coetzee and Stoltz, 2015). The managers, senior authority should have power to retain the employee's in the organisation with their skills and the skills can be develop only by organising proper training programmes regularly.

As a result, more and more organisation are now organising training and development programmes which include boosting employee's retention rates.  

2.5 Conclusion

In this chapter, researcher has discussed the relationship between training and development with retention of employees. The views of different authors have been put forward in order to enhance understanding about subject matter. The impact of training and development on employees retention has been analysed with perspective of different authors and scholars. Eventually, recommendations and suggestions has been provided in this chapter.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction

Research methodology is the framework of the dissertation. In this chapter researcher will explain research methods applied by him or her in order to accomplish research aim and objectives. In dissertation, research methodology plays essential part. It helps researcher to carry out the research study in most appropriate and effective way. In the following chapter, researcher will describe the philosophical approach, strategy and design used by researcher to carry out the study along with the methods of data collection, sampling and analysis. Eventually research will discuss about the ethical consideration he or she follows to enhance research effectiveness and limitations researcher faced during the research study.

3.2 Research Philosophy

Research philosophy is the way or belief of researcher through which he or she gathers relevant data, analyse it and provide interpretation appropriately (Kalra, Phadnis and Joshi, 2017). Research philosophy deals with the nature, source and development of knowledge. According to Saunders research onion, research philosophy is first area which is to be covered by researcher. Research philosophy has been classified into four kinds which are positivism, interpretivism, realism and pragmatist. Each of the research philosophy posses some specific characteristic which helps researcher to carry out their research study effectively. In this context, researcher in the current dissertation has used positivism research philosophy. As the dissertation is quantifiable, positivism research philosophy is most suitable and appropriate to carry out the research study efficiently (Muriana and Vizzini, 2017). In positivism research study, researcher is independent from the study and there are no provisions for human interests for the study. Thus, to examine the impact of training and development on employee retention in Tesco, positivism research philosophy would be very precise and appropriate.

3.3 Research Approach

Research approach is the second area according to Saunders research onion. Here researcher will describe the type of research approach used by him or her in order to attempt research questions effectively. Discussion of research approach is essential in dissertation study. Research approach is a plan and procedure that consists of steps of broad assumptions to detailed method of carrying out research study (Peter, Werner and Alavi, 2017). In order to attain the aim and objective of the research study, it is essential for the researcher to select appropriate research approach. As there was no hypotheses in the present research study, researcher has applied inductive research approach. Inductive research approach focuses on the research questions, aim and objectives and helps researcher to attain them systematically and efficiently. Thus, in order to examine the impact of training and development on employee retention in Tesco, researcher have applied inductive research approach.

3.4 Research Design

Researchers have considerably argues on the exact definition of research design. Some researcher believed that research design refers choice between quantitative and qualitative research methods while some consider it as the process that defines specific method of collection. But in dissertation, it is refers to the general plan form by researcher in order to attain research questions effectively and efficiently. Research design plays crucial and important role in the research study (Mebius, Kennedy and Howick, 2016). In this context, researcher has selected descriptive research design. Descriptive research design helps in analysing the issues identified in the researcher and generate possible solutions which assists researcher to carry out research study effectively.

3.5 Research Strategy

In order to conduct research analysis in appropriate and in efficient manner, researcher devise specific plans and procedures to collect and analyse the data. Research strategy is the plan through which researcher able to attain the goals and objectives of the dissertation (Bailly and Comino, 2017). There are several types of researcher studies such as qualitative, quantitative, meta analysis, case studies, etc. and it is merely depends on the researcher which type of research study they conduct. In the present dissertation, researcher has conducted quantitative analysis by collecting data by own. Quantitative research study helps in analysing numerical data efficiently and thus generate precise result for interpretation. Thus, quantitative research method assists researcher in accomplishing the aim and objectives of the research.

