
Human Resource Management at ALDI(Supermarket Chain)


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HR department helps in dividing operations in proper way. There are many departments in company, having numerous employees. Then it is essential to make cooperation among them. Human resource department has to make policies for employees. Manager has to motivate workers to give their best (Alfes and et. al., 2013). There is difference in activities of workers, so it is essential to give them direction, which improves quality of operations. Manager can attach performance of workers through their promotion. This report is based on ALDI grocery retail supermarket chain. This company operates in more than 20 countries having 10000 stores. In this report there is discussion about Role and purpose of HR department, strength and weakness of various approaches of company, impact of HR policies on profits and productivity of company, HR decisions affects employees relations. These days there is change in laws related to employees and it is important to make modification timely , it is clear with this report.

Task 1

P1 Purpose and function of HRM, application of workforce planning

Human resource department is essential unit of organization. In older days they do not have much responsibility but as business grows number of employees' increases then their role also increases. There are many operations which have to undertake by them. There are possibilities that Company does not give that importance to HR department then it affects performance of company. ALDI want to open new outlets or there are requirement of workers, which are undertaken by HR manager (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). They play very essential role in performing activities in better way.

Purpose of Workforce Planning

There are di8ffdeernt factors which affects requirement of workers such as expansion of business, labour retirement, turnover, etc. So all these requirement related to workers are full filled by HR department of company. There is requirement of planning before hiring personnel. There is discussion about qualification, salary, skills, and job responsibilities. Then best candidate can be selected. There are various departments in ALDI so managers of respective department have to deliver their requirement to HR department. This helps to perform task in best way.

Purpose of HRM

Employer and employee relation- Workers and employer are important to achieve business and objectives of ALDI. There are many strategies framed by HR manager, so it is essential to perform task in better and effective manner. This reduces communication gap between both and worker know to whom they are responsible.

Law related plans and policies- There are many laws related to worker. They are framed by HR manger and it is essential to tell relevance to workers too. Sometimes there are changes in plans of employees then those modifications are accepted by company too. If there is any problem to worker related to it then it must be resolved (Bloom and Van Reenen, 2011).

Function of HRM

Selection and recruitment- This is basic and important function of workers. There are different factors that affect selection. There are some set of questions asked with candidate this is done by HR manager. If selection of employee is not appropriate then it affects company's performance.

Induction and training-  Induction means to introduce worker with various departments of company. This induction helps new candidate to know whom to approach in case of particular department. Training is the approach which improves performance of workers. As there is change in technology, then it is essential to train workers so it provides ease to operations.

P2 Strengths and weakness of different approaches of recruitment and selection

ALDI is the company which deals in different p[arts of country. They are planning to open new outlet, so there is need of employees to satisfy need of consumer. There are different approaches which can be adopted to place workers. But it is essential to analyze their pros and cons associated with it. Selection and recruitment is time consuming process, so it is essential that recruited candidate must give positive results (Boxall and Purcell, 2011). In case of negative results, it some inefficiency of HR department and it affects image of ALDI in adverse manner. Mainly there are two sources of selection. They are discussed as under-

Internal Source

In this source HR department, place personnel within the organization. When company has need of employee urgently, then also ALDI can prefer this source. Recruitment of retired employees, employee's references, etc. are example of internal source of recruitment. There are some pros and cons of this source which are discussed under- 


Comfort zone- When employee get placed in company back then employer and employee both are comfortable with environment of organisation. Employer need not to feel weird about disclosure of business plans and policies (Bratton and Gold, 2012). 

Reduction in cost and time- As employees are placed within organization. There is no need of external party to take place in selection and recruitment, so this reduces tones as well cost.


Limited scope of learning- Existing workers cannot learn new ideas. They prefer to work with existing pans and policies. This might affect performance of company. This is biggest disadvantage for company. This affect environment of organization also.

Possibilities of biasness- Under this method, there are possibilities that top level management give preference to their choice instead of skills of worker. This creates wrong environment in organization. 

External Source

This method is beneficial when company has planned to grow their business. There is requirement of many employees, which can be fulfilled through external sources. This method is preferable for ALDI as they want to open new outlet. As new people works with full efficiency and they do not create wrong environment, so this method is more effective for big organizations.


