
PM202 Room Division Operation Management - HRM GSM London


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Hotel industry is that which serves the services in effective manner so that they can satisfy the maximum number of customers and can make them existing consumers for longer period. Room division is considered as main criteria which needs to undertaken by hospitality industry is great manner (Li and et al., 2014). It is being also included as crucial part of firm and it can also help in consumer satisfaction with trust and faith towards company. The Report is based on room division operation management in thus respect of Hillside Hotel. It has been seen that large hotels do keep trained and skilled employees at front desk officers just because the way front desk communicate shows level of hotel responsibleness and their working too. Assignment is that which will include the different services provided by room division, although having impact of contemporary management issues which needs to have an effective and business performance too with accommodation services functions. Apart from such, techniques to maximise and measure rooms revenue.


1.1 Accommodation and Front office service for various organization.

Front office organization:

Front office is that which is also known as Reception, even though customer registration and helping in luggage is that generally help in having promotion of better services to guest in many more criteria too. Basically, it can be said as this department is such which has direct communication with the customer and generally has the responsibility to handle task with time and orders, also manage messages in right criteria that needs to provide on time too (Cook and et. al., 2014). Even though they are the public face of hotel, primarily it is greeting of hotel client. Generally, it can be considered as assistance to guest during their stay, it also complete their accommodation, with their food and beverage with account and it also receive payment from the different guest too.


It is being considered as main and crucial part of operation management in the hospitality industry in great way. Although interest and preferences is that which considered as base of the housekeeping operations in right context too. Basically, large organization like hillside hotels are having some standard and the protocol as well which do provide having quality and having well organized aspect of housekeeping with various customers. Moreover, it is such which does help in encasing the sales graph of product and services as well with satisfaction of client. Generally, Accommodation is also considered being essential part of generating revenues and hotels too.

There are different kind of accommodation is also there by the hospitality industry and some of those are as:

  • Holiday Homes
  • Guest House
  • Farm stays etc.

For different organization:

Hillside Hotels.

Whitbread Hotel.

They have a great team of front house desk and also provide better accommodation too. They have trained and skilled employees at front desk but not having coordination with each creates mess.
They have 300 room and considered as 5 star property as well even though they maintain in great way. They have many rooms and space is very much and also considered as 5 star property too but not as much Hillside Hotel.
Hillside Hotel is such which mainly considers the client of business class, who has standard of living and maintain the things in right context. They involve every kind of client and try to satisfy them so that they can make them existing customer.

1.2 Roles and responsibilities of accommodation and services staff.

Generally, in hotel industry services in better manner is considered as the main aspect for successful of enterprise (Horovitz and Webb, 2015). Some of the roles and responsibilities of accommodation and services staff as:

  • It is required that hotel should prepare and clean the room on daily basis for the client. As because Hillside Hotel is such who mainly focus on the business class client and they have some standard which they do maintain class too. So they provide clean and tidy rooms to customer.
  • Even though room cleaners also fulfil the requirement of various guest rooms. They do clean everything side of rooms, so that they can make there clients satisfied in perfect and effective way too.
  • Generally, vacuum racks has to be cleaned for the business client as mainly they have focused on them.

Some of the responsibilities of front desk officers as:

  • Front desk officers should greet every client in perfect way as they judge services criteria of hotel on their communication basis.
  • They are also responsible for making and discussing about plans and the price structure of accommodation for the room facilities in great manner as well. Even though officers of the front desk are those who are first person who meet up with the client and provide every information about hotel and facilities and manipulate them to become existing customer with here effective services in great manner.
  • Moreover, they have to take calls, manages the work in better way and thus they have to make clerical information with their record booking etc. front desk officer have many responsibility which needs to be fulfilled by officers in correct way. Customer generally have an habit of judging the hotel environment by meeting up with people on reception and they need to represent Hillside Hotel in effective way.

Basically, roles and responsibilities is that which needs to be fulfilled on time to time basis and even in proper way too (Byrnes, 2014). The Hillside Hotel is mainly focus on the business traveller as because they maintain their standard and of Hotel too as this helps in increasing the goodwill of Hillside. It is such which also make them to earn higher profit and income as well.