3.6 Data Collection

Data collection is the process through which researcher gathers vital data and information. In research study, data collection plays crucial and essential role. Through relevant data, researcher can increase the effectiveness of the study. There are two essential sources for collection of data. These are primary and secondary sources. From primary source, data has been collected by researcher on his own. There are various research instruments for collecting primary data such as questionnaire, focus group, survey, interviews, etc (Abidin and, 2016. Mammen and, 2016). In present dissertation, researcher has used questionnaire research instruments to collect primary data. Questionnaire consists of close ended questions and has been provided to the managers of Tesco, Pinner. Secondary source of data collection is the data which has been collected by previous researchers. Researcher uses this data in order to make his or her dissertation more robust and effective. For secondary source, researcher have analysed books, journals, web articles and organisational website.

3.7 Sampling

Sampling is the process of taking out small proportion of data from large pool of information. As analysing large collected data is pragmatically not possible for researcher, thus researcher opts to take sample of data and analyse it accordingly (Raynor and, 2017). There are several methods of sampling and it depends on the nature of study and data collected which determine the method of sampling. For qualitative research study, non probability sampling has been used by the researchers and for quantitative research study probability or stratified random sampling method has been implemented by the researcher. In this context, researcher has implemented stratified random sampling method in order to conduct the research study more effectively and efficiently.

3.8 Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process through which researcher converts raw collected data into meaningful information. For research perspective, data collection is considered as an important process. In data analysis researcher interprets the collected data in most efficient and succinct manner which helps the end users of the study to understand what is data indicating about ( Attar and, 2016). In the present research study, researcher has used thematic analysis in order to interpret the relevant data. With the help of relevant tables, charts and figures researcher has analysed the collected data in an effective and efficient manner. Through this end users will be easily understand the nature of data and its relevancy.

3.9 Ethical Consideration

Ethical consideration is very essential to be discussed in dissertation. It defines the norms, procedures and conducts which has been followed by the researcher while carrying out research study. It is crucial for researcher to follow certain norms and procedures while confuting research (Médici and Allen, 2016). It helps in enhancing the effectiveness of the study and make it more valuable for end users. In the present research, researcher didn't violate any rules in carrying out research study. Researcher described the purpose, aim and objective of the research to the participants in order to gain their consent. He or she has also declared that participants' participation is voluntary and they can leave whenever they want to. Anonymity of participants has been maintained by the researcher. No such question has been asked which damages company's policy or breaks sentiments of participants. Collected data has been secured in precise location where only researcher has rights to access it. Thus, by following these ethical code of conducts researcher was able to attain the aim and objective of the research study.

3.10 Research limitation

Research limitations are the obstructions that faced by researcher while carrying out research study (Kalra, Phadnis and Joshi, 2017). These obstructions increase time and efforts of researcher and impact on effectiveness of the study. In this context, the limitation faced by the researcher in present dissertation is described below:

  • Implementation of data collection method: There are numerous methods available for researcher for data collection. Researcher got confused about the choosing appropriate method and thus, took too much time in making precise decision.
  • Resistance of Participants: Participants were managers and employees of Tesco, Pinner. They were resisting in participating in the research study. It took much efforts of researcher to convey them in participating in the research study.
  • Data analysis: It was become time consuming for researcher to choose appropriate method for analysing the data. As it was the major part of dissertation, researcher didn't want to ruin it because of inappropriate method.

3.11 Conclusion

In this chapter, researcher has discussed the research methodologies which he or she has used in the dissertation in order to attain the aim and objectives of the study. It can be understood that in order to enhance the effectiveness and quality of research it is essential to use precise research methodology. Researcher has described the philosophy, approach, design and strategy for research along with the method of data collection, sampling and analysis. Eventually, ethical consideration and research limitation has been provided by the researcher.

Chapter 4: Data Analysis And Findings

4.1 Introduction

Data analysis and findings if the fourth chapter of the dissertation. In this chapter, researcher will demonstrates analysis and provides interpretation of the data collected. The chapter will be classified into two parts. In first part researcher will provide interpretation and analysis of primary data under different themes and in second part, researcher will provide analysis of secondary data. Ultimately, discussion of findings will be elaborated by the researcher. Through this, researcher will be able to attain the aim and objective of the study.