New energy-AS new person has some dreams about new work places. Hence he/ she work with full efficiency. This motivates existing employees to give their best and compete. This ultimately helps company as this improves consumer satisfaction. 

Easy to train- New workers has less idea about organization, so they can be easily trained. This helps company to improve their effectiveness and efficiency. Training is essential but as change in working style it can be sassily by new worker.


Possibilities of wrong choice- There are possibilities that new candidate elected by HR department is not competent to company. This may affect business operations and HR department has to reappoint some other person (Buller and McEvoy, 2012).

Lack of confidentiality- There are some plans and policies which are confidential and cannot reveal in front of external party. This source may prove like leakage of important information (Guest, 2011).

Task 2 

P3 Benefits of HRM practices for employer and employee

HR policies are framed by organization. But it is effective or company as well as employees. This is the link between both and it is important to perform task best method, so it improves image of company in market. It is essential to create good relation among employees so their personal issues does not affect operations so company, this can be done only by HR manager. In ALDI there are many branches, so it is essential to elect separate manager for different places, this provides ease to company in performing activities. Benefits of Human Resource management practices are discussed under for employer as well as employee-

Benefits for Employee

Platform to disclose problems- As there is close discussion with HR department, so this helps workers to share their problems and get satisfactory solution. Employees in ALDI are from different background, so it is essential to respect each other. This is because HR department.Sometimes worker is not satisfied with workplace then he/ she can share issues which they are facing.

Training and development- There are changes taking place in society very frequently and it is essential to accept them, so employee can compete with external parties of organization. There is change in plans and policies, there is need of training. This plans by HRE manager. They keep check performance of workers, so as per need training is provided. This helps employees to improve their personality and perform job responsibility in better way.

Benefits for Employer

Planning events for workers- There is need of employee's entertainment, this boost their worker's performance. This helps in interacting with various employees. So when they work in team, they feel familiar with each other and this gives positive results on operations. Activities like movie, games this gives positive impact on company. There are less labour turnover and absenteeism. Planning provides assistance to workers to know what has to be done next and in what way (Han, Chiang, and Chang, 2010)..

Performance appraisal- As training helps employees to improve performance, then there is check done for analyse change in performance (Huselid, and Becker, 2011). There are different factors which affect performance of workers. This is responsibility of HR department to evaluate performance and then accordingly promotions and demotions are given. Performance appraisal is main key which motivates employees to give their best. This is the technique through which leader can motivate subordinates to cooperate with team and give best 

P4 Impact of HRM practices in terms of raising profits and productivity

ALDI has some goals and objectives for which they are running business. The basic aim of every business is to earn profit. This can be achieved when consumer are satisfied. Lower level of the ALDI is important because they are the people who interact with consumer. It is essential to motivate them to give their best. There are possibilities that due to change in performance level of employee customer satisfaction also get affected. It is essential that manager has to frame policies which directly have link with profits and productivity of ALDI. Some points are discussed below which help in improving condition of organization-

Proper planning- Planning is most common component which can improve performance of workers. This is essential that HR department has to plan strategies which help in performing task in proper and effective manner. There is some set targets which help worker to achieve them. These targets can be in form of sales or profits, which ultimately growth factor of ALDI.

Optimal utilization of resources- There is use of different resources to achieve business targets. To improve productivity it is essential that leader must give emphasis on proper use of resources. There must be regular check in external market of company, in case there is change in customer demand there must be actions which help in achieving it.

Proper allocation of job responsibilities- To improve productivity and profits of company it is essential that there must have policies which tells about personal skills and qualities of individual. This task can be done proper by HR department as they have full information about  workers. This is beneficial in assigning duties to workers and they are also satisfied.

Feedback- This is the most essential aspect of ALDI's success. Thee are many activities performed in organization to achieve business objectives. These are associated with employees. HR department must take feedback from workers with regular intervals. This gives workers feeling of security and they give their best (Jiang and et. al., 2012).  