Basically, accommodation and room division is such which needs to be in that way where the customer can be satisfied and such thing can result into becoming existing customer for longer period of time in great manner. The hillside hotel do maintain there working criteria in better way and the people who is working at reception do have many roles and responsibility that needs to be successfully interpreted by staff of hotel.

1.3 Legal and Statutory requirement in room division operations.

Mainly the legal and statutory aspect is required in every kind of field but in hotel industry too some acts are has to be included in great way, few of the main legal and statutory requirement a:

Health and Safety Act (1974): It is that which consider the safety issues of employees while working in industry and welfare of person too. Therefore, it also include the controlling and keeping various use of preventing the improper acquisition, and use of danger substances. Moreover, protect from the risk and unhealthy environment in industry (Fahimnia, Sarkis and Davarzani, 2015). Even though this act in hotel industry help employees to work with safety and even provide every kind of facility to people so that nothing can harm them.

Data Protection Act (1998): Normally, whether the data is personal or professional it is required to maintain and secure their information in right context too. Generally, rules and regulation is that which needs to be followed by the hotel industry and needs to retain various information of employees too. Data protection help to keep their records with them only and can use in future prospect as well.

Fire regulation Act (1971): It is that act which needs to be formed and has to maintain the safety features and resources as well which does help in having an prevention of the fire accident of the different cases too (Pohl, 2014). Even though the organization is required to follow some rules and regulation Act 1971.

1.4 Evaluate the services with rooms division in hospitality industry.

In earlier times, objectives of business was like to ensure the demand of people and it being there when they were outside home too. Even though, in today's scenario hospitality enterprise which do offer the legal and having possible for the entity of client. Moreover, there are some arrangement with low expenditure which take services for company with having an best and gorgeous services and resources from firm like Hillside Hotel of UK. Although Hotel particularly focus on the business client and also provide better food facilities, even scope of the entertainment and sporting too. Moreover they have an advanced technology through which client demand can be somewhere met (Nakatani and et. al., 2015). Therefore, they do provide health care services with beauty to various client of Hillside Hotel as well. Particularly, different facilities of guest can be beneficiary for hotel.

Hillside Hotel do provide effective services to clients in various ways and even try to make there customer an existing one form somehow longer period too. Generally different kind of information is served to customer in correct format as:

Housekeeping: Hillside hotel is also responsible for providing an appropriate room services to the clients so that satisfaction can be there in customers in proper way too. Housekeeping is an essential part of the hotel industry and staff of hotel do clean every rooms on daily basis.

Guest services: Many hotels are there who try to serve there client in best way and make there customer existing one for the longer period of time. Guest are overlooked by front desk and it is required by them to behave with courtesy and provide every information about hotel so that customer can get influenced to stay.

Hence, several organization and hotels does provide the various new features with guest and has many advantage, consequences of investigation among the customer in organization.

Holiday campus: They are those which is provided to the family customers by Hillside hotels and this is such which generally attract the various kind of travellers and family tours where they can spend their holidays in great manner and thus can realise their stress and can enjoy their holidays in great way.

University campus: It is considered as those Campus where the student study and make their career for future prospect, which can result in proper working too.


Even though, in the Hillside Hotel it is such which do offer different kind of accommodation services to the clients and although the hotel do focus on the business people as they maintain there aura and handle everything according to that only. They, do help in having a holiday homes and farm stays which make client fell like satisfaction as well.


2.1 Importance of the front house area

Front house area has significance role in Hill Side Hotel, because front of the house is the key element of management that aid to generate the revenue. The major reason of generating income is that, it directly deals with the customers, to maintain the business of hotel the front house area, takes place as reception that should make a positive impression on the arrival of guests. In hospitality, front office is a department in which front area of the house creates an environment to be friendly with the customers, they welcomes the guests with a warm behave that indulge them to attain the services and stay in the hotel. Hill Side Hotel is a luxury and lavish hotel that serve the best amenities to facilitate its customers. For example, the Hillside hotel is easy to approach from the railway station and the main attraction of the town city - centre and it has a eye-catching view because it is surrounded by the beautiful gardens with the fountains and walking trails (Rosenthal and t'Hart, 2012). The hotel has a sufficient parking place, so that customers will bot be bother because of the parking. Front area of the office assist visitors to consume its various services while they are visiting for the leisure and business purposes. The reception offers the best comforts to the clients, so that they can be more beneficial with the indulgence, and the front area of the house renders the attributes of the hotel with a polite behaviour, they aid to assist in reservation of room, check in the available rooms and conference area, luggage transformation, paying bill after checking out.