4.2 Primary data analysis

Theme 1: There is positive change on company performance through training and development of employees

Is there any positive change on company performance through training and development of employees?








Interpretation: In the questionnaire survey conducted at Tesco Pinner, researcher asked managers of the organisation regarding any positive transformation on company performance through training and development of employees. From the analysis of sample of 15 respondents, it was identified that 10 managers agreed with the statement and said that there is positive change on company's performance through training and development of employees. 5 managers disagreed with the statement and said that there is no positive change on company's performance through training and development of employees. Thus, it can be understood that training and development of employees positively impacts on company's performance. Training and development is essential and crucial for growth and development of employees and thus through this company can achieve their desired goals and objectives.

Theme 2: There is significant impact of training and development programmes on business operations.

Have you identified any impact of training and development programmes on business operations?








Researcher conducted questionnaire survey at Tesco Pinner, in order to gather their opinions regarding any significant impact of training and development programmes on their business operations. From the analysis of sample of 15 respondents it was identified that 12 managers agreed that there is significant impact on business operations through training and development of employees. 3 managers denied that there is no significant impact on business operations due to training and development of employees. From the analysis it can be concluded that there is significant impact of training and development programmes on business operations. Training and development enhances the skills and capabilities of employees and thus helps them to manage day to day business activities efficiently.

Theme 3:Employee retention is beneficial for TESCO

 Employee retention is beneficial for TESCO or not?








Interpretation: In order to carry out research analysis researcher conduct questionnaire survey at Tesco Pinner to collect relevant data and information. The motive of asking this question was to know what response managers give regarding employee retention. After analysing the sample of 15 respondents it was identified that 14 managers agreed that employee retentions is beneficial for the organisation and only 1 manager denied that employee retention is not beneficial for the organisation. Thus, from the analysis it can be concluded that employee retention is indeed beneficial for the management of Tesco. In order to accomplish desired business goals and objectives effectively and efficiently it is important for the management to retain employees.

Theme 4: Seminars and Lectures are most appropriate to train their employee.

Which methods is most appropriate to train their employees?


Social media






Counselling classes 




Interpretation: To attain the aim and objectives of the dissertation, researcher conducts the questionnaire survey at Tesco Pinner. The participants of the study were managers whom have been provided with the questionnaire. The motive of asking this question was to gather the view of managers regarding the optimum method of providing training to employees. After analysing the sample of 15 respondents, it was identified that 2 managers prefer social media to provide training to employees, 4 managers prefer lectures to provide training to employees, 5 managers prefer seminar mode of training to enhance the knowledge level of employees and 4 managers prefers counselling classes to give training to the employees. Thus, from the analysis it can be understood that managers prefer seminars and lectures to provide training to employees in order to enhance their skills.

Theme 5: Transformation in knowledge or personality of employees.

Is there transformation in knowledge or personality of employees?








Interpretation: To ascertain the impact of training and development on employees retention, researcher conducted the questionnaire survey at Tesco Pinner. The participants of the study were managers of the organisation. The motive of asking this question was to gather the view of managers regarding any transformation in knowledge or personality of employee before and after providing them training. After analysing the sample of 15 managers it was identified that 9 managers agreed that there is transformation in knowledge and personality of employees after giving them training. 6 managers disagreed that there is no transformation in the knowledge or personality of employees. Thus, from the analysis it can be understood that there is significant change in employees' knowledge and personality after giving them training.

Theme 6:Employees minds get affected by training and development events.

Did employees minds get affected by training and development events?








Interpretation: In order to accomplish the aim and objectives of the dissertation, researcher conducts questionnaire analysis at Tesco Pinner. The participants of the study were managers of the organisations. In the questionnaire, researcher asked this question in order to know whether inappropriate training affects the mind of employees or not. After analysing the sample of 15 managers, it was identified that 11 managers agreed with the statement and said that inappropriate training indeed affects the mind of employees. 4 managers disagreed that inappropriate training does not affects the mind of employees. Thus, from the analysis it is clear that inappropriate training affects the psychology and mind of employees as majority of managers agreed on this statement.