Above discussed points are important to improve productivity of company. as there is provision of new outlet of ALDI, so they is important role of proper planning, so it will be successful . there must be feedback from customers also  so improvement can be done. There must be training to employees, how to treat customer and handle their grievances (Renwick,  Redman, and Maguire, 2013). Because these are the way through which company can improve their production and profits. 

Task 3

P5 Importance of employee relations 

Employees are most essential component in company. They are the source which bridge gap between what goals are and it can be achieved. HR department work for their upliftment. It is essential that company must give emphasise on relation among workers and their performance. Polices of ALDI are farmed for betterment of company and if results are not positive then it must get changed. E.g. Top level of ALDI is thinking for new biometric system for attendance, but employees are not satisfied with this decision , then manager has to reverse his ideas or provide proper solution to them. ALDI is the grocery store with huge brand value. It is tough to maintain brand image, this can be done through support of workers. These days competition is increasing, so company must take care of  competitors policies also.

Bridge gap between employer and employee: There are Some specific goals and objectives of worker as well as company. There is difference between them. In this case if manger bridge gap between both then employee also perform well. This helps in improving their performance and in case of positive results rewards must be there.

Positive environment- This is essential factors which has to undertake by HR manager. Environment affects persons working there. It is important to analyse factors which are affects business culture and try to reducer them. To create positive environment HR manger has frame policies again.

Workplace flexibility- There is change in business policies as per change in external factors, so it is important that manger must give authority to work as per their will. It is essential because employees has their own learning and style of working, so flexibility plays important role in creating good relations among employees. Employees can take help of each other in case of need (Schalk, Timmerman, and Van den Heuvel, 2013). 

Welcome new ideas- This is a good way to improve workers morale. Employees have various learning and style of working. ALDI must motivate employees to share their views in order to solve any problems (Vaiman, Scullion and Collings, 2012). This improves elations in company and top level personnel can judge mindset of workers. There are many other important task in organisation, they can concentrate on it.

These points are effective to maintain good relations Among employees. There are possibility that due to employees dissatisfaction they do not give their best. So feedback helps company to improve environment off organization. There must be different teams as per skills and equal role to every team mates, this increase their interaction among themselves.

P6 Key elements of employment legislation 

There are mandatory acts followed by company. These acts provides employees security at workplace. In case employee feel that company is cheating him then they can file petition under concern act. In ALDI when they place people for new candidate, then it is discussed with him/ her. There are some provisions which ALKLDI necessarily has to follow. In case there is change in policies of government then it affects business operations also. Some act are discussed below-

Safety and security act- There are many operations, held by workers. So as per this law this is essential that employer must take care of employee,s health and security. There must not be negative impact on health of worker. There must be proper light, ventilation, toilets, sitting facility, etc.

Equal remuneration act- As per this law there must not be discrimination among workers and equal pay must be given for same post to men and women. Many times at same post employer is not paying equal remuneration to women and men, in this case candidate can sue case against this law.

Equality act- According to this act, there must be equality in company. it means there must be not be discrimination on the basis of caste colour creed sex. This act protects employees from being discri8mnate at work place.

These laws provides safety to workers and create some fear in mind of employer so they can not turn everything according to themselves (Van Solinge and Henkens,  2014). 

Task 4 

P7 Application of HRM practices 

HR work is very dynamic these days. As ALDI is big organisation then there is many aspects which has to be followed by HR department. There are many activities in practical which has to  followed by HR department (Wright and McMahan, 2011).Interview, group description, assessment test, etc. are some major activities which has to be followed. It is essential that manger has to task care about these so it does not give wrong impact in negative manner.

Job Specification - Job specification is a written document which tells about skills required in candidate for particular post. There are different sets of activities which are required to be performed by candidates.

Job Specification

Organisation: ALDI

Job Title - Human Resource manager

Qualification - MBA or PGDM (Human Resources)

Essential Criteria: 

  • Knowledge about management theories.
  • Good convincing power.
  • Can cooperate between various departments.
  • Can create positive environment.

Desirable criteria: 

  • 1 or more years experience

  • good interaction skills required

  • Calm personality

  • Knowledge of employee related laws and regulation.