Role of Front house area

  • They generally provide information about the availability of rooms or not to the clients.
  • They are responsible for picking up the calls and listening to the messages of client and provide the services to client as ordered by them.
  • They generally maintain the record of customer which help them to analyse record in the end of year.

2.2 Key aspects of planning and management of the front of house area

The first impression is the last impression, this is what the customer made their mind when they first arrives to the hotel, there are various key elements which includes in the planning and managing of the front of the area of the house in Hillside Hotel, that are as follows:

Designing : Designing plays an important role in the success of the business, hotel invested in the exterior and interior designing so that they can allure the customers with a glamours look, and it should have all the facilities along with the adorning objects, that area easy to access. The designing creates an ambience that pulls the customer back to stay in the place.

Creating image : Every business must have an image, in order to gain the profit. The Hillside Hotel is accessible within five hundred from the city - centre, because the location of an organization attracts the clients, along with with it also has a fabulous interiors and exteriors, along with the accommodations according to the requirements of the clients, its not only manages the residential services but it is also cares to business purpose to conduct meeting and conferences (Chambers and Smith, 2015). It welcomes every kind of guest with a heart - warming behaviour.

Cleaning : Guests are so careful about the hygiene of the place, the place must be clean, so that the clients will show the interest to arrive to the hotel next time. Merely, Hillside Hotel is also focusing on business class client in great manner as well.

Hillside hotel do make plan which do help hotel to attain its goals and objectives in right context. Customer service and there satisfaction is considered as the main motto of hotels and they do work hard to provide variety of services in effective way. Various services can be in form of cleaning there room and providing every services on time basis so that customer can get satisfy with it. Satisfaction among customer should be there as they are those who bring an positive image of hotel through mouth publicity. All such do help in having an attainment of goals and objectives in great manner as well.

2.3 Key operational issues which affect effective management and business performance of front house desk.

There are various issues and problems which do occur while performing different task. Moreover, operational issues are those which needs to have an affect of management with the business performance in front desk office too.

Accounting and financial issues: Front desk is such which needs to have proper maintenance of record and also supply the Consumption in with particular period in right context too. Moreover, various proper accounting period according to cost per room, although it has there that information of rooms and division as well (Kerzner, 2012). Generally, it is such which create the complexity in with working and also manage the front desk office management operation too. Therefore, various issues and risk are there which can affect the working in great way. Financial thing should be maintained in effective way, finance is also being used in hotels in right context. Money can be needed at anytime in hotels for having revamping side and thus it should be there in better way.

Sales and marketing issues: Moreover, its being like which do enhance the graph of various product and services in great manner which has different objective and it is required to achieve the goals and objectives of hotel too. Generally, different challenges and problems could be there and thus they have also elaborate the product and services in right way. Legislation and various condition are such which does affect the great graph of sales and marketing too. Moreover, sales and marketing is also considered as an major concern which needs to be solved in right context and hotels do make an innovative and creative marketing of there hotel in great way, even though this is such which also increase the sales of hotel and lead to success of same.

Such kind of issues and problems are those which needs to be considered and proper solution to such is provided. If not done then it can harm performance of hotel in various ways.


In hospitality sector, various type of key issues are there which needs to be analysed in proper manner and has to be worked upon such in great way too. Problems like accounting and sales with marketing does affect the different thing in effective manner. Therefore, it is required to bring effective strategy and decision which do help hotels to present themselves in proper way.


Convergent and lateral thinking is that which is being applied in while discussing about the key issues hotels are facing of account and sales in great way. Basically, it is required to work over such as because this affect the working in various manner and also affects the performances of hospitality industry in great manner too. Front office desk should maintain there working in proper way.