Theme 7:Employees motivation and satisfaction improved from training and development programmes

Did employees motivation and satisfaction improved from training and development programmes?









Interpretation: Researcher conducted questionnaire survey analysis at Tesco Pinner in order to understand the impact of training and development on retention of employees. In the questionnaire, researcher asked the participants of research in order to know whether training and development of employees helps in enhancing their motivation and satisfaction or not. After analysing the sample of 15 respondents it was identified that 13 managers agreed that motivation and satisfaction of employees got improved after training and development programmes. 2 employees disagreed that training and development programmes did not help in improving the motivation and satisfaction of employees working in the organisation. From the further analysis it can be understood that training and development programmes indeed helps in enhancing the motivation and satisfaction of employees working at Tesco, Pinner as majority of managers agreed to the statement.

Theme 8: Training and development programmes provided by Tesco is appropriate.

Is training and development programmes provided by Tesco is not appropriate?








Interpretation: The researcher conducted research analysis at Tesco, Pinner in order to investigate whether the training and development programmes provided by the organisations are appropriate or not. The purpose of asking this question was to gain information regarding the appropriateness of the training and development programmes provided by the Tesco. From the analysis of sample of 15 managers, 8 managers agreed that the training and development programmes provided by the management of Tesco was appropriate and 7 managers disagreed that the training and development programmes provided by Tesco were not appropriate. Thus, from the analysis it can be understood that training and development programmes provided to employees were appropriate. In order to sustain in the competitive environment, it is essential for the organisation to have robust training and development programmes.

Theme 9: Training and development programme significant for retaining employees

Is training and development programme significant for retaining employees?








Interpretation: In the questionnaire survey conducted at Tesco Pinner, the researcher asked the managers regarding the significance of training and development of employees in order to retain them. From the analysis of sample of 15 respondents, it was identified that 10 managers agreed that training and development is crucial for employee retention and plays prominent role in increasing their motivation. 5 managers disagreed that training and development is not significant for employee retention. Thus, from the analysis, it can be understood that training and development is significant for employee retention within the organisation. Through training and development, management can build skills and knowledge level in employee.

Theme 10: Recommend useful ideas and schemes for encouraging employees towards retention process?

Recommend useful ideas and schemes for encouraging employees towards retention process?


Enhancing training and development programmes


Providing incentive schemes


Improving reward systems


Raising employee job status





Interpretation: This was the last question of the questionnaire which researcher has asked from the participant of the research study. The motive of asking this question is to gather the recommendations of managers in order to improve the employee retention process of the organisation. From analysing the sample of 15 respondents it was identified that 6 managers recommends enhancing training and development programmes of the organisation. 2 managers recommends in providing incentive schemes to high performers and talented employees. 4 managers suggests enhancing the reward system of the company and 3 managers recommends raising employee job status through job enrichments. From the analysis, it can be understood that majority of managers recommends enhancing the training and development programme of the company in order to improve the employee retention.

Secondary analysis

Training refers to the activity of learning, acquisition of knowledge and skills for  employees to perform a specific task and according to their job requirements. Development is a process in which employees get extents their capabilities, knowledge and skills which can helps them to improve their job performance as well as their overall growth (McCracken, Currie and Harrison, 2016). Training and development programs are conduct by the TESCO which can helps to their employees to improve their productivity, quality of service, organizational climate, health and safety, increases the capabilities, job performance and overall growth. TESCO offers two types of training to their human resource to improve the performance and business growth.        

  • On the job training
  • Off the job training

On the job training included the shadowing method, in which employees are guided by the person already in job. Mentoring method is the method of on the training method in which an experienced person of staff is the advisor of trainee and he is the mentor who plays the role of advisor (Aruna and Anitha, 2015). In job rotation method the trainee has the chance to cover the target role and taking a full responsibilities on temporary basis. The main objective of TESCO behind the training programs is the right person, in the right place, at right time to achieve a pre determines objective or target. 