Job Description - This is important document which is used by company for their internal use. It is essential to tell HR manager about requirement of qualities at particular place.

Job Description 

Organisation:  ALDI

Division:          Human Resource Department

Job Title:        Human resource manager

Job Location:  New Zealand

Job Summary

Company is finding that employees who is highly capable and have  high knowledge which is required for post of assistant human resource manager. Hence firm can run effectively.


1. Checks that proper laws and polices are followed.

2. Maintaining peace among all employees and in firm.

3. Create polices regarding recruitment

4. Creates various training and development programmes and seminars  for employees.

 There are many candidates apply for the post, but it is essential to select best among them. This is responsibility of manager to sort people and there are possibilities that many company has to take different activities which are help to get best candidate for post. Assessment test, group discussion, etc. are some activities before personal interview. In this candidate come with curriculum vitae, this tells about his/ her competency and skills. 

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae 

Name: Aliza

Address :23rd Street, Nilon Tower, Burma

Phone No. -25698541

Profile summary:

An MBA in human resources with 2 years of experience wants to be part of ALDI. As there are scope of development to career. I have good command on English and religional language.


  • Recruitment
  • Training and development
  • Internship at Hotel Hilton for 2 months
  • Able to cooperate with different dilemma  of personnel

Educational qualification: - 

  • · BBA
  • · MBA (HR)


I hereby declare that all the information provided is true and is best of my knowledge.




There are roles and responsibilities of HR department, this is understandable through above discussion. There are many factors which affect business operations and discussion of HR. It is essential that company has to perform task in better way so there is cooperation among different departments of organisation. There are many employees in company and it is essential to create coordination among them. Business environment is changing very frequently so it is essential to analyse them and take corrective measures. There is change in  laws related to workers also, then it is essential to modify policies in proper way.  Employees are the component which helps company to perform task in better way, so HR manager must keep upgrading their policies. Job specification, job descriptions are some documents which are [prepared by HR manager to place best candidate. It is essential that performance has to be evaluated, so appraisals can be made.


  • Alfes, K., and et. al., 2013. The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model. The international journal of human resource management. 24(2). pp.330-351.
  • Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. 
  • Bloom, N. and Van Reenen, J., 2011. Human resource management and productivity. Handbook of labor economics. 4. pp.1697-1767.
  • Boxall, P. and Purcell, J., 2011. Strategy and human resource management. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2012. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Buller, P. F. and McEvoy, G.M., 2012. Strategy, human resource management and performance: Sharpening line of sight. Human resource management review. 22(1). pp.43-56. 
  • Guest, D. E., 2011. Human resource management and performance: still searching for some answers. Human resource management journal. 21(1). pp.3-13. 
  • Han, T. S., Chiang, H.H. and Chang, A., 2010. Employee participation in decision making, psychological ownership and knowledge sharing: mediating role of organizational commitment in Taiwanese high-tech organizations. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 21(12). pp.2218-2233. 
  • Huselid, M. A. and Becker, B.E., 2011. Bridging micro and macro domains: Workforce differentiation and strategic human resource management. 
  • Jiang, K., and et. al., 2012. How does human resource management influence organizational outcomes? A meta-analytic investigation of mediating mechanisms. Academy of management Journal. 55(6). pp.1264-1294.
  • Renwick, D. W., Redman, T. and Maguire, S., 2013. Green human resource management: A review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews. 15(1). pp.1-14.
  • Schalk, R., Timmerman, V. and Van den Heuvel, S., 2013. How strategic considerations influence decision making on e-HRM applications. Human Resource Management Review. 23(1). pp.84-92. 
  • Vaiman, V., Scullion, H. and Collings, D., 2012. Talent management decision making. Management Decision. 50(5). pp.925-941. 
  • Van Solinge, H. and Henkens, K., 2014. Work-related factors as predictors in the retirement decision-making process of older workers in the Netherlands. Ageing & Society. 34(9). pp.1551-1574. 
  • Wright, P. M. and McMahan, G. C., 2011. Exploring human capital: putting ‘human'back into strategic human resource management. Human Resource Management Journal. 21(2). pp.93-104.
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