3.1 Importance of property interiors and also design effective management.

Interior design: Therefore, some physical appearance is like which needs to attract the visitor and guest attention in great way too. Attracting is that it has an prime objective of hotel industry. It is that which include the decorate and also lead to enhance the outlet with appearance in attractive way too. Flowers, designing concept and curtains etc. are some type of thing which needs to be kept up to date in great manner.

Elements of design: It is that which is considered as the tools, experience and emotional appeals with functions that has different element that remain into with various essential parts as well for the design in nice context.

Hence, it also accomplish various satisfaction for the various customer and also guest as well of the hotel with the property design and interior as well, even all the thing is being done in very much effective manner as well (Kashif and et. al., 2013). The Hillside Hotel is that which has setting of in with accordance of international standard in hospitality industry and it also lead to encompass the efficient quality of designing with interiors as of rooms. Therefore, interiors of the hotel is such which needs to comprise of designer walls, king or queen size bed and having décor with lobbies of hotel etc. it is being considered as the important part of hotels which does help in having an effective management of firm too. Basically, interiors and design is such which do have ultimate experience of customer and with guest that become lifetime experience for them.

The Hillside hotel is having its design according to every person can enter into hotel in proper way. Basically, for the disabled people and customers there is a slope and they can have an access into the hotel in right context. Even though the staff members of hotel do help the disable people to reach up to there room. Accessibility should be there for every individual people who comes IN in hotel and goes OUT too.

3.2 Critical aspect of planning and management with accommodation function.

Planning and management is such which needs to be maintained by the hotel industry and thus doing it better way which can make them to attain their goals and objectives in effective way. Some of the aspect are as:

Guest supplies: It is being considered as which is related to the choice of guest in effective way. Moreover it is been like, Chairs and having wardrobe, writing table and having desktop table as well, even it has been considered as furniture requirement of the great supplies too. Mattress, bed covers, sheets and even pillows are such which needs to be considered as basic supply too.

Control and update the room: It can be considered as, when having an people with client room in better manner as well, it is that which needs to be required and has to be updated in with organization on the daily basis as well and needs to be done in company so that effective working can be done in right context.

Accommodation services is such which needs to have function in hospitality operation which does refer to the facilities and thus provide the hotel, its being like having guest like food, beverages, room services and somewhere other facilities as well (Davis and et. al., 2018). Hotel management should have an activities and different functions that has being done international quality standard of industry. Even though everything has to be manages and controlled by management of hotel industry in effective manner as it is being considered as the main statutory requirement for maintaining the standard of the 5 star hotel too.

Even though, if Hillside Hotel is having an planning and management in great manner with functions of accommodation leads to have an successful criteria. Basically, proper planning and management can make hotel to provide competitive offer to other rivalry hotels as well. Hotels, have an main object to fulfil customer needs and wants in right context too. Development of competitive offer is such which needs to be implemented in better way.


Basically, top management scenario of the hospitality industry is such which do make different approaches and structure that lead to have an proper working in effective way as well. Even though they make such structure which help in implementing the accommodation services for the clients in effective manner as well. Moreover, it is be like which make them to provide the different working in perfect way.

Task 4

4.1 Revenue and yield management activity to maximise the occupancy of room.

Company is selling accommodation is such which gain the success of the business and also just because of the different techniques used to maximize the room occupancy as well. Revenue and income is such which needs to maximized the right room is sold it at right place. Generally, Hotels is that modern software which needs to decide the tariff and leads not to exceed the proposed relevant industry. Hillside Hotel is that which needs to maximise room occupancy and also revenue to by implementing the policy in great way. Even though they do follow no cancellation policy as it is such which tells customer that they cannot cancel their booking without cutting charges.

Yield management: Revenue management is industry and it also does which indicate the maximising various profit and revenue in effective manner and thus it also maintain a quality standard with implementing the strategies as well (Ivanov, 2014). Normally, having a best strategy with the subject to management price of different product that it looks forward with product and services in right manner. Moreover there are some plan which are proposed that firm does attract customer and the guest too.

High demand: It is that which does work to have toward the fluctuation with different prices with having an product and services on basis of different demand in market and customer in right way. Generally high demand tactics are that which point working and has increased sales as well although they have potential acquirement when demand increases.