Off the job training method included classroom lectures in this method a managerial level person teaching administrative aspects or give lectures on management subject to make aware of procedures and give instruction on particular topic. Audio visual is method of off the job which provides training to their trainee by way of using films, televisions, video, presentations etc. Simulation method is most famous in which trainee will be trained by special design equipment and machine which can be used in their job role or field (Yadav and Saxena, 2015). This method is expensive because the especially design equipment are costly. TESCO are used case study method in which written description is discussed by the instructor to the trainee. It explains the actual situation in the past in an organization.

Trainees are supposed to analyse and give their conclusion.  This all on the job and off the job methods can helps to increase the intelligence, knowledge, productivity .Tesco provides development programmes to their employees to improve the skills and knowledge. TESCO produces employees who are productive, efficient effective in work, valuable, and more positive towards business enhancement (Mathew, 2015). It helps to increase motivation of employees and worked at their work place with efficiently and effectively to contribute their performance to achieving an individual's goal and organization objectives. Impacts of training and development programs in TESCO are to increase business by providing good and effective services to the customers. It modifies the values and attitude of employees. Training and development programs supports and encourage trusting relationship. Development programs provides long term scheme to employees. It is personal plan for the growth of employee's. By this development programs employees become more optimistic, valuable, productive to the organisation in the long term.   Recommendations has been provided with the view of authors, researchers and philosophers who have studied the impact of training and development on retention of employees. From the literature review, adequate information has been obtained which helps the researcher to carry out further research (Cascio, 2014). In the third chapter, researcher describe the research methodologies he or she used for the purpose of carrying out the research. Researcher has described the research philosophy, research approach, research design and research stratgies used for this quantitative research. The data has been collected from the managers working Tesco Pinner, in order to gather views regarding the subject matter.

Chapter 5: Conclusion And Recommendations

5.1 Conclusion

In today modem world, Human resources is the most crucial element of every company regarding competitive advantages. All the resources can be arrange effortlessly but arranging effective and retain talented human capital is not an easy task.  To sustain in competitive environment and to improve the performance of employees, training and development plays a crucial as well as important role. In today's era, employee's retention is one of the biggest issues that organisations are dealing with. With this context, the aim of research study was  to evaluate the impact of training on employee's retention  at Tesco Pinner, United Kingdom. In this context researcher has established few objectives which underpin the aim of the study. The objective was to determine the relationship between employee's retention and training and development. In order to attain the objective, researcher has carried out the research study at Tesco, Pinner, United Kingdom. Researcher inquired through questionnaire regarding the significance of training and development in enhancing the employees retention.

It was identified in the research study that training and development are indeed significant in enhancing the retention of employees of Tesco, Pinner. Training and development are important components that help in improving the skills, competencies and knowledge level of employees working in an organisation. Another objective established by the researcher was to analyse the impact of training and development on employees retention at TESCO, Pinner, UK. Training and development are crucial components in human resource management. These components aid in reducing employee's turnover, attrition and employee's dissatisfaction with increasing their morale, satisfaction and motivation. In order to identify the impact of training and development, researcher has established robust arguments where he or she compared and contrast on the articles and journals proposed by senior authors and researchers. Researcher identified that training and development greatly impacts on the employee retention as majority of the participants agreed with the statement.

Motivated employee always looks forward to the next at work. The chance of willing to stay in the firm is also increased by the training programmes. Many companies offer education through in-house training which is the best way ensure the employees stay. Training & Development is the bridge to know the rate of satisfaction and employees retention. The third objective of dissertation was to recommend ways to increase employee's retention through training and development at TESCO, UK. In order to accomplish this objective, researcher asked the participants of research study to provide their recommendation so that improvements can be made within the training and development policies of the organisation. Thus, through systematic study and review, researcher was able to accomplish the aim and objectives of the dissertation.