Hillside Hotel, is considered as one of the standard hotel which satisfy the customer demands and needs in right context too. High demand should be there of hotel and advance booking has to be there for the clients, as this will help them to earn higher revenues in great way. It also does lead to gather information with yield management and high demand with such they can come to know about having an occupancy of rooms in effective manner.

4.2 Sales technique and rooms division staff which promote maximise revenue.

Even though, maximize revenue competent employees are also needed and thus they also know everything and also knows as what the actually services gives to them. Generally, it is related with the price and has competent for having an different offer which do increase various revenues that also help to retain the customer in great manner.

Top down, selling up and also sales technique which needs to be used by the employees and it is required to increase the sales revenue in great manner. Staff is such which across selling with bottom up line that has considered the increase sales revenue. Normally, Up technique are those which denotes the various selling customer that get time and reserve of room in right context too (Turker and Altuntas, 2014). This is such which do use the hillside hotel and thus it also present the services in great manner related to package and treats. Database of the customer will somewhere help the hillside hotel which needs to identify the guest and thus it also help in retaining the customer by giving them different offers and with discount rates too. Hillside Hotel is bringing various thing which do help in attracting the people towards the hotel by providing them different criteria of things like discounts on first come first basis. Moreover, they provide various offers which help them to attain the goals and objectives.

Normally retaining the customer and client is somewhere important in organization and money is that needs to spent some money on them in retaining them. Hence, marketing strategy is that which has technique that implemented which gain the various customers and has besides the existing customer in great way. Normally, database is such which improve the internet and media which will produce more and having sales revenue for the Hillside Hotel.

4.3 Purpose and use of forecasting with statistical data within rooms division.

Purpose of forecasting: It is being included as process which does help in understanding the various future transaction and also help in preparing the sustainable plans in great manner. Forecasting plans and scenarios is such which is regarding to sales record and having revenue graphs which is associated with planning as well. Analysis of future growth and development opportunity does help in information and also subject to some plans and projects too (Langabeer, and Helton, 2015).

Types of information with good forecasting: There are various guest and visitors but Hillside hotel mainly focus on business client and it also has several thing like reservation details, categorised information and having details as well needs to have subject for standard and luxurious rooms too. Customer attention, interest, prices and taste are some products and elements which does help in making an forecasting in great way and make company to earn higher profit and revenues too.

4.4 Rooms division performance indicators are those which do measure the success of accommodation sales.

Performance of the hotel industry is such who is somewhere based on the followed measurement tools which are also described as:

Room occupancy percentage: This is such which tell as how many rooms are occupied by customers and how much are vacant. It is calculated by dividing the total number of avilable rooms and rooms that are occupied by guest.

For instance the Hillside Hotel is having an 400 rooms in which 250 rooms are occupied by customers. Although occupancy rate is somewhere calculated as (250/400)*100= 62.5%

Average room rate: It is that which is normally generated from on the basis of total revenues from the rooms occupied and having total rooms sold.

Doubled occupancy percentage: It is considered as the essential part of the organization and thus included as important part which determine on the basis of number of customer and normally rooms are occupied by them (Lewis and Brown, 2012). Moreover it is that which is computed as:

For instance: Double occupied rooms are like 180 and total number is of guest as 300 and having an 280 rooms are available in hotel in great way too. It would be calculated as (300-280/180)*100= 11.11%.

Moreover, the hillside hotel is having an great structure and thus provide great facility to customer in great manner and make them existing customer for the longer period of time.


Normally, the Hillside Hotel is such which do make plan, organise and manage the different scenario in great way and thus it also lead to have an proper working in hotels as well. Revenue and yield management is that which does help management to gather information as how many rooms are vacant and how to earn more revenue in effective way too.


Rooms division is such which has operational management and has different concept which needs to be adopted by hospitality industry in order to enhance the profitability and revenues scale in great manner. Front office operation and are such which do include the housekeeping which is defined in various context way. Planning, staffing and manage activities that are evaluated as well in point to front office area too. Property and design is such which is very much effective and has high demand tactics and has to define the practical based perspectives in right manner.

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