In the first chapter of dissertation, researcher describe the topic of study explicitly in order to enhance the understanding of the readers regarding the motive and significance of the study. The aim, objectives and research questions are described systematically and succinctly. Researcher discussed about the background of study and elaborated the problem statement briefly. It was identified that  management of Tesco has been facing issues regarding employee's retention. Employees are the most crucial assets that an organisation possess. If they are highly satisfied and motivated, then organisation could attain its desired goals and objectives efficiently and if they are dissatisfied, demotivated and frustrated from the management then there are higher possibilities that they will leave the organisation. To sustain and survive in  competitive environment, it is essential for the management of business organisation to focus on their employees. In the second chapter, researcher conducted literature review with the motive to establish theoretical background. Researcher selected appropriate articles from precise sources so that effectiveness in the quality of dissertation can be increase. In the literature review, researcher identified that organisation will not sustain if they are not organising training programmes. Companies must have to develop their skills and knowledge to compete in the market. By investing more on training and development programmes, the employee's feels they are more valuable to the organisation which increases the employee's retention. Training and development, organisational environment and compensation is the main points of retention of employee's. Happiness makes around 12% more effective. Due to the increasing competition in the market, organisations are facing challenges of employee's retention. For gaining competitive advantages in the market, it is very critical problem face by organisation to hire a competent employee's.  In the present dissertation, researcher didn't violate any rules in carrying out research study. Researcher described the purpose, aim and objective of the research to the participants in order to gain their consent. He or she has also declared that participants' participation is voluntary and they can leave whenever they want to. Anonymity of participants has been maintained by the researcher. In the fourth chapter, researcher analysed and interpreted the collected data in effective and efficient manner. Thematic analysis has been used by researcher in order to analyse the collected data. From the findings it was identified that training and development of employees greatly influence in their retention. Through proper training, skills and competencies of employees can be enhanced which helps in improving their performance. Thus, eventually, their motivation and satisfaction substantially increased.

5.2 recommendations

Increase Monetary Benefits - in every situation where need of employee retention there are the important things is increase their monetary benefits. It can be by offering a competitive benefit package, including health and life insurance. It can also with providing employee financial incentives such as raises, bonuses and also stock option (McCracken, Currie and Harrison, 2016). For every organisation money is the important motivation for sustaining the employee, so make sure that give fair and just appraisal to every deserving candidate or employee. A salary hike is one way to do sweeten the deal to reward the employees monetarily. Monetary benefit help to employees better manage their lives, they will appreciate it and may be more likely to stick around.

Provides more effective and efficient method of training - a person join an organisation to give his/her best, to learn and grow. Sure that giving a proper and effective training and signing them up for workshops, but it is noted that most training is given is centre around the current role. Training employees reinforces their sense of value (Aruna and Anitha, 2015). From the training program employers help employees to achieve goals. Employer must help them to grow further ahead in their career. If employer provide the cross functional training , it will help them to explore more roles and develop new skills and it will helpful for the organisation.

Creating career development plan - every organisation should give better workshops, software, or other tools to help employees improve their understanding of themselves and what employee wants from their careers and define their goal setting efforts. It is a useful thing that to provide employees with adequate job challenges that will improve in their knowledge and skills in their field (Yadav and Saxena, 2015). For a better career plan, employees are more likely to stay engaged in their jobs and committed to a company that becomes investments in them and their career development. Employees will go the extra mile if they feel responsible for the results of their work.

Worker participation in management - for better retention to employee creating a right culture and make employee feel good. It is an important thing that realising them for their work participation and employees should rewarded at a high level to motivation. It is a useful point for organisation is to say “thank you” to employees for their good efforts and find various methods to recognize them (Mathew, 2015). Even something as simple as a free lunch can go a long way for becoming employees feel good for their participation. This retention will help to organisation for most wanted employees from job hunting.

Conducting training need analysis - organisation should also conduct training need analysis for better retention. Organisation made their rules and regulation for the beneficial for employee and employee friendly. It must be a useful for management to know about the employees to gain their belief and confidence (Cascio, 2014). The consistent performers must also have a say in the company's decisions for them to feel important. Encouraging referrals and recruit from within, since current employees have already found that they are the best employee in the organisation. During an employee's first few weeks on the job, an employer should provide intensive feedback for better work performance of that employee.